Most recent items first:
- 2013-12-21 How Do I Go Back to a Regular Account after Updating to Windows 8.1?
- 2013-12-20 Why does this malware keep coming back?
- 2013-12-20 How can I tell what is being downloaded to my computer?
- 2013-12-20 Does visiting a search-engine cached page prevent the original site from noting my visit?
- 2013-12-17 Resource Monitor
- 2013-12-17 Scheduling CCleaner
- 2013-12-17 CCleaner – Windows Cleaning Tool
- 2013-12-14 Why haven’t you mentioned CryptoPrevent?
- 2013-12-14 My webmaster left. What do I do?
- 2013-12-14 If My Anti-virus is Working Properly, Do I Still Need a Firewall?
- 2013-12-14 What Do I Do If I Can’t Boot from a CD or DVD Drive?
- 2013-12-14 What’s an Open Port?
- 2013-12-13 Why Am I Getting the “USB Inserted” Sound When I Haven’t Inserted Anything?
- 2013-12-11 How Do I Use My Television Screen with My Laptop?
- 2013-12-11 Why am I getting limited connectivity at my local open wifi hotspot?
- 2013-12-09 Defragging
- 2013-12-08 Do I Need to Worry About the Latest Security Breach?
- 2013-12-06 How can I make a computer “Crash Proof?”
- 2013-12-06 Why Does Mail Hang Around in My Outbox Before Being Sent?
- 2013-12-06 Is My Router Acting as a DNS Server?
- 2013-12-06 Why does this ad imply I have a criminal record?
- 2013-12-05 Why do some people get 60 copies of messages I forward?
- 2013-12-03 Can I Combine Two Drives into One?
- 2013-12-02 Checking and Repairing a disk with CHKDSK
- 2013-11-29 Do I Need to Install IE 11?
- 2013-11-29 Do I Need to Deactivate My Old Anti-virus Before Installing the New One?
- 2013-11-27 Is Gmail’s targeted advertising a bad thing?
- 2013-11-27 Can I access the mail on my desktop from a networked machine?
- 2013-11-27 How Do I Keep a Program from Loading at Startup?
- 2013-11-21 Should My Anti-virus Scans Include My External Drives?
- 2013-11-21 Is Shockwave Player safe?
- 2013-11-21 How Do I Reinstall Internet Explorer?
- 2013-11-21 What’s in your toolkit?
- 2013-11-21 How safe is iCloud?
- 2013-11-19 Where’s My Disk Space Going?
- 2013-11-19 Why Does Microsoft Security Essentials seem to Interfere with System Restore?
- 2013-11-17 Why am I not getting any email?
- 2013-11-16 Uninstalling Software You Don’t Need
- 2013-11-16 I reinstalled Windows and lost a file on my desktop, what can I do?
- 2013-11-16 Using Windows Disk Cleanup
- 2013-11-16 Managing Windows Update
- 2013-11-15 If I buy the same model replacement machine, can I just move the hard disk?
- 2013-11-15 Why can’t we catch scammers?
- 2013-11-15 What Information Does a Laptop Leak on a Wireless Network?
- 2013-11-15 Why does my computer make a grinding noise when starting up?
- 2013-11-15 Do I need all these Office 2007 updates if I also have Office 2010?
- 2013-11-13 Why Can’t I Connect to My Hotel’s Wireless Network?
- 2013-11-09 Why can’t I restore my AppData folder from a backup?
- 2013-11-08 Why Can’t I Set Yahoo! as My Default Mail Program?
- 2013-11-08 How does a site identify me when I am using a VPN?
- 2013-11-08 Does a VPN give me complete security?
- 2013-11-08 How Do I Get My New Email to Be the Default Email in Windows?
- 2013-11-07 Creating a Password Reset Disc
- 2013-11-03 How do I save individual Outlook messages to a flash drive?
- 2013-11-03 How Do I Bypass this Web Blocking?
- 2013-11-03 Is it safe to let my daughter purchase online using my email address?
- 2013-11-03 I’ve been blocked because my IP address is on a blacklist. What do I do?
- 2013-11-01 Is there an ISP that I can use in two different places?
