Articles in Category: Windows Programs
How Do I Switch to a Local Account Sign-in for Windows?
Windows 10 and 11 setup want you to log in with a Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to restore a local account sign-in.
What’s a Screenshot, and How Do I Take One?
A screenshot — an image of your computer screen saved as a picture — can eliminate a lot of frustration.
Yet Another Way to Install Windows 11 Without a TPM
Windows 11 requires a TPM and a CPU with particular specifications. This approach should let you install Windows 11 on a machine not meeting those requirements.
What’s This Program Running on My Machine?
There are many programs running on your machine. It’s not always obvious exactly what they are or why they’re running, so we’ll look for some clues.
How Do I Tell Which Program Is Using So Much Memory?
When Windows tells you it’s out of memory, what does it mean and what can you do about it?
Set Up Windows 11 With Only a Local Account
Setting up a Windows 11 machine without a Microsoft account is still possible, though it’s not obvious.
Is There a Windows 11 Installation Media Download?
It’s rare to get installation media with your machine any more. Fortunately, Windows 11 installation media can be download online.
It Was My Time to Reformat and Reinstall
The steps I took, the software I installed, and a few things I discovered as I reinstalled Windows 11 on my main machine.
Set Up Windows Again With the Windows Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)
Use the Windows 10 and 11 Out-of-Box Experience to reset a variety of items associated with initial computer setup.
How Do I Reinstall Software Without Installation Discs or Download Files?
If you bought it, save it — even if it is just a downloaded installation .exe file and activation code.
How Do I Transfer Data After a Clean Install of Windows?
A clean install of a operating system assumes the hard disk is empty. Some preparation is required to preserve and transfer data.
Where Did This Message Come From?
Process Explorer includes a nifty feature to help you identify any program displaying a window or message box.
Why Don’t Installed Programs Show Up for All Users?
If an application is installed only for one user and you want to use it as another, options are limited.
Can I Move an Installed Application to Another Drive?
Because of the files an installed application usually leaves behind, it’s prohibitively difficult move it to another drive.
What Are All These Programs Running After I Boot Windows?
When you start Windows, many programs start automatically as well. Some of them don’t need to.
Where Do I Find CHKDSK Results After a Reboot?
CHKDSK must sometimes be run at boot time. I’ll show you where to find those CHKDSK results.
Windows Explorer is Missing. What Do I Do?
Is it really gone, or just hidden? Either way, we’ll work through the solution to get Windows Explorer back.
Monitoring Your System with Resource Monitor
Here’s a helpful system resource tool that doesn’t get nearly the press it deserves.
Installing Software Safely and with Minimal Impact
Installing software is something we do often. I’ll review some recommendations to minimize both impact and danger.
Windows File Explorer Settings: the Setting You Should Change Right Now
Windows File Explorer tries to help by hiding some information. Unfortunately, that opens a hole hackers can use to fool you.
The Software I Use
I get lots of questions about what the best software for various situations may be. I can’t answer them all, particularly as it often depends on your own situation, but I can tell you what I’m using.
How to “Reset this PC” to Reinstall Windows
It’s relatively easy to reinstall Windows and keep most of your data while doing so, though it can be a bit time consuming.
Why Do an Image Backup If I Can Factory Reset?
Factory reset is a great option to have, but it doesn’t cover all the scenarios a full image backup does.
SFC: the System File Checker – How to Run It and Why
The System File Checker is a little-known, simple-to-run command-line program. It validates that Window’s operating files are undamaged.
A Program Crashes and I Can’t Uninstall It. What Do I Do?
Problems with a program that won’t install can be tricky. It’s important to capture the exact wording of any error messages you are receiving.
How to Reinstall Windows 10 Without Media
The best way to prepare for needing an installation disc is to create one before you need it. I’ll review some approaches.
Is it Safe to Delete This File?
When running out of disk space, considering what you can delete makes sense. I’ll look at the steps to determine whether a file, such as a .dat file, may be important.
