Articles tagged: Featured
Why Do an Image Backup If I Can Factory Reset?
Factory reset is a great option to have, but it doesn’t cover all the scenarios a full image backup does.
How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?
The ability to create a local user account on Windows hasn’t been removed; it’s just not obvious where to find it.
How Do I Prevent a Repeat of Ransomware?
All malware is scary, especially ransomware due to the damage it can inflict. Here’s how to avoid a repeat performance.
Am I Safe?
There is no such thing as absolute safety. But there are definitely steps you can take to be as safe as possible.
Someone Is in My Computer, Controlling it. What Can I Do?
When things behave unexpectedly, many people assume their computer has been compromised by remote hackers. Many of those people are wrong.
How Do I Turn Off BitLocker on a Drive?
BitLocker is a fine approach to encrypting hard drives, especially the system drive. It’s easy to turn off BitLocker if you decide you no longer need it.
Why Your “Unimportant” Accounts Matter
Regardless of your initial thoughts, every account is important, and we are all targets.
How Secure Is Email?
Email is ubiquitous and convenient, yet surprisingly, not particularly secure. I’ll look at why that is and when you should worry.
Can I Move My Hard Drive to a New Computer and Have Windows Work?
Windows configures itself to the hardware it finds — but changing everything at once by moving the system disk to a different machine might be too much.
Why “Always Keep on this Device” Doesn’t
The “Always keep on this device” feature has misled people into deleting and losing important files. Here’s why, and what to do instead.
How Hackers Use Malicious Attachments to Give You Malware
Another day, another report of hackers exploiting vulnerabilities. Here’s how you stay safe.
Why Is My OneDrive Full?
OneDrive tries to make it easy to back up important folders, but at the cost of making some things very confusing.
How Do I Find Good Local Computer Help?
Good help is hard to find. That’s just as true when it comes to finding good local computer service and support as it is anywhere else.
Should I Repair or Replace My Computer?
Repair or replace can be a difficult decision. I’ll review a few factors to consider when deciding.
How I Avoid Social Media Algorithms
The goal of many social media companies is to keep you engaged as long as possible. You can avoid social media algorithms and take back (some) control.
How Does Facebook Track Me Even If I Don’t Have an Account?
Facebook can use standard web protocols to get an idea of what you’re doing online, even if you don’t have an account.
Is Passwordless Authentication Safe?
Passwordless authentication removes the need for a password and replaces it with something else. But can that be secure?
My Favorite Question
My favorite question? You’ll never guess. Hint: it makes my job super easy, and you don’t want that.
I’m Suddenly Getting More Spam Emails. Should I Be Worried?
A sudden flood of additional spam is not unusual. I’ll look at why I think it happens, and when I start to worry.
What Is a TPM? And Why Do I Need One?
Windows 11 hardware requirements brought the TPM, or Trusted Platform Module, into the spotlight. I’ll touch on what it is, why your machine might not appear to have one, and what to do if it doesn’t.
Do Random Words Make Better Passwords?
As few as three random words make better passwords than strings of random characters — but not, perhaps, for the reasons you think.
Responses to Your Three Common Password Manager Objections
Password vaults are a common recommendation by security professionals to improve your online security. Why do so many resist?
A Data Breach Has My Data. What Do I Do?
Another day, another breach. What should you do if you’re involved?
Why Am I Getting Email Sent to an Email Address Similar to Mine?
It’s not uncommon to get unexpected email sent to an email address similar to your own. I’ll review why that is and what to do about it.
My Keyboard Won’t Work after Windows Update. How Do I Fix It?
If your keyboard won’t work after a Windows Update, there’s a lengthy list of things to try to get it back.
Why Am I Still Getting Updates for Windows 7?
Windows Update can update more than just the Windows operating system. So keeping it up to date is still a good idea.
No Email from LastPass? Dealing with Sign-In Problems
While travelling, I signed in to my LastPass account only to be told I needed to confirm an email message that never arrived — or so I thought.
How To Use Microsoft Word for Transcriptions
Microsoft Word online has the option to create transcriptions of audio recordings for Microsoft Office subscribers.
Did Microsoft Lie?
The release of Windows 11 proved the statement that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows to be wrong. But was it a lie?
How I Fixed a Failed Windows 10 Update
Windows Update generally works. Here’s the successful approach I took when it didn’t.
When Backups Might Not Save You from Ransomware
Ransomware is known for encrypting your data and holding it hostage. It turns out that it can do more that backups won’t protect against.
Should I Just Hire a Hacker to Recover My Account?
Desperation can lead you to consider hiring so-called “legit”, “ethical”, or “white-hat” hackers to regain control of a your account. Don’t do it.
Just What Is a Hack?
Hack or hacking can mean several different things — both good and bad — depending on the context. I’ll review the most common definitions.
How Should I Back Up Email?
Configuring a PC-based email program to use IMAP and have it constantly download email as a backup is a reasonable way to go.
How Long Will My SSD Last?
We keep hearing that SSDs and other flash-based drives wear out. Particularly when it comes to SSDs, there are ways you can see how close to wearing out your drive might be.
How Do I Contact Customer Service?
People ask every day how they can reach someone at Microsoft to help with Hotmail and problems. There is help.
What Do I Do About Websites Bugging Me About Notifications?
Responding to notification permissions is annoying. In some browsers, we can turn that off completely.
How Do I Make Sure I Don’t Have Malware?
It’s impossible to know your machine has no malware. What does that mean for your safety?
Can Browser Extensions See My Bank Account?
Browser extensions are often installed with little thought to the immense security risk they present.
Can’t I Just Copy Everything to Back Up?
It’s tempting to just use file-copy tools to back up what you think you need. But you can easily miss something very important.
The Easy-to-Avoid Two-Factor Loss Risk
Two-factor authentication is an important tool to keep accounts secure, but prepare for losing the second factor so you don’t lose your account.
Facebook Privacy Settings 2021
You can and should be aware of and control your Facebook privacy settings.
Yes, SMS Two-Factor Authentication is Broken; Use it Anyway
SMS messaging has some serious security vulnerabilities, but does that mean you should always avoid it? No.
Should I Worry About Old Lost Email Accounts?
That old account you lost probably won’t come back to haunt you, but it’s wise to take some action and keep your guard up.
What if My OneDrive is Too Big for My Hard Drive?
Cloud storage is ubiquitous, convenient, and BIG. There are options if OneDrive is too big for your hard drive.
What Should I Do About the Changes to LastPass Free?
LastPass is changing the terms of their free service. Find out if you’re affected, and what to do if you are.
Can Hotel Internet Traffic Be Sniffed?
Many hotels offer both wired and wireless internet, but with those hotel internet connections comes a security risk most folks don’t consider.
Should I Avoid Windows Update? It Burned Me
After a bad experience with Windows Update, it’s tempting to bail on the idea completely. Unfortunately, that can leave your machine vulnerable to malware.
What’s Up with WhatsApp Terms of Service?
WhatsApp announced privacy policy changes requiring your agreement to continue using it. Has anything really changed?