Articles in Category: Windows
How Do I Downgrade from Windows 8 or 10 to Windows 7?
Downgrading isn’t as easy as you might think. Simple, perhaps, but not easy. So let’s look at an alternative.
How to Manage Taskbar Space
The Windows taskbar is a very flexible piece of screen real estate. There are many things about it you can change to adjust taskbar space.
What Is a “Microsoft Account”?
A Microsoft account is almost any account you have with Microsoft, and there’s a high likelihood you already have one.
Where Do I Report Windows 10 Issues?
There are a couple of ways to report Windows 10 issues. One involves searching for an answer, and the other is a tool built into Windows 10 itself.
How Do I Recover from a Crash During an Uninstall?
A crash at any time can cause problems, but a crash during an uninstall can be disastrous. I’ll look at what steps to take and how to avoid problems in the future.
How Do I Keep Windows Update from Rebooting While I Use My Computer?
You can keep Windows Update from rebooting for certain key hours of the day, within limits… and as long as you’re not a work-a-holic.
What’s the Difference Between an App and Application?
“App” and “application” are two terms that in years past have been used interchangeably to refer to computer programs. In Windows 10, the difference between them has become significant.
Saving Your Free Windows 10 Upgrade For Later
While the Windows 10 free upgrade offer expires July 29, it turns out there are a couple of approaches that, while they are a little bit of work, can save the free upgrade so you can use it after the deadline has passed. There are the normal number of caveats and possible issues, but if … Read more
Should I Upgrade to Windows 10?
The most common question related to Windows 10 seems to be “Should I upgrade?” I’ll cover my recommendations.
Block Windows 10 With GWX Control Panel
It may be possible to block Windows 10 – both the unwanted download of the operating system and the annoying reminders – with this handy utility.
How Do I Fix the Recycle Bin?
It’s easy to fix the recycle bin: just delete it, and Windows handles the rest. I’ll show you how to find it and how to delete it.
How Do I Set a Custom Icon for a Desktop URL Shortcut?
Creating shortcuts to programs and web pages on your desktop is relatively easy, as is setting a custom icon for those shortcuts. I’ll show you how.
How Do I View Hidden Files and Folders?
By default, Windows hides certain files and folders. We’ll look at how to change the setting to display hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer.
Why Is Windows 10 Being Downloaded to My Machine? And How Do I Stop it?
It appears Microsoft may be pushing Windows 10 to machines even when it hasn’t been requested. That’s just wrong, and I’ll show you how to stop it.
Adjusting Windows 10 Privacy Settings
We’ll look at how to review and adjust privacy settings in several areas of Win10.
How Do I Sign In to Windows 10 Automatically?
After updating to Windows 10, many users find that they must sign in to Windows using a password, even if they previously did not. I’ll show you how to sign in to Windows 10 automatically.
Is “Windows 10 Privacy” an Oxymoron?
Windows 10 has been criticised for encroaching on users privacy. Is it an issue? Is Microsoft being evil? Or is it something else?
Turn Off Windows 10 Peer-to-Peer Delivery Optimization
Windows 10 peer-to-peer sharing (or “delivery optimization”) is a technology used to make updates quicker and more reliable. Unfortunately, it does come with some risk.
Four Ways to Go Back to Windows 7 or 8 from Windows 10
Windows 10 is here. If, after trying it, you find yourself wanting to go back to Windows 7, there are a few approaches.
Will Windows 10 Be Free?
Windows 10 will be free for one year after it’s release. But what does that really mean? I’ll look at what we do and don’t know for sure.
How Do I Make the Windows 10 Offer Icon Go Away?
Two techniques to remove the Windows 10 offer icon, including a more generally useful approach to notification icons.
How Do I Cancel My Windows 10 Update?
Many people are having second thoughts about accepting the offer to reserve their Windows 10 update. I’ll show you how to cancel the reservation.
How Do I Change the Default Program to Open a File?
Change the default program to open files in the application of your choice.
Let’s Talk About Windows 10
Windows 10 is coming. I talk about it a little, and make recommendations about what you should do.
Is this “Get Windows 10” Icon Legitimate?
A suspicious-looking icon that invites you to Get Windows 10 – is it legit, and should you?