- 2013-11-01 Will Malware Infect the Backups on My Connected Backup Drives as Well?
- 2013-10-31 The Ask Leo! Guide to Routine Maintenance – Owners Page
- 2013-10-26 How does website or VPN encryption work?
- 2013-10-25 How Can I Back Up My Data More or Less Continuously?
- 2013-10-25 Why Are Sites Making It Difficult for Password Managers?
- 2013-10-24 How can I prove that I didn’t send a particular email?
- 2013-10-24 Why Did I Get this Additional Driver Utility?
- 2013-10-24 Can My Computer Be Hacked if I’m Offline at an Internet Café?
- 2013-10-23 How Do I Make a New Hotmail Account? Or Account?
- 2013-10-19 Where is my Outlook “PST” file located?
- 2013-10-18 Why Don’t My Speakers Work?
- 2013-10-18 My External Drive Is No Longer Visible. How Can I Get Its Contents?
- 2013-10-18 Can I backup one computer to another?
- 2013-10-18 How can I prevent someone from installing random stuff?
- 2013-10-18 What is InstallShield and Do I Need its Update Service?
- 2013-10-18 Why Does My Sound Quality Degrade over Time?
- 2013-10-18 Why Might an Uninstalled Program Still Be Listed?
- 2013-10-16 Creating a System Repair Disc
- 2013-10-13 Will an external drive left plugged in be damaged if there’s a power surge?
- 2013-10-10 What are your thoughts on utilities like SyncToy for backing up?
- 2013-10-10 Will adding an “s” to http make my connection secure?
- 2013-10-10 Why are applications and operating systems hiding so much these days?
- 2013-10-10 Why Don’t All USB Chargers Work on All USB Devices?
- 2013-10-10 Can I use backup software to move programs?
- 2013-10-10 Why Do I Keep Getting Certificate Errors from My School’s Website?
- 2013-10-10 Do I Need to Stop Using Microsoft Security Essentials?
- 2013-10-10 What Are’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Settings?
- 2013-10-09 Would it be worthwhile to upgrade my RAM?
- 2013-10-08 What are Yahoo’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP settings?
- 2013-10-05 Will my internet activities of years ago come back to haunt me?
- 2013-10-04 Why Does this Email Message Ask Me to Enable HTML When It Already Is Enabled?
- 2013-10-04 How do I fix Internet Explorer if it won’t open?
- 2013-10-04 Will backups run if my PC asks for a password?
- 2013-10-04 Can an ISP Remotely Access My Computer without My Knowledge?
- 2013-10-04 Why does my computer crash when I try to back up?
- 2013-10-02 How do I secure my website?
- 2013-09-28 What do I do if SFC detects but cannot fix a problem?
- 2013-09-28 Why didn’t my firewall stop this malware?
- 2013-09-27 Can a flash drive that has a Linux install on it become infected?
- 2013-09-27 Can I Be Sure My Machine Is Malware Free?
- 2013-09-27 How costly would it be for Microsoft to keep supporting XP?
- 2013-09-27 Why Is a Message Stuck in My Outbox?
- 2013-09-27 Is There Software that Will Transform Poor Quality Images and Videos?
- 2013-09-27 How Long Does Google Keep My Account Information?
- 2013-09-20 Can I move Office 2010 to another computer?
- 2013-09-20 Why Is My New Computer Flooded with Pop-ups and Ads?
- 2013-09-20 Will Anti-virus Programs for Windows XP Stop Being Updated when Microsoft Drops Support?
- 2013-09-20 Will Someone Hacking My Router Show up on My Computer?
- 2013-09-20 Why is mail getting automatically placed in a folder I didn’t create?
- 2013-09-20 Can I stop an “idle” computer from hitting the hard disk at all?
- 2013-09-20 If My Email Account is Hacked, What Kinds of Things Should I Check?
- 2013-09-20 Why Does My Monitor Go Dark for a Few Seconds?
- 2013-09-19 How Do I Change My Hotmail or Password?
- 2013-09-14 How Do I Switch to Linux?
- 2013-09-14 Why did my pictures disappear?
- 2013-09-14 Why Does My Internet Slow to a Crawl When My Desktop Is Turned On?
