Articles in Category: Editorials
While much of Ask Leo! contains my opinions on various matters relating to computers and technology as I answer various questions, these items are less about the answer, and more about what I think. Or in some cases, how I rant.
Let’s Chat About Microsoft
I reflect on Microsoft, and some of their many disappointing decisions that would indicate average consumers aren’t really on their radar.
If AI Is Plagiarism, Then We Are All Plagiarists
Thoughts on AI, and plagiarism, in a first, less formal … Ask Leo! chat? Coffee talk? Ramble? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How the Internet Is Breaking Journalism
As we use the internet, we need to be more vigilant than ever to separate truth from falsehood and recognize what’s important over what’s popular.
Are Humans Getting More Stupid Because of Computers?
Computers make many things easier. I allow technology to help with many things that I used to have to remember or learn, freeing my time for other things.
The Most Important Attitude
There is one approach to life — one setting in your psyche — that affects your experience with technology much more than any lack of skill or knowledge.
How I Use AI at Ask Leo!
I write all my own articles, but I often use AI as a tool along the way. I’ll walk through a recent example.
The Plight of the Average User
Most folks “in the industry” don’t have a sense of the average computer user. After 20 years of Ask Leo!, I’ve formed an opinion.
The Unexpected Clash: How One Program Can Impact Another
Interactions between software can cause unexpected side effects. If you’re experiencing a problem, it’s one more thing to look into.
Why Can’t I Talk to a Real Person?
There are many reasons you’re more likely to be directed to online and self-help resources than talk to a real person.
Why Shouldn’t I “Forward to Everyone You Know”?
We often get forwarded email warning us about everything from lost children to free money to crooked politicians. They’re mostly bogus, and they’re known as urban legends. Here’s how to tell.
What Information Should I Provide When Asking for Help?
When you ask someone for help, stack the deck in your favor by painting a clear picture of the problem you’re experiencing.
You Are Not Too Old for Technology
I keep hearing from people who consider themselves too old. They’re not. Don’t be like them.
Should I Buy a New Computer to Fix Malware?
Buying a new machine is a common knee-jerk reaction to a bad malware infestation. And it’s wrong. Not just a little wrong — it’s completely unnecessary.
Using all uppercase characters is the internet form of shouting, and is considered rude.
Stop Spreading Manure
Believing and spreading manure — lies, falsehoods, and misleading implications — makes you look bad and makes the internet a dumber place.
How Do I Preserve My Online Content?
Without attention, digital information decays over time. I’ll review what I think needs to happen if you want your legacy to last.
When Tech Drives You Crazy, Don’t Make the Problem Worse
Impatience leads to frustration. Frustration leads to desperation. Desperation often leads to more problems than you started with.
How Tech Mistakes in Media Harm Us All
Please don’t base your understanding of technology on what you see in TV and movies.
Don’t Be Afraid of Your Computer
Are you afraid of your computer? I’ll look at some ways to become less fearful and more adventuresome.
Never Blindly Trust an Online Recommendation (Even Mine)
A snide remark about one of my recommendations raises an important point about any recommendation you find online: there are many opportunities for abuse.
If I Had to Do It Over
I never planned to be a writer. And yet here I am. I kinda wish I’d approached a few things differently along the way.
“Is It Possible” Is the Wrong Question
Yes, it’s possible. But you might want to ask a different question that will result in a more helpful answer.
The 40-year Takeaway
Feeling reflective, I look back on my career path to see what we might learn from it that could apply to today’s youth.
Never Attribute to Malice . . .
Malicious intent is commonly understood to be the cause of technological trials and tribulations. It’s usually the wrong assumption to make.
3 Important Life Lessons from a 99-year-old Blogger
Feeling like you’re “too old”? I’d like to introduce you to someone who inspires me.
Am I Too Old to Start a Career in IT?
Technical careers are for people with passion. If you love it, you will be good at it. I give my recommendations for a career change. Spoiler: start by doing!
What are the Internet’s Rules about Free Speech?
Often, when people find their posts or comments removed or altered from websites they visit, they’re quick to claim their right to free speech has been violated. That’s rarely the case.
Are Human Relations Skills Important in Tech?
Technical aptitude and skills are important, of course. But the ability to relate to and work with the people around you is just as crucial.
The Most Important Skill
The most important life skill, for everything from getting your computer fixed to becoming a highly-paid professional, may not be what you think it is.
How Hard Is It to Learn Programming?
Programming relies on skills and talents you have, and information and techniques you can learn. If you have one, the rest often comes naturally.
OK, Boomer: Why Computer Literacy Matters to You
Computer literacy is no longer a choice, no matter how old you are. Embracing it is an important part of participating in society today.
How To Reduce Your Frustration with Technology
Believe it or not, there’s one change you can make that can dramatically impact how well your technology works for you.
Microsoft, We Deserve Better
Updates to Windows seemingly can’t be trusted, and yet they’re forced on us. Something must change.
Why Can’t You Give a Straight Answer?
I can’t always give a straight answer, mostly because every computer is unique. My most common answer? “It depends.”
So Just Why Are Manhole Covers Round?
Manhole covers? Really? Interviewing for technical positions can be tricky, but it can also be fun, if you know what interviewers are looking for.
How Do I Become a Computer Programmer?
Being a computer programmer can be a fun and rewarding profession. Here’s my take on what it takes to get there; some aspects are obvious, and others are not.
Is the Internet Directly Responsible for Our Economic Problems?
Economic change is actually nothing new. I feel pretty strongly that you can’t blame the internet for the economy – find out why!
How can I make a computer “Crash Proof?”
Do I have to say it? The only crash-proof technology is a good and recent backup!
Shouldn’t Everyone Have Internet Access?
Nearly 20% of people in the United States don’t have internet access. In my opinion, that’s a big problem that needs solving. I’ll explain why.
On Steve Ballmer leaving Microsoft
The end of an era. I share some of my thoughts on Steve Ballmer’s impending departure from Microsoft, and why it’s the right thing and the right time to shake things up.
Do Desktop or Laptop Platforms Really Matter any More?
As platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux have all matured, the differences in fundamental capabilities are getting smaller – in many cases, small enough that which one you choose can often boil down to simple personal preference.
Why Shouldn’t I use TAB Characters in My Source Files?
<Shudder> No, this has nothing to do with platforms. All use hex 0x09 to represent a tab character. The problem is much, much deeper than that. This is about programmers, religion, and the meaning of that lowly little character we call “tab”.
Are email newsletters dead?
Did RSS kill the email star? Hardly … and I finally jump on the bandwagon.
Know what your kids are up to?
In this podcast episode I talk about some of the common questions that seem to be coming from kids, and wonder … do the parents know?