Articles tagged: The Best of Ask Leo!

Wireless internet in the home.

How Do I Get Wireless Internet?

You hear a lot about wireless internet, but it’s not something you can just connect to anywhere. It’s more often something you purchase and set up.


How to Use Just a Single Password for Everything

It’s very tempting to use only a single password everywhere. That’s dangerous, and there are better alternatives.

Power Button

My Computer Doesn’t Work — What Do I Do?

People often ask what might be broken if their computer does nothing. It’s a long list, and I’ll look at some possibilities.

About Thunderbird

Thunderbird: a Free, Open Source, and Powerful Email Client

Thunderbird is a robust and powerful email program that can meet the needs of both light and power users. I use it all day every day.

Email Mailbox (conceptual)

How Do I Change My Email Name?

Changing your email name is usually easy, but changing your email address involves setting up a new account.

Frustration at a laptop.

My Computer Is Infected With Malware. Should I Just Throw It Out?

Malware is just software. It doesn’t destroy your computer’s hardware in any way. Some work will get you back up and running without needing to destroy anything.

No Forwarding!

Why Shouldn’t I “Forward to Everyone You Know”?

We often get forwarded email warning us about everything from lost children to free money to crooked politicians. They’re mostly bogus, and they’re known as urban legends. Here’s how to tell.


What Is a Browser Cache? How Do I Clear It?

Clearing your browser cache is the first thing to try when you encounter webpage problems. I’ll look at why and how to clear your cache.

Busy light.

Why Do I Have Constant Disk Activity in Windows?

Unexplained disk activity is easy to identify with the right tools. We’ll use Process Monitor.

Return to Sender

Will Email Bounce If I Send It to a Closed Account?

If you send email to an invalid address or a closed account, you may get a bounce back. You just can’t count on it.

Outlook Icon

What’s the Difference Between Outlook, Outlook, and

Microsoft continues to confuse us with product names. I’ll clarify the difference between Outlook, Outlook, and, and help you decide which you want.

hiberfile.sys, pagefile.sys, swapfile.sys in Windows File Explorer

What Are Hiberfil.sys, Swapfile.sys, and Pagefile.sys, and How Do I Remove Them?

Hiberfil.sys, pagefile.sys, and swapfile.sys are Windows system files that support two very important features: hibernation and virtual memory.

Map with a pin in it.

How Do I Get Someone’s Location From an IP Address?

While getting someone’s name and address from their IP address is technically possible, it’s also difficult and requires law enforcement’s help.

Dropbox in the Google Play store.

Back Up Smartphone Photos Using Dropbox

Smartphones are a popular way to take snapshots and videos. Tools like Dropbox are great for making sure those are backed up automatically.


What Information Should I Provide When Asking for Help?

When you ask someone for help, stack the deck in your favor by painting a clear picture of the problem you’re experiencing.

Access Denied

How Do I Copy Files When Windows Says I Don’t Have Permission to Access This Folder?

When transferring NTFS-formatted disks from one machine to another, permissions can restrict access. I’ll cover both Widows GUI and command line solutions.

Credit Card

What Can I Do If Someone Uses My Credit Card Online?

Using someone else’s credit card online illegally is identity theft. There’s not a lot you can do except report it.

Download Button

Is It Safe to Download from Download Sites?

Download sites are just too risky these days. Don’t use them unless there is no way to avoid them, and even then, be very careful in your selections.


Every Application Adds Risk

Everything you download adds risk. Be safer using my three guidelines.

Privacy Settings

Privacy Begins with the Operating System

Privacy is a complex and far-reaching topic. One of the most basic and often overlooked players is the operating system on your device.

Email Mailbox (conceptual)

What are POP3, IMAP, and SMTP?

POP, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP are all acronyms used in configuring email. We’ll look at what they mean and how they relate.

No Forwarding

Can I Stop Others from Forwarding Messages?

It’s not only impossible to prevent email from being forwarded; you can’t even prevent that forward from being altered, forged or defaced.

Computer Frustration

Should I Buy a New Computer to Fix Malware?

Buying a new machine is a common knee-jerk reaction to a bad malware infestation. And it’s wrong. Not just a little wrong — it’s completely unnecessary.

