Articles in Category: Spam

Articles relating to the plague that is spam – why it exists, what to do about it, what NOT to do about it, and basically how to live with minimal frustration in a spam-filled world.

Unsubscribe Button

How Did I Get Accidentally Unsubscribed and How Do I Undo It?

Occasionally we stop getting email we signed up for. Here are some ways that can happen and what to do next.

Keep Calm and Mark as Spam

Why Am I Getting Email From Someone With the Wrong Email Address?

Many people receive spam that looks like it comes from someone they know but is not from that person’s email address. I’ll take a look at what’s going on and what you need to pay attention to.

An ornate smithing hammer, intricately designed with detailed engravings and elegant craftsmanship. The hammer is metallic with a polished steel head and a finely carved wooden handle. On the head of the hammer, the word 'SPAM' is etched prominently, with clear and bold lettering.

Should I Worry If Email I Send Is Marked as Spam?

Don’t worry if someone threatens to mark your email as spam. Here’s why.

A bright, well-lit mail room with shelves filled with letters and packages. In the center, a person wearing a casual outfit is holding a letter up and examining it closely using a magnifying glass. The person has a focused expression, with the magnifying glass highlighting the details of the letter. The background includes various mailroom elements such as labeled boxes, a sorting table, and some open envelopes. The overall scene is modern and tidy, with a focus on the letter and the magnifying glass.

What Do Spam Filters Look At?

Spam filters can be sophisticated or simple. I’ll look at some of the characteristics of email that spam filters check.


How Do I Stop from Putting Legitimate Messages in the Junk Mail Folder?, like most email services, tries hard to keep spam out of your inbox. Sometimes it gets a little too aggressive. I’ll look at how to tame it.

An image showing the annoyance of spam emails. Depict an overflowing email inbox with spam messages, a frustrated person looking at their computer, and various sources of spam like social media, phishing attempts, and data breaches illustrated around the scene.

8 Ways Spammers Get Your Email Address

Spam is annoying. What’s more annoying are all the ways spammers have to get our email addresses in the first place.

Unsubscribe or This is Spam?

How Do I Unsubscribe from All These Unwanted Emails?

There are emails from which you should certainly unsubscribe if you no longer want them. However, there are emails that you absolutely should never unsubscribe from. I’ll review the difference.

A frustrated person looking at a computer screen with an email bounce-back message. In the background, an image of a spam warning symbol and multiple email servers connected in a network.

Why Are They Saying I’m Sending Too Much Spam?

How your email can get blocked for spam you didn’t send, and what to do about it.


How to Deal When Unsubscribe Doesn’t Work

When a legitimate email sender doesn’t respond to an unsubscribe request, they’re no longer legitimate. Here’s what to do.

One person pointing accusingly at another person, saying 'SPAMMER!'. The scene is intense, with the accuser looking serious and somewhat angry, while the accused appears surprised and defensive. The background is a nondescript office setting.

I’ve Been Accused of Being a Spammer. What Can I Do About It?

It’s not uncommon for email to bounce in ways that imply you might be spamming. I’ll look at what may or may not be happening.

A digital battle scene symbolizing the ineffective and illegal attempts to fight spam with spam. Include visual metaphors such as email icons clashing like swords, a figure representing a regular email user transformed into a spammer wearing a villainous mask, and digital debris to illustrate the chaos and negative impact of such actions. The scene should convey the message that while the idea of retaliating against spammers is tempting, it ultimately backfires and turns the well-intentioned user into part of the problem.

Can’t We Just Spam the Spammers to Death?

Unfortunately, that turns you into, yes… a spammer! There are many, many problems with this idea. I’ll explain a few.

Email Filter

Why Does Email with a Lot of BCC’ed Recipients Bounce?

BCC is good for many things. Sending to many people at once isn’t really one of them.

Spam filter

What Is and Is Not Spam

Understanding what is and is not spam is important to make sure you get what you want and improve spam filtering for everyone.

Report Junk link in an email program.

What’s the Point of “Mark as Spam”?

Sometimes “Mark as spam” may seem futile, but it has a purpose.

Stop Spam!

How Do I Stop Spam?

Spam is inevitable; just don’t ask for more.

No Spam

Why Shouldn’t I Post My Email Address in a Public Forum?

Spammers and internet trolls harvest email addresses via a variety of means. One of the most common is to simply surf the web and look for anything that might look like one.


How Long Will I Get Email From an Inactive Account?

Though inactive email accounts stay open for some time before they’re closed, spammers can make it appear as though an account is still active.

No Spam

Why Is There So Much Spam?

Even though most of us might never fall for it, the reason there’s so much spam is simple: spam works.


Someone’s Sending from My Email Address! How Do I Stop Them?

Email spoofing is rampant. Spammers often send email that looks like it came from you, and there’s little that you can do about it.

Not Spam!

Why Is My Mail to This Person Not Getting Through?

Spam prevention measures have made getting email delivered more difficult. We’ll look at how to maximize the chances your email will make it through.

Under a load of spam.

I’m Drowning in Spam. What Can I Do?

Sometimes it seems like spam is a tidal wave of junk that threatens to make email completely unusable. While you can’t stop spam, you can manage it with a good spam filter.

Spam from myself?

Why Am I Getting Spam From Myself?

Getting spam from yourself? We all do. I’ll look at why it happens, what little you can do about it, and something unlikely but important to check.

Not Spam!

How Do I Stop Email From Going to Spam?

Train your spam filter to stop emails you want from going to your spam folder.


Why Am I Getting Bounces for Email