Articles in Category: Email
Email – the most used, most long lived communications medium offered by networks of interconnected computers.
Why Do I Always Have to Sign Out Other Sessions in Gmail?
Isolating other sessions in Gmail can become pretty complex. We’ll walk through a number of scenarios.
Why Does Email I Send to a Large Contact List Bounce so Often?
You’re not a spammer, I know that – but you’re acting like a spammer. And there’s your problem.
Is it OK to not click on the show images button in email?
Often images are used by newsletter providers to track how often emails are read. Yes it’s tracking… but is it something you need to worry about?
How Do I Access Email Stored in Outlook Express on Windows 8?
One of the problems with Outlook Express is difficulty in exporting data. Your best bet is to find a more recent software to help with the migration.
How can I get my lost Hotmail emails back?
The answer isn’t going to be too hopeful, though I do have a few small straws you can grasp at.
Can My Company See My Personal Email?
In a work environment all bets are off. If they’re looking hard enough, an employer can see everything you do on a work computer.
How Do I Stop All this Spam?
Sometimes, it seems like spam is a tidal wave of junk that threatens to make email completely unusable. While you can’t stop spam, you can manage it very well with a good spam filter.
How Do I Deal with One Email Account on Two Machines?
There are various options to access one email account from multiple computers, and there are pros and cons to each.
Why do people I don’t know email me?
Of course it might be spam, but sometimes things like this are just bad luck.
Why Does Mail Hang Around in My Outbox Before Being Sent?
There are many steps between your email and it’s journey out of the “Outbox.” Any one of those steps could be slowing you down.
Why do some people get 60 copies of messages I forward?
We’ll try to isolate the reason your forwards are getting multiplied, and then look at the only way to really stop the problem once and for all!
Is Gmail’s targeted advertising a bad thing?
Of course Gmail can read your email. How else would they be able to filter it for spam? But “who” or “what” is reading it, and does it really matter?
Can I access the mail on my desktop from a networked machine?
There are several ways to share email accounts across computers. The best ones have to be set up before you need them.
Why am I not getting any email?
I get a lot of email every day, and when it suddenly stops, that means there’s something wrong. I’ll walk you through what happened to me, and how I – kind of – shot myself in the foot, with the aid of a hacker.
Why can’t we catch scammers?
Scammers are an international problem and that makes it extremely difficult to stop. In the end, it’s all about the money.
Why Can’t I Set Yahoo! as My Default Mail Program?
Web-based email services (such as Yahoo) were never designed to be a default Mail-to program, but there are a few ways to get around that.
How Do I Get My New Email to Be the Default Email in Windows?
Figuring out what is what with emails and email accounts can be quite confusing. But when all is said and done, you only need to change a simple configuration.
How can I prove that I didn’t send a particular email?
So much information in email can be spoofed that it’s difficult to prove where an email came from unless you look at the headers.
How Do I Make a New Hotmail Account? Or Account?
Making a new Hotmail or account isn’t as obvious as many think. First, you need to make the option visible – by signing out.
What Are’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Settings?
Microsoft has enabled POP3, IMAP, and SMTP access to, and thus to Hotmail accounts. I’ll walk you through the settings.
What are Yahoo’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP settings?
Yahoo! now supports accessing your Yahoo! Mail account using POP3 and IMAP on your desktop email program or other device.
Why Does this Email Message Ask Me to Enable HTML When It Already Is Enabled?
Viewing an email in HTML seems to be the default in the new There is no easy way to change it. So why are you seeing this message?
Why Is a Message Stuck in My Outbox?
There are several reasons why an email might get stuck in an outbox. I’ll look at some of the more common ones.
Why is mail getting automatically placed in a folder I didn’t create?
If you didn’t change the folder rules, then who did? I’ll show you how to fix this problem.
If My Email Account is Hacked, What Kinds of Things Should I Check?
When a hacker has access to your email account, they can do anything — even change settings you know nothing about. Let’s take a look at some of the possible dangers.
How Do I Change My Hotmail or Password?
How to change your Hotmail or password isn’t always obvious, particularly when Microsoft keeps changing the interface. I’ll walk you through how to change your Hotmail password.
How Do I Print Hotmail Messages Without the Ads?
The trick is to print the email itself and not the page showing in your browser. I’ll show you how.
