Articles in Category: Email

Email – the most used, most long lived communications medium offered by networks of interconnected computers. home

Can I Still Get a Hotmail Email Address?

Surprisingly, you can still create a email address. I’ll show you how.


My ISP Went Under; How Do I Recover My Email and Email Address?

If your ISP goes out of business, typically you can no longer access data kept on their equipment. Prevention is really the only cure.

How Do I Encrypt Email?

It’s surprisingly difficult to encrypt email. We’ll look at a practical solution that anyone can use, as well as the way things “should” work.

What Happens When I Mark Something as Spam?

Marking spam as spam is an important tool in the war against it, but exactly what happens when you do so is clouded in mystery.

Outlook Signature Editor

How Do I Get my Name, Title and Other Information to Show at the Bottom of Every Message I Send?

Signatures are a great way to make composing email easier by including standard information at the bottom. I’ll show you where the settings are in three popular email interfaces.

Email Address Privacy

The Wrong Way to Change Your Email Address

Simply emailing your entire contact list with a notice that you’ve changed your email address is NOT the way to change your email address.

Microsoft's Outlook and Windows Live Mail 2012 message

4 Alternatives for Windows Live Mail and is dropping support for Windows Live Mail 2012. I’ll look at what that really means, and outline some options Microsoft failed to mention.

Email Delayed

Why Am I Getting a “Delivery Status Notification (Delay)” on an Email I Sent?

Delays happen for many reasons; it’s the nature of the email infrastructure. If you get a “Delivery Status Notification (Delay)”, your options are limited.

No Spam!

Why am I getting email from someone with the wrong email address?

Many people receive spam that looks like it comes from someone they know, but is not from that person’s email address. I’ll take a look at what’s going on and what you need to pay attention to.

Mark As Spam

Should I Worry If Email I Send Is Marked as Spam?

If someone threatens to mark your email as spam, don’t worry about it. Here’s why.

A person at a modern desk, looking frustrated while staring at a laptop. On the laptop screen, an email inbox is open with a highlighted message from an 'Unknown Sender' and a visible IP address, with a large red question mark overlayed on the screen. The background features a well-lit, modern home office with a window letting in natural light. The overall mood should convey the frustration and helplessness of dealing with harassing or abusive emails.

How Do I Find Out Who Sent Email Trying to Harass or Intimidate Me?

Both children and adults receive harassing or abusive email. Sadly, there’s no easy way to trace it back to a sender who doesn’t want to be found.

Emails Opened?

Emails Opened? Is There a Reliable Way to Tell?

It’s very common to want confirmation that an email has been opened, delivered, or read. In the age of spam, it’s simply not possible with any accuracy.

Why is my email marked as spam?

Why Is My Email Marked as Spam?

You can end up with email marked as spam for many different reasons, usually involving reputation – and not only yours.

No Spam!

Am I Sending Spam?

Sending emails with attachments to many BCC’d recipients directly from your Hotmail account looks like you’re sending spam. I’ll talk about why, and suggest alternatives.

Hotmail Support Search Results

I searched and found a Hotmail support number, but is it legit?

There is no Hotmail support number. If you find one in search results, it’s not Microsoft. Whether it’s legitimate is up for debate.

Defining email address and display name

Why Is an Email Address Sometimes in Angle Brackets?

Computers use email addresses to route email. Angle brackets are used when a more human-readable name is also included.

Route Your Email Through Gmail

How Do I Route My Email through Gmail?

Gmail can be used to handle email for almost any email address. I’ll show you how to route your email through Gmail, and why it’s worth considering.


What is IMAP? And How Can it Help Me Manage My Email?

IMAP is a protocol that your email program may use to access your email. Among other features, it makes dealing with email on multiple devices much easier.

Email With Remote Image

How Does Blocking Pictures in an Email Protect My Privacy?

Email programs commonly block remote images. I’ll look at why, and how spammers and others use remote images for good and evil.


Why Does Email Disappear from My Phone?

When adding another device to access your email, it’s easy to run into a situation where email seems to disappear. I’ll look at the most common reason and what to do about it.

Gmail POP settings

The Best Ways to Back Up Gmail

Relying on free email services can be an unnecessary risk. Fortunately it’s possible, even easy, to back up Gmail. Manage Aliases Link

Change Your Hotmail or Email Address With An Alias has added the concept of email address aliases. They serve as a good solution when you want to change your email address.

Gmail change password dialog

How Do I Change My Gmail Password?

It’s not necessarily obvious where Google/Gmail hides the “Change Password” functionality. I’ll walk you through it.

Top Level Domains (TLDs)

How do I Choose a Good Domain Name?