Why Does Word Tell Me a Document Changed When It Hasn’t?
It’s sometimes hard to tell why Word thinks a document changed even though you haven’t done anything to it. I’ll look at a few clues.
How Do I Completely Uninstall a Program?
Uninstalling a program is pretty easy. Uninstalling it completely, on the other hand, can be a challenge.
Does Installing Many Programs Destabilize My Computer?
Install the software you need to fully use your computer. Just be sure to back up along the way.
How Do I Reformat and Reinstall Windows?
To reformat and reinstall is considered the “nuclear option” when it comes to dealing with Windows problems (or just cleaning up).
CHKDSK: What Is It and How Do I Run It?
CHKDSK, short for Check Disk, is a utility that checks the integrity of the files and file structure of your hard disk. I’ll walk you through it.
Why Do System Cleanup Utilities Report So Many Errors on a Supposedly Clean System?
System and registry cleaners often report wildly differing results. The reason? Sales tactics, and no clear consensus of what it means to be clean.
How Do I Remove My Personal Data from My Computer Running Windows 10?
It’s almost impossible to remove all personal information from a Windows installation, short of one extreme option.
Why Does My Microsoft Word Document Display Differently on Different Computers?
Microsoft Word documents display differently on different systems because of differences between the systems. Getting Microsoft Word documents to display identically typically means processing them into something else.
How Do I Get a .mobi Ebook onto My Kindle?
“.mobi” format is the native format for books used on Amazon Kindle reading devices. I’ll show you how to get that “.mobi” book you just downloaded from your PC to your Kindle.
How do I Repair My System if the Registry Can’t Be Loaded?
We can certainly find a way to repair your system registry. But my concern is, why did this happen in the first place?
Where Did these Oddly-named Folders Come From, and How Do I Get Rid of Them?
Windows programs often make these oddly named files as part of their setup process. You’ll have to make sure they are not being used to delete them.
How do I get Office if I’m on dial-up?
Software packages, more and more, are coming as large download files – I wouldn’t even attempt to do it on dial-up! There may be a few options for you that will work.
Why can’t I get software on CDs or DVDs?
Software vendors seem to think these days that everyone has high speed internet for downloading large files. What happens if you don’t?
I Don’t Have Installation Media for Windows. What If I Need It?
At some point, you’re going to need your Windows installation CD/DVD. If you don’t have it, you could be severely out of luck. I’ll review alternatives.
I have an important MS DOS program that won’t run in Win 7 – what do I do?
Sometimes you need an old program that won’t run on your current operating system. No Problem! Virtual machines to the rescue.
Why Did I Get this Additional Driver Utility?
More frequently, unwanted software is included in the download package of things you actually want. Preventing these programs from being installed is easy; getting rid of them may not be.
Can I move Office 2010 to another computer?
Moving Microsoft Office to a new computer is usually an easy process as long as you follow a few steps.
Can I Put Everything but the Operating System on an External Drive?
Using an external drive is not going to work like you think in the long run. In the end, a backup image is the most convenient tool to use when reinstalling Windows.
How Do I Prevent this Folder from Opening on Startup?
The symptom described is usually a leftover startup entry. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to remove this.
Why Is My Partially Recovered Document Still Not Readable?
Writing over a file is a good way to lose data, but if you are willing to dive into some command line programs, you may be able to recover some of it.
Scheduling CCleaner
CCleaner is a useful and powerful system-cleaning tool that can help recover disk space as well as clear general clutter. It can be run manually, but in this article, I’ll show you how to set it up to run once a week automatically.
Why Did I Lose Applications After My Machine was Formatted?
By definition, reformatting a hard drive erases everything. The big question is, why didn’t the technician tell you that?!
What Is wssetup.exe?
This file could be anything. I’ll show you how to track this file down and do a cleanup – just to be sure that it’s not malware.