Can I Rely on the URL Shown in the Browser’s Status Bar Being Accurate?
There are both legitimate and malicious reasons why a link author may send you to a place that is different from the link showing in the status bar. Let’s look at why that may happen.
Why Do I Get an Error When Viewing JPG Files?
Your email should be able to open image files if your Windows Explorer can. Fortunately, I have a few possible solutions to this problem.
Can Backups of Email Be Hacked?
Not just email, but any information that is anywhere on “the cloud” is subject to backups. That means there is a copy somewhere. Is this a problem?
How Can I View Two Different Email Accounts at Once in a Browser?
From multiple browsers to native support, there are a few ways to have multiple browser-based email accounts open at once. I’ll review the most common.
Why is my picture showing up next to emails I send?
It’s really nothing to worry about; the recipient’s email program is likely grabbing information from your profile. There may be something you can do about it, if you care.
How Do I Change My Hotmail or Password If I Forgot It?
Forgot your Hotmail password? Your password? There are a couple of ways to regain access to your account. Using recovery information you set up originally, or information you can remember about the account, I’ll show you how to go about getting your account back.
Did Someone Log In to Google with My Password?
It’s frightening, on the server side, to watch the constant attempts being made to slowly brute force a way into email accounts. So it’s safe to assume that if Google notified you – someone got in!
Why Can’t I Forward an Image in Email?
Sending and receiving images in email is incredibly complex, sometimes I’m amazed it works at all! But we’ll look at some common reasons why email images may fail to forward.
How Do I Get a New Mail Notification for Yahoo! Mail?
The first thing to understand is the difference between an online program (such as the Yahoo website) and a program running locally on your computer. Then I can point you in the right direction.
Why Isn’t Outlook’s Junk Mail Filter Stopping More Spam?
Outlook is doing the best that it can with spam, but your expectations that it can block spam based on the From addresses is a tad off the mark.
Why do I keep getting a CAPTCHA?
Most of these major email providers are doing what I would call behavioral analysis. They’re looking for signals that indicate spam and then posting a CAPTCHA.
Can I Access One Email Account from Another?
It is often quite simple to set up one email address as your main address that picks up all your other email – depending on the services you use on various accounts. The trick is deciding which way you want to go.
What if the forwarding service goes away?
There is little that you or I can do when a website goes away except to use online tools to try to trace it, or find some other way to replicate the service.
What Does It Mean that Yahoo! Is Releasing Email Addresses?
Yahoo! recently announced that they were planning to “recycle” unused email addresses. I’ll explain what that means, why it’s important, and what you need to do.
Why Can’t People Click on Links I Send Them?
Ninety-nine percent of the time when links aren’t clickable the problem is on the receiving end. It’s usually because their email program is trying to protect them from something that looks suspicious.
Why is email I’m sending being received by someone I’m not sending to?
This is a frustrating situation that happens regularly to businesses running email lists. More than likely someone on your list is automatically forwarding. There is one way you may be able to track down the source.
Can I email myself a full length movie?
Emailing a movie file sounds like it is going to be easy, but you are certain to run across limitations set by your ISP – and it’s going to be slow! I’ll look at a couple of other ways to do it.
How Do I Print an Email in (Formerly Hotmail)?
It’s not that difficult to print an email in, it just takes looking in what is probably an unfamiliar place for former Hotmail users.
Can an ISP tell me who’s reading my email?
It’s typically impossible for the average computer user to determine who’s reading your email, particularly since tracing through a an IP address is virtually impossible with legal assistance. The best option is securing your account from any prying eyes from the start.
What Does It Mean When My Email Program Asks If It Should Compact My Email?
Compacting should be completely transparent. It makes files smaller and potentially makes access of email a little faster. There is one dramatic exception.
Why Are Emails I Receive Five Minutes out of Sync?
Outlook doesn’t keep its own time. Outlook uses the system time. The real issue here is understanding where the “time” comes from when you receive an email.
Where do attachments live once they’re sent?
Once an email is sent it, and the attachments it might include, are copied to a sequence of servers until they reach the destination inbox. Most importantly, once it leaves your machine, it leaves your control.
How do I open an .isc file in
Outlook and are two different and unrelated programs. But once we get past a possible typo, they can both handle ics, not isc, files.