Registering your own domain is one way to keep an email address that you’ll never need to change. I’ll look at some of the issues in choosing a domain name, and choosing a registrar.


Who do I contact for legal help?

I get questions like this all the time. Individuals’ accounts have been hacked and they want to know who did it, or they already believe they know. And with that knowledge they want to do something. Typically, they want to see the offender get punished in some way. Sadly, life on the internet just isn’t … Read more

Some Top Level Domains

Why Am I Getting Email for Another Person in Another Country?

It can be unnerving to get email for someone else – that clearly isn’t spam – which appears to have been sent to your email address. If that person is in another country, look closer.

Account Configuration

Why Am I Getting Email with the Right Email Address but the Wrong Name?

This sounds like a problem in your friend’s contact list or address book. To sort it out, first we need to understand where email names come from.

I Spy

Can my school see my emails and messages?

There are numerous people and programs that can track your internet activities… if you are really that interesting.


Why am I getting Amazon notifications for someone else?

It’s pretty scary that you are getting notifications from someone else’s account – but not scary for you!

Sign Out!

How Do I Force My Email Account to Close on Another Device?

There are possibilities here that are, perhaps, even more unsavory than having someone you know reading your mail. So first things first!

Access Denied!

Why Do I Need Another Email Address to Access My Account?

This is a system designed to help you recover your email account if something should go wrong… and things go wrong more often than you would like to think!

What’s this new anti-spam policy about, and how will it affect me?

At first blush the new policies look like a good thing… until they start hitting email discussion groups and creating all sorts of havoc! Bottom line: blame spammers.

SPAMmed Laptop

Why Does My Account Keep Sending Out Spam?

Unfortunately most of this is out of your hands now. There are a few things you can check for, and then you’ll have to just get on with your life.

I got two identical spam messages from two friends. Which of us has been hacked?

It’s unlikely that you’ve been hacked. It’s possible that your friends have both been hacked, but this kind of thing can happen without anyone being hacked at all!

Windows XP

Is it worth upgrading to get Windows XP Mode?

Installing a recently unsupported operating system so you can use an email program that hasn’t been supported for years is something I’ll advise against. There are safer ways to go.

Thunderbird Junk Settings

Someone Is Signing Me Up for Newsletters I Don’t Want — What Can I Do?

If someone, even someone you may know, is targeting you with spam – it’s still spam. We’ll treat it as such.


How Do I Copy Email from Outlook to Gmail?

It’s easy to get email providers and email programs mixed up. So the first step in setting this up is to understand which does what.

Ye olde From:

How Do I Get a Recipient’s Email Address and Name to Show in the To: Line?

You have control over what recipients see in the “from” field when they receive email from you. But the “to” field when you’re receiving a message? Not so much.

Why am I suddenly getting spam in my inbox?

It can be very frustrating if it suddenly seems like spammers have found you. There is one thing may help your email provider catch up and slow the deluge.

Why Aren’t My Friends Getting My Email?

If your email service is on a blacklist it’s going to be pretty hard to get it removed. Let’s try a work-around and see if that helps.


What Email Program Should I Use After Outlook 2003?

There is an easy solution, and a not-so-easy solution. It’s going to depend on how much money you want to spend.

Gmail open in one other location

Why Do I Always Have to Sign Out Other Sessions in Gmail?

Isolating other sessions in Gmail can become pretty complex. We’ll walk through a number of scenarios.

Why Does Email I Send to a Large Contact List Bounce so Often?

You’re not a spammer, I know that – but you’re acting like a spammer. And there’s your problem.

Click here to download pictures...

Is it OK to not click on the show images button in email?

Often images are used by newsletter providers to track how often emails are read. Yes it’s tracking… but is it something you need to worry about?

Outlook Express

How Do I Access Email Stored in Outlook Express on Windows 8?

One of the problems with Outlook Express is difficulty in exporting data. Your best bet is to find a more recent software to help with the migration. Logo

How can I get my lost Hotmail emails back?

The answer isn’t going to be too hopeful, though I do have a few small straws you can grasp at.

Someone's Peeking!

Can My Company See My Personal Email?

In a work environment all bets are off. If they’re looking hard enough, an employer can see everything you do on a work computer.

How Do I Stop All this Spam?

Sometimes, it seems like spam is a tidal wave of junk that threatens to make email completely unusable. While you can’t stop spam, you can manage it very well with a good spam filter.

Mail Flowing To Server

How Do I Deal with One Email Account on Two Machines?

There are various options to access one email account from multiple computers, and there are pros and cons to each.

Why do people I don’t know email me?

Of course it might be spam, but sometimes things like this are just bad luck.