Reply Button

How Do I Edit a Reply?

Edit a reply before sending it. Clean up your message, remove email addresses, and more.

Power Supplies and Cables

Can I Use a Charger With the Same Voltage but Different Amperage Rating?

Chargers and power supplies come in a wide variety of configurations. Choosing the right one is important. I’ll look at a few of the parameters.

Time passing

What Does “Not Responding” Mean?

“Not Responding” is Windows’ way of telling you that a program might have a problem. Sometimes it’s benign and sometimes it’s a sign of a deeper issue.


How Do I Delete Multiple Emails When I Have a Lot to Delete?

It can be a challenge to delete multiple emails. I’ll look at some of the concepts and techniques used by various email programs to make it easier.

Hammering a Back button.

Why Doesn’t “Back” Always Work?

Occasionally, the back button won’t work and simply lands you back where you were. There are reasons, and there are workarounds.

Ask Leo! in 2003

How Do I Get an Old Version of a Webpage?

It’s generally not possible to recover an older version of a webpage, but we’ll look at a couple of straws to grasp at.

Microsoft 365 App.

Is a Microsoft 365 Subscription Worth It?

Before you dismiss it because it’s a subscription, take a look and do the math. Microsoft 365 might be surprisingly affordable for you.

Thumbs Down on System Restore

Don’t Rely on System Restore

System Restore doesn’t restore your system and has proven itself too unreliable to count on.

Credit Cards

How Do I Prevent Credit Card Theft?

There are some practices to help you avoid having your credit card compromised, but most card theft is out of your control.


Can I Check for Malware before Downloading Something?

Files cannot be checked for viruses before being downloaded, but there are precautions you can and should take.

No Spam

Why Is There So Much Spam?

Even though most of us might never fall for it, the reason there’s so much spam is simple: spam works.

Emakil w/ Attachment

Why Do Edits Made to a Document Emailed to Me Disappear?

Changes you’ve made to a document that was emailed to you can easily disappear. Let’s avoid that.

RAM & Disk

What is Virtual Memory?

Virtual memory is conceptually somewhere between RAM and hard disk space. It’s disk space used to maximize the amount of RAM available to programs.

Grumpy Monkey is Grumpy


Using all uppercase characters is the internet form of shouting, and is considered rude.

Traffic Jam!

What Are All These Programs Running After I Boot Windows?

When you start Windows, many programs start automatically as well. Some of them don’t need to.

100% Free

Why Do People Create Free Software?

Free software exists for reasons ranging from pure altruism to pure deceit.


How Do I Send Anonymous Email?

Don’t send anonymous email from work or home. It takes extra steps to keep from being traced.

Back Up!

How Do I Test Backups?

It’s a good idea to test backups before disaster strikes. Unfortunately, a complete test can be risky. I’ll look at some alternatives.

Password list

Your 6 Strongest Practical Password Techniques, Ranked

Six practical approaches to generating passwords, ranked from best to worst.

A Long Password

How Long Should a Password Be?

For years, the standard practice has been to assume that eight-character passwords made up of sufficiently random characters was enough. Not any more. Not even close.

Malware Detected

It Pays to Be Skeptical

If we would all be a little more skeptical, we’d be safer and the internet would be a more trustworthy place.


Stop Spreading Manure

Believing and spreading manure — lies, falsehoods, and misleading implications — makes you look bad and makes the internet a dumber place.


How Can I Make My Computer Faster?

The most effective way to speed up a system is to clean it up, have it run fewer programs, and give it more resources.


My Email Is Hacked, How Do I Fix It?

If your email is hacked, there are several steps you need to take to get it back and prevent it from being hacked again.


12 Steps to Keep from Getting Your Account Hacked

Here are the steps you need to take to prevent losing your account forever to a hacker.


Who Is My Home Network Administrator?

Some Windows messages indicate that something was set by your network administrator. That’s probably you, even if you didn’t do it.

The Cloud

Is My Information Safe in the Cloud?

‘The cloud’ is the latest buzzword for internet-based services. It’s important to understand a few things about cloud security.