- 2013-09-12 How Did a Website Discover My Email Address?
- 2013-09-12 Why Can’t I Delete these Temp Files?
- 2013-09-12 Why Am I Getting “Open Block” Errors from My Photo Program?
- 2013-09-12 Can I Assign an IP Address to a Hub and Router?
- 2013-09-05 Archiving – What it is and why you need to start
- 2013-09-05 How Do I Print Hotmail Messages Without the Ads?
- 2013-09-05 How Do I Recover My Data from a Crashed Computer?
- 2013-09-05 Can I Rely on the URL Shown in the Browser’s Status Bar Being Accurate?
- 2013-09-04 Do I Need to Have a Google+ Profile to Use Picasa?
- 2013-09-04 Can a hacker get away with only my address book?
- 2013-09-04 What Does Error 500 from a Website Mean?
- 2013-09-04 Will locking my computer prevent scheduled and autorun programs from running?
- 2013-09-02 Shouldn’t Everyone Have Internet Access?
- 2013-08-31 Why Do I Get an Error When Viewing JPG Files?
- 2013-08-31 Should I Provide My Credit Card to Sites that Are Free?
- 2013-08-31 Can I Put Everything but the Operating System on an External Drive?
- 2013-08-31 I’m being abused by email. What do I do?
- 2013-08-31 Can Search Engines Track My Searches?
- 2013-08-31 How Do I Prevent this Folder from Opening on Startup?
- 2013-08-30 Can I use both a wireless mouse and keyboard without plugging in another USB receiver?
- 2013-08-30 Why does my cursor disappear while typing?
- 2013-08-24 Will I Lose All Data When My Computer Crashes?
- 2013-08-24 Why Do I Need to Unplug and Plug in my USB Device to Keep It Working?
- 2013-08-24 Will buying a new modem/router increase my internet speed?
- 2013-08-24 Why Is My Partially Recovered Document Still Not Readable?
- 2013-08-23 Is It Safe to Delete Log Files?
- 2013-08-23 Does Windows 8 Have XP Mode?
- 2013-08-23 Why am I getting double underlined links that display an ad?
- 2013-08-23 Is a $1000 Enough for a New Laptop to Last Me for Many Years?
- 2013-08-23 Scheduling CCleaner
- 2013-08-23 How risky will it be to keep running Windows XP?
- 2013-08-23 On Steve Ballmer leaving Microsoft
- 2013-08-17 Are Silent Background Updates a Good Thing?
- 2013-08-17 Can I Add More than One External Monitor to My Machine?
- 2013-08-17 Why Doesn’t Malware Appear in the Add/Remove Programs List?
- 2013-08-17 Can Backups of Email Be Hacked?
- 2013-08-17 Is There a Way to Determine which Browser Tab is Playing Sound?
- 2013-08-17 How Can I View Two Different Email Accounts at Once in a Browser?
- 2013-08-15 How can I share a single WiFi connection across multiple devices?
- 2013-08-11 Will a power loss cause data loss on SSDs?
- 2013-08-11 Why is my picture showing up next to emails I send?
- 2013-08-11 What’s an Exploit?
- 2013-08-11 Why Does My Monitor Stretch and Distort My Display?
- 2013-08-11 Will a failing hard drive have warning symptoms?
- 2013-08-09 What’s the difference between an ad and your recommendation?
- 2013-08-09 Do I really need to uninstall these programs to update my anti-virus?
- 2013-08-03 Can I Move an Installed Program from One Drive to Another?
- 2013-08-03 I’m not seeing a padlock with my https site. Is it safe?
- 2013-08-03 Is It Safe to Store Files on My Desktop?
- 2013-08-03 Does defragging too much harm my hard disk?
- 2013-08-03 Why Do Different Defrag Programs Give Different Results?
- 2013-08-03 How do I get rid of this annoying Facebook share pop-up?
- 2013-08-02 Defragging in Windows 7 (and later)
- 2013-07-27 Why is Windows using more memory over time?
- 2013-07-27 Can I replace my processor with a faster one?
- 2013-07-27 How Do I Keep My Computer from Being Hacked at Night?
- 2013-07-27 Why Is My Computer’s Fan Coming On?
