Articles tagged: Featured

Windows Update on Windows 7

Why Am I Still Getting Updates for Windows 7?

Windows Update can update more than just the Windows operating system. So keeping it up to date is still a good idea.

The LastPass message

No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In Problems

While travelling, I signed in to my LastPass account only to be told I needed to confirm an email message that never arrived — or so I thought. home page

How To Use Microsoft Word for Transcriptions

Microsoft Word online has the option to create transcriptions of audio recordings for Microsoft Office subscribers.

Windows 11

Did Microsoft Lie?

The release of Windows 11 proved the statement that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows to be wrong. But was it a lie?

Please Wait

How I Fixed a Failed Windows 10 Update

Windows Update generally works. Here’s the successful approach I took when it didn’t.

There's more to ransomware than just encryption.

When Backups Might Not Save You from Ransomware

Ransomware is known for encrypting your data and holding it hostage. It turns out that it can do more that backups won’t protect against.

You Are Here!

Someone Has My IP Address – Should I Be Scared?

If someone threatens you because they know your IP address, it’s an empty threat.

Kid for Hire

Should I Just Hire a Hacker to Recover My Account?

Desperation can lead you to consider hiring so-called “legit”, “ethical”, or “white-hat” hackers to regain control of a your account. Don’t do it.

Sereotypical Hooded Hacker Image

Just What Is a Hack?

Hack or hacking can mean several different things — both good and bad — depending on the context. I’ll review the most common definitions.

The ubiquitous email at sign.

How Should I Back Up Email?

Configuring a PC-based email program to use IMAP and have it constantly download email as a backup is a reasonable way to go.


How Long Will My SSD Last?

We keep hearing that SSDs and other flash-based drives wear out. Particularly when it comes to SSDs, there are ways you can see how close to wearing out your drive might be.


How Do I Contact Customer Service?

People ask every day how they can reach someone at Microsoft to help with Hotmail and problems. There is help.

Go Away

What Do I Do About Websites Bugging Me About Notifications?

Responding to notification permissions is annoying. In some browsers, we can turn that off completely.


How Do I Make Sure I Don’t Have Malware?

It’s impossible to know your machine has no malware. What does that mean for your safety?

Extensions page in Microsoft Edge.

Can Browser Extensions See My Bank Account?

Browser extensions are often installed with little thought to the immense security risk they present.

Backup 74% Complete

Can’t I Just Copy Everything to Back Up?

It’s tempting to just use file-copy tools to back up what you think you need. But you can easily miss something very important.

A two-factor key fob.

The Easy-to-Avoid Two-Factor Loss Risk

Two-factor authentication is an important tool to keep accounts secure, but prepare for losing the second factor so you don’t lose your account.


Facebook Privacy Settings 2021

You can and should be aware of and control your Facebook privacy settings.

SMS Eavesdropping

Yes, SMS Two-Factor Authentication is Broken; Use it Anyway

SMS messaging has some serious security vulnerabilities, but does that mean you should always avoid it? No.

Worry. It rarely helps.

Should I Worry About Old Lost Email Accounts?

That old account you lost probably won’t come back to haunt you, but it’s wise to take some action and keep your guard up.

OneDrive Too Big

What if My OneDrive is Too Big for My Hard Drive?

Cloud storage is ubiquitous, convenient, and BIG. There are options if OneDrive is too big for your hard drive.

What Now, Lastpass?

What Should I Do About the Changes to LastPass Free?

LastPass is changing the terms of their free service. Find out if you’re affected, and what to do if you are.

Laptop in a Hotel Conference Room

Can Hotel Internet Traffic Be Sniffed?

Many hotels offer both wired and wireless internet, but with those hotel internet connections comes a security risk most folks don’t consider.

Windows Update

Should I Avoid Windows Update? It Burned Me

After a bad experience with Windows Update, it’s tempting to bail on the idea completely. Unfortunately, that can leave your machine vulnerable to malware.


What’s Up with WhatsApp Terms of Service?

WhatsApp announced privacy policy changes requiring your agreement to continue using it. Has anything really changed?


Why Password Managers Are [Still] Safer than the Alternatives

If you’re not using a password manager, you’re likely compromising your security more than necessary. Here’s why using one is safer.


You’re Just Not That Interesting (Except When You Are)

Worried about privacy? I believe we over-imagine the risks and at the same time are our own worst enemies.


Will Ransomware Encrypt Backups?