Why Aren’t Deleted Files Always Moved into the Recycle Bin?
The Recycle Bin is a handy safety net when you accidentally delete something. However, the Recycle Bin isn’t always there.
Why Does My Computer Blue Screen?
There are many reasons your computer could get the “blue screen of death”. I’ll review some things you can look into to help determine the cause.
Do I Need Everything Installed by Microsoft Update?
Microsoft Update works hard to make sure your system is up to date and safe – especially safe. It’s generally not a good idea to second guess it.
Why Do You Regularly Reinstall Your System?
With older versions of Windows it wasn’t uncommon to want to reinstall from scratch every so often. Things are better in more recent versions. I’ll explain why someone like me might need to, and why the average computer user probably doesn’t any more.
What’s an “Automatic (Delayed start)” Service?
Delayed start services are programs which need to start up “eventually” when you start your machine. It’s one of the ways that Windows tries to optimize startup.
How Do I Schedule a Nightly Reboot in Windows 8.1? (with video)
Scheduling a nightly reboot or shutdown is easily done using Windows Task Scheduler and the built-in shutdown command.
How Do I Get a .mobi Ebook onto My Kindle?
“.mobi” format is the native format for books used on Amazon Kindle reading devices. I’ll show you how to get that “.mobi” book you just downloaded from your PC to your Kindle.
Why Won’t My Computer Return from Standby?
Windows has the option of numerous types of software and hardware being installed. That leads to a complicated situation for standby to deal with. It easily goes wrong.
Why Am I Still Getting Updates for Windows XP?
Windows update can update more things than just Windows operating system. So keeping it up to date is still a good idea.
How do I change the Windows 8 lock screen background? (with Video)
Changing the background image of the Windows 8 lock screen is relatively easy, though it does require a short trip into the registry.
How Do I Change the Windows 7 Login Screen Background? (with video)
Changing the background image on the Windows 7 login screen is simple. It’s also very obscure. I’ll show you how.
How can I find out what program keeps popping up in my taskbar and disappearing before I can click on it?
It’s not uncommon to see programs quickly come and go. There are a few ways to try and capture what they are; some technical, and some innovative.
Are Offers for Continued XP Support and Security Legitimate or Worthwhile?
Offering security is one thing. If they are actually offering XP bug support, I would be immediately suspicious.
How Do I Get the Required Windows 8.1 Update?
I received a question that pointed me to an article on a reputable mainstream press site discussing the Windows 8.1 Update that Microsoft recently rolled out. The update will become the new baseline for Windows 8 and within a month or so, it’ll be required in order to receive continued updates. Their article’s headline compared getting the … Read more
How do I learn more about computers?
The biggest key to learning is to follow your own curiosity. So don’t be afraid to poke around, read what you can, and ask questions.
Can I Delete Old Updates?
It all really boils down to how updates are applied. Some you can delete, others you should not. I’ll review the different types.
What does NTLDR is missing mean?
You’re missing your boot loader. This may mean serious hardware problems… or perhaps just something forgetful on your part!
What’s the Best Way to Upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7?
A clean install is going to get you a cleaner operating system.
Is Microsoft Security Essentials supported on XP or not?
Microsoft Security Essentials is throwing scary warning messages now that Windows XP support has come to an end. How serious is the problem that MSE is alerting you to?
How do I Repair My System if the Registry Can’t Be Loaded?
We can certainly find a way to repair your system registry. But my concern is, why did this happen in the first place?
Does my Windows upgrade disc require that I have the previous operating system installed?
What I’d do first is just try it. If that doesn’t work then we’ll have to dig a little deeper to find a solution for you.
Will it be safe to exchange emails with XP users after support ends?
XP machines may have a slightly increased risk of spreading malware. But in the end it boils down to safe computing habits – both for you and your friends.
Is there Software that Will Allow Me to Keep All the Software on My Machine Up to Date?
It’s important to keep software up to date, and there are several ways to do it. But when it comes to drivers… be careful!
I’ve Lost the Password to My Windows Administrator Account. How Do I Get it Back?
It turns out that resetting your Windows account password is frighteningly easy as long as you have physical access to the machine.
Can Windows XP even run without a network?
An XP machine can run without a network. But would it still be useful?