- 2013-07-26 Does an Unstable System Imply a Hardware Problem?
- 2013-07-26 What Determines the Transfer Speed on My Home Network?
- 2013-07-26 Should I upgrade to a 64-bit operating system?
- 2013-07-25 Checking and Repairing a Disk with CHKDSK
- 2013-07-25 How Do I Change My Hotmail or Password If I Forgot It?
- 2013-07-21 Will Existing Updates Still Be Available after Windows XP Support Ends?
- 2013-07-21 Did Someone Log In to Google with My Password?
- 2013-07-21 How do I check a website for malware without infecting my own machine?
- 2013-07-21 Why Is AVG Telling Me IE Has High Memory Usage?
- 2013-07-21 Will a new computer burn DVDs faster?
- 2013-07-20 Why Can’t I Forward an Image in Email?
- 2013-07-20 How Can People Be Signed into Both Skype and Microsoft Messenger at the Same Time?
- 2013-07-17 How Do Those Ads Know Where I Live?
- 2013-07-14 How Do I Get a New Mail Notification for Yahoo! Mail?
- 2013-07-14 Does Restoring Windows 7 from a Backup also Restore XP Mode?
- 2013-07-14 Why Isn’t Outlook’s Junk Mail Filter Stopping More Spam?
- 2013-07-14 Does Opening Multiple Tabs Affect My Network Speed?
- 2013-07-12 Does downloading a lot on my smartphone shorten its life?
- 2013-07-11 How do I remove a failed Windows XP install?
- 2013-07-11 Why do I keep getting a CAPTCHA?
- 2013-07-11 How Do I Remove Only My Personal Information from a Computer?
- 2013-07-11 How Do I Shut Down Windows 8?
- 2013-07-05 What is WAIK that Macrium seems to want me to download?
- 2013-07-05 Can I Access One Email Account from Another?
- 2013-07-05 Why Did this Site Go Away? And How Do I Contact the Owner?
- 2013-07-05 How hard is it to change a laptop hard disk?
- 2013-07-05 What if the forwarding service goes away?
- 2013-07-05 Why is Java telling me it’s not installed when it is?
- 2013-07-05 How Do Webcams Get Hacked?
- 2013-07-05 Can my PC get a virus from my smartphone?
- 2013-06-30 How do I get Flash to work on my TV?
- 2013-06-30 Should I Remove the Battery if I Leave My Laptop Plugged In?
- 2013-06-30 Should I Update to the Latest Internet Explorer?
- 2013-06-30 Do I need to run the Malicious Software Removal tool?
- 2013-06-29 Does a wireless range extender compromise my security?
- 2013-06-29 Is It Better to Use Incremental or Differential Backups?
- 2013-06-29 Why Did I Lose Applications After My Machine was Formatted?
- 2013-06-29 I Can’t Upgrade to the Latest Windows. Should I Switch to Linux?
- 2013-06-28 Three Tips to Make Windows 8 Less Annoying
- 2013-06-24 What Does It Mean that Yahoo! Is Releasing Email Addresses?
- 2013-06-22 Is There a Way to Get a Notification Sound when Startup is Finished?
- 2013-06-22 Will Windows XP Keep Working after Support Ends?
- 2013-06-22 How do I defragment a hard drive on Windows XP?
- 2013-06-22 How do I slow down my router at night?
- 2013-06-22 Does Having Multiple Partitions Shorten My Hard Disk’s Life?
- 2013-06-22 Can I Remove Unneeded Language Folders and Files?
- 2013-06-21 How Do I Back Up Multiple Partitions?
- 2013-06-21 What Is wssetup.exe?
- 2013-06-15 What’s the Difference Between Typing and Copy/paste?
- 2013-06-15 Why Can’t People Click on Links I Send Them?
- 2013-06-15 How do I extract and identify the music in a Powerpoint presentation?
- 2013-06-14 Can I Just Run Macrium and Do a Restore?
- 2013-06-14 Why is email I’m sending being received by someone I’m not sending to?
- 2013-06-14 Can I create rescue disks for any point in time?
- 2013-06-14 Should I wait for the next edition of Windows?
- 2013-06-13 Can I Play My Old Games on My 64-bit Computer?