A full-image backup is still the best defense against ransomware. But what if your backup gets encrypted? I’ll look at the likelihood of that happening and make some recommendations.


How Do I Decrypt Files Encrypted by Ransomware?

Once your files are encrypted by ransomware, your options are few. If you’re not prepared, there are a few straws to grasp at.

What is Windows 10 End of Service?

Why You’re Being Warned About Windows 10 End of Service and What to Do About It

Windows 10 warns when it’s coming to “end of service”, but what does that mean if Windows 10 is always being updated?

No Flash

What Do I Do About Adobe Flash End of Life in 2020?

Support for Adobe Flash will end at the end of 2020. The good news is that most sites have stopped needing it. For those that do, there’s really no alternative.

Facebook locked

Facebook Hacked? What You Need to Do NOW!

Facebook account hacks happen. Take these steps to recover your account and prevent it from being hacked again.

Back Up!

How to Back Up Before a Windows 10 Upgrade

Always back up before a Windows 10 upgrade, update, or reinstall. Create a full system image backup of up your entire machine.

It. Doesn't. Work!!!

How Do I Report a Bug in Windows 10?

It’s easy to report a bug in Windows 10. The question is, is it worth your time?

Don’t Call Yourself Stupid

Don’t Call Yourself Stupid

Some people call themselves “dumb” or “stupid” when it comes to computers. There’s little that frustrates me more.

Getting Rid of Bing in Windows Search

Getting Rid of Bing in Windows Search

We can’t change the search engine used by Windows Search when searching the web, but we can avoid Bing by not having Windows Search search the web at all.


How to Remove PUPs and Other Unexpected Things From Your Computer

Casually installing one download may result in several other things being installed. I’ll review the steps to remove these pesky, problematic, painful, Potentially Unwanted Programs, or PUPs.

Are You Asking Too Much of Your Computer?

Are You Asking Too Much of Your Computer?

It’s very common for our usage and expectations of our computers to grow over time. Unfortunately, that means we’ll eventually run into its limitations.

How Do I Get Rid of Gmail Tabs? How to Regain Control and Find the Email Gmail Might Be Hiding From You

How Do I Get Rid of Gmail Tabs? How to Regain Control and Find the Email Gmail Might Be Hiding From You

Gmail introduced a tabbed interface to automatically categorize email messages. Since their categorization often misses the mark, let’s turn it off.

Should I Use FAT32 or NTFS on a Flash Drive?

Should I Use FAT32 or NTFS on a Flash Drive? The Differences, and a Third Alternative

File systems are commonly formatted as FAT32, NFTS, or exFAT. Which is best for your thumb drive?

What if I Lose My Second Factor?

What If I Lose My Second Factor?

When you lose your second factor, there are two things to be concerned about: getting into your own account — for which you should be prepared — and someone else having access to your second factor — which isn’t as scary as it sounds.

Your password is . . .

Why Can’t Online Services Tell Me My Password?

It’s for your own protection, and the result of fascinating mathematical wizardry. And if they can tell you your password? They’re doing security wrong.

What Laptop Would You Buy for $1500? My Choice, and My Recommendation for You

What Laptop Would You Buy for $1500? My Choice, and My Recommendation for You

This is a question I generally avoid answering, but I will anyway. The problem is I can’t really tell you what to purchase, since your needs are undoubtedly different than mine.


Can My Work Spy on My Home Computer?

Using a computer at work puts you at their mercy. It’s technically possible your workplace could spy on all your activities.

What to Do With an Old Computer You've Been Given - What I Did With Mine

What to Do With an Old Computer You’ve Been Given – What I Did With Mine

When I’m given an old computer, there are a few things I do for the safety of the original owners, myself, and the planet.

Password Field Entry

Who’s Trying to Change My Password?

If your account has not actually been hacked, there’s little anyone can do to find out who’s trying to log in as you. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself from would-be hackers and phishing scams.

Hand above a keyboard

What’s the Best Registry Cleaner? What to Use and Not

The best registry cleaner is none at all. There may be cases where you want to use one, though, and I’ll review which I’d use and how to use them safely.


Why a Chromebook?

Chromebooks can be a viable alternative for those who do most of their computing online and are looking for a simpler, perhaps more stable, yet powerful device.

Security Breach!

What Should I Do When My Information Is Involved in a Breach?

If your account is ever part of a breach, secure it to avoid further risk.

Resetting Windows 10

Five Steps to Repair Windows 10 Without Losing Programs

Before you give up and reinstall Windows, try to repair Windows 10 without losing programs.