- 2013-06-09 Why am I getting security certificate errors?
- 2013-06-09 Does My Information Get Deleted from the Cloud If I Delete the Associated Software?
- 2013-06-08 Should I update my hard drive?
- 2013-06-08 Can I Use a Backup Image to Wipe Free Space?
- 2013-06-08 Why Does My Browser Warn Me that “Only Secure Content Is Displayed?”
- 2013-06-07 Will it cause a problem if Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant warns me that a program is incompatible, but it works?
- 2013-06-07 Do I need to have a separate data backup if I backup my system regularly?
- 2013-06-07 Why Does the Size of My Office File Grow Excessively after I Make Simple Changes?
- 2013-06-05 Managing Windows Update
- 2013-06-02 Why Doesn’t My Machine’s IP Address Match What I’m Told on the Internet?
- 2013-06-02 Do I need a new motherboard for a new version of DirectX?
- 2013-06-02 What’s the “Appdata roaming” folder?
- 2013-06-02 Why do new windows open underneath others?
- 2013-06-02 How Do I Remove Ransomware?
- 2013-06-01 How Do I Stop My Homepage from Changing?
- 2013-06-01 Can I email myself a full length movie?
- 2013-06-01 How Do I Restore a Registry Backup if I Can’t Boot?
- 2013-06-01 Can I Back Up Files to Save Space?
- 2013-06-01 How Much of the Swap File Actually Gets Used?
- 2013-05-26 What is DHCP?
- 2013-05-25 How Do I Print an Email in (Formerly Hotmail)?
- 2013-05-25 Why can’t I see the files on a CD I created?
- 2013-05-25 Why Might an Update Take a Large Amount of Space?
- 2013-05-24 If an IP address doesn’t do it, then how does Google know my location?
- 2013-05-24 Can I Use More than One Browser?
- 2013-05-24 Are Records Better than CDs?
- 2013-05-24 How risky it is to run Ubuntu from a flash drive?
- 2013-05-24 Can an ISP tell me who’s reading my email?
- 2013-05-23 What’s this obscure message on my monitor and why can’t I make it go away?
- 2013-05-23 Why does my computer continually reboot?
- 2013-05-21 How Do I Automatically Clean Out My Accumulation of Backups?
- 2013-05-19 Why is Microsoft Security Essentials constantly saying potentially unprotected?
- 2013-05-19 If I copy a file to another drive will it be fragmented the same way?
- 2013-05-17 What’s the easiest way to restore my machine to original factory settings if I didn’t get discs?
- 2013-05-17 Why Doesn’t My External Monitor Work?
- 2013-05-17 What Does It Mean When My Email Program Asks If It Should Compact My Email?
- 2013-05-17 Should I Use Windows File Compression?
- 2013-05-16 Can I Simply Copy Everything on My Drive in Case Something Bad Happens?
- 2013-05-16 Is My Data Safe in an Online Backup Program?
- 2013-05-16 Why Are Emails I Receive Five Minutes out of Sync?
- 2013-05-16 How Do I Reinstall Downloaded Programs?
- 2013-05-11 Do You Recommend a Transfer Cable for Transferring Files from My Old Computer to My New One?
- 2013-05-11 Would changing user names result in additional security?
- 2013-05-11 Where do attachments live once they’re sent?
- 2013-05-10 How do I open an .isc file in
- 2013-05-10 Do I need Windows Live Essentials?
- 2013-05-10 I Canceled a Suspicious Download. Am I Safe?
- 2013-05-09 Do Gmail Preview Images Pose a Security Risk?
- 2013-05-09 Changing Windows Explorer Settings
- 2013-05-06 Microsoft Surface Pro: the Good, the Bad and the Awkward
- 2013-05-05 How Do I Find the IP Address of the Person Who Created a Gmail Account in My Name?
- 2013-05-05 How Do I Detect Web Beacons in Email?
- 2013-05-05 Is a Long Password of Repeating Characters Good or Not?
- 2013-05-05 Is there some way I can keep Windows Live Messenger?
- 2013-05-04 Is Geotagging My Photos a Bad Thing?
- 2013-05-04 What If a Password is Limited to only 8 Characters?
- 2013-05-04 How Do I Change the Default Installation Drive?
- 2013-05-04 How do I remove myself from a website I didn’t ask to be on?
- 2013-04-29 Should I Be Worried about the “Open in Other Locations” Message from Gmail?
- 2013-04-28 I Run No Anti-virus Software and Now Have Viruses. What Should I Do?
- 2013-04-27 How do I get rid of this advertising popup that keeps coming back?
- 2013-04-25 Does Windows Support Drives Larger than Two Terabytes?
- 2013-04-25 Why is a website telling me I need IE8 when I already run IE8?
- 2013-04-25 Why is Norton preventing me from installing Classic Shell?
- 2013-04-25 Should I Defrag the D Drive on My Windows XP?
- 2013-04-25 Why do I get script error messages in Windows 8 and not prior versions of Windows?
- 2013-04-24 How Do I Create a Windows 7 Password Reset Disk, and Why Would I Want To?
- 2013-04-22 Is it safe to use a mobile banking app over an open Wi-Fi connection?
- 2013-04-18 Does Turning Off Network Discovery Improve Wireless Security?
- 2013-04-17 64-bit and 32-bit: Which Do You Want? Which Do You Have?
- 2013-04-13 Replacing An Old Hard Disk With a Solid State Drive (SSD)
- 2013-04-12 How Do I Access a Tile on a Hard Drive From Another Windows Installation with Restrictive Permissions?
- 2013-04-12 What’s Up with this IP Address?
- 2013-04-12 Why is Bluetooth Often so Flakey?
- 2013-04-12 Why Can’t I Go To a URL that Avast Tells Me is Related to a Trojan Horse?
- 2013-04-12 Why am I getting Object Errors on Windows 8 when I visit ESPN and Yahoo Sports?
- 2013-04-12 Survey Pop Ups – Annoying Ad or Even More Annoying Spyware?
- 2013-04-08 Can I copy one USB drive to another without using a computer?
- 2013-04-07 Is Google Talk a good thing?
- 2013-04-07 How do I move all emails of a certain year to a folder?
- 2013-04-07 Why does Flash keep crashing in Firefox, but work fine in Chrome and IE?
- 2013-04-06 How Do I Create a Windows 7 System Repair Disk, and What Can I Do With It?
- 2013-04-06 Why am I getting tracking cookies from your site?
- 2013-04-05 Which laptop is best?
- 2013-04-05 How can I switch back to the old Hotmail from
- 2013-04-03 There’s Just No Need to Hate Windows 8
- 2013-03-31 Leo’s 2013 Sabbatical Results
- 2013-03-31 Why Am I Asked About Putting a lot of Things on the Clipboard? And What’s a Clipboard?
- 2013-03-31 Why Are Blank Messages Showing Up in My Hotmail Drafts Folder?
- 2013-03-31 Why might streaming music play only with starts and stops?
- 2013-03-29 Can I move this green block of files in disk defragmenter?
- 2013-03-29 Can I remove all these updates listed in add/remove programs?
- 2013-03-28 Why do some sites ask to store information on my machine?
- 2013-03-25 What does it mean when “traces” are left behind from malware removal?
- 2013-03-25 Why do some Android apps need so many permissions?
- 2013-03-24 Does minimizing the time data is spent in use improve security?
- 2013-03-24 Do I need to be online to perform anti-malware scans or backups?
- 2013-03-24 What password should I change on my router for security?
- 2013-03-23 Are bigger internal memory or RAM sticks faster then those with less capacity?
- 2013-03-22 Are hard drives getting more reliable?
- 2013-03-18 How do I know what sites to enable in NoScript?
- 2013-03-18 How do I obtain the ID of a spammer to block their spam?
- 2013-03-18 How do I enter my product key if I can't read it from the sticker on my machine?
- 2013-03-18 Why does copying text from some sites cause a program to stop working?
- 2013-03-17 Why does my backup fail after 13 discs?
- 2013-03-16 Do I need a specific type of Ethernet card to connect to the internet through my DSL modem?
- 2013-03-16 Why does my screen suddenly scroll to the bottom when I'm typing?
- 2013-03-15 How should I configure my email so that clicking mail links in other programs works?
- 2013-03-11 Why is my 750GB external hard drive full when it has only 70GB on it?
- 2013-03-10 How can I prevent neighbors from accessing the open WiFi hotspot I provide to my customers?
- 2013-03-09 If my router keeps losing connectivity does that mean I'm being hacked?
- 2013-03-09 Can I move Office 2010 from my old computer to my new one?
- 2013-03-08 Why can't I format the memory in my camera to empty it?
- 2013-03-08 Am I scanning for malware too often?
- 2013-03-08 Is it possible to use exotic characters to make passwords stronger?
- 2013-03-07 Do Apple Computers get malware?
- 2013-03-04 How should I deal with two different programs that handle the same file extension?
- 2013-03-04 Is it safe to look, just look, at spam?
- 2013-03-04 How can I see all emails from a specific person grouped together?
- 2013-03-03 Why does a web page redraw several times before it's done?
- 2013-03-03 Does the TOR Browser provide any additional anonymity as compared to just running TOR?
- 2013-03-02 Which is better, cable or DSL?
- 2013-03-01 My CPU doesn't meet Windows 8 requirements, can I simply replace it?
- 2013-03-01 Can I remove malware myself or do I need to pay someone?
- 2013-02-24 Why didn't my anti-malware tool catch malware that was delivered when I visited an adult site?
- 2013-02-24 Do I need both disk cleanup and CCleaner?
- 2013-02-24 Why has the spam I'm seeing increased?
- 2013-02-23 Why do I keep getting this random "Your computer is at risk" message?
- 2013-02-23 Why don't my speakers work?
- 2013-02-22 How do I resolve Javascript syntax errors suddenly popping up on most web sites I visit?
- 2013-02-21 Can I print to my printer at home while I'm on the road?
- 2013-02-21 Do I need to make a new recovery disc each time I backup my system?
- 2013-02-18 Does WPA2 wireless access control pre-empt MAC address filtering?
- 2013-02-17 My machine's suddenly started acting erratically, even after a reinstall. How do I fix it?
- 2013-02-17 Why has my computer been locked by cyber cops?
- 2013-02-17 Could my email account hack be related to my computer being stolen the week before?
- 2013-02-15 Why did I get infected even though I run anti-malware software?
- 2013-02-15 Why might deleting cookies cause my computer to be unauthorized with online accounts?
- 2013-02-14 Why isn't my product key from one machine recognized using the installation CD from another?
- 2013-02-11 How do I save Yahoo email files to DVD?
- 2013-02-11 Should I turn off my wired router while I'm away for two months?
- 2013-02-10 Is there any real difference between copying files using copy/paste versus copy-to-folder?
- 2013-02-10 Do I need to set up a Microsoft Account with Windows 8?
- 2013-02-09 How do I go back to Windows 7 from Windows 8?
- 2013-02-09 Are there any legitimate work-at-home sites?
- 2013-02-08 How do we get search engines to include dates in the search results?
- 2013-02-07 Are CAPTCHAs case sensitive?
- 2013-02-04 Why do I get "The XML page cannot be displayed" after running a Microsoft Troubleshooter?
- 2013-02-04 Why won't PDFs open reliably in Thunderbird?
- 2013-02-04 Why does Hotmail occasionally log me off even though I've said "keep me logged in"?
- 2013-02-04 Why has my laptop monitor started showing white as turquoise?
- 2013-02-04 Why does Macrium ask for a Username and Password to schedule a backup?
- 2013-02-03 How do I get Windows to actually shut down programs that cause it to wait for me on exit?
- 2013-01-28 Why won't my newly purchased game CD read in my DVD drive?
- 2013-01-28 Do I need a firewall for my Android device?
- 2013-01-28 How do I determine, not reset, the Windows administrator password?
- 2013-01-28 Will using a router improve my internet connection?
- 2013-01-27 I clicked on a bogus link in spam. What should I do?
- 2013-01-27 Why is my Hotmail login not being remembered?
- 2013-01-27 Why are progress bars so awful?
- 2013-01-23 How do I install software from CD to a computer that has no CD drive?
- 2013-01-23 Will deleting history free up space?
- 2013-01-23 Should I update drivers regularly?
- 2013-01-23 Why doesn't CHKDSK work on my DVD drive?
- 2013-01-23 How do I get at system restore since it disappeared from my Start menu?
- 2013-01-23 Is 60 megabits per second too much bandwidth?
- 2013-01-23 How do I convert wpg files?
- 2013-01-23 Why do I get only half of the pictures displayed in email?
- 2013-01-21 Why is emptying my spam folder the only time my computer actually produces sound?
- 2013-01-21 Why do my quick launch shortcuts sometimes stop working?
- 2013-01-21 How do I get a driver that Windows says is missing for my camera?
- 2013-01-21 How do I block floating ads on webpages?
- 2013-01-21 Can ransomware impact my backups on an external drive?
- 2013-01-20 Is it safe to let Quicken remember my online banking information?
- 2013-01-20 How do I edit the hosts file in Windows 7?
- 2013-01-20 Why do I still get viruses even though I run Norton?
- 2013-01-17 How do I get Firefox to work properly on my Windows 7 x64 system?
- 2013-01-17 Should I get Outlook or just use Windows Live Mail?
- 2013-01-17 How do I get the document path and filename printed in the footer of my Word documents?
- 2013-01-16 Are multiple administrator accounts on a single machine a bad thing?
- 2013-01-16 How do I fix "Windows Installer not working" after I ran a registry cleaner?
- 2013-01-16 How do you put your signature at the end of every newsletter?
- 2013-01-16 Does Microsoft Fix-it really fix it?
- 2013-01-15 How do I go back to Windows 7?
- 2013-01-14 How do I get this downloaded .avi file to play on my DVD player?
- 2013-01-14 If flash memory is being used in solid state drives, isn't it going to wear out?
- 2013-01-13 How do I delete my Gmail account if Gmail won't let me?
- 2013-01-13 Why can't I post a comment on your website?
- 2013-01-13 Why can't I copy this large video from my camera to my PC?
- 2013-01-13 Why are my Office programs suddenly taking a long time to start and stop?
- 2013-01-12 How do I get Windows Live Mail to increase my storage allocation?
- 2013-01-12 How can I safely wipe and dispose of old hard drives?
- 2013-01-12 Should I Disable Java, and If So, How?
- 2013-01-10 How do I get rid of Google Redirect/YellowMoxie?
- 2013-01-10 How do I install Windows 7 within Windows 8?
- 2013-01-10 Can I install my copy of Windows 7 into a virtual machine running that same copy?
- 2013-01-10 Is there a way to determine if someone actually sent me an email if I didn't receive it?
- 2013-01-09 How Do I Burn the Latest Ubuntu to CD?
- 2013-01-09 How do I view a full-screen application in a window in Windows 8?
- 2013-01-09 Why is my email bouncing because of too many being sent at once?
- 2013-01-08 Why won't a picture copied into Word from a webpage always print?
- 2013-01-07 Is CCleaner deleting System Restore points?
- 2013-01-07 Is online email ever really deleted permanently?
- 2013-01-07 Is there a way to save two copies of a file in two places at once?
- 2013-01-07 Do I need these 32-bit updates listed for applications I'm running in my 64-bit edition of Windows?
- 2013-01-06 Leo's 2013 Sabbatical
- 2013-01-05 Should I reboot into Linux to do my online banking?
- 2013-01-05 Why does my dial-up connection drop every so often?
- 2013-01-05 Why can't I resize this window?
- 2013-01-05 Can I move a hard drive from a computer using an Intel CPU to one using an AMD CPU?
- 2013-01-02 How do I install something if I keep getting an LUA error message?
- 2013-01-02 How do I backup my AOL email?
- 2013-01-02 How do I put two labels on a message in Gmail?
- 2013-01-02 What's this thing called "PROGRAM" in my Start menu?
- 2013-01-02 Is there an easier way to combine documents than Copy/Paste?
- 2013-01-02 How do I fix "COM surrogate stopped working" when browsing pictures?
- 2013-01-02 Is Yahoo email safe?
- 2013-01-02 Why do I still get Office 2010 updates after uninstalling it?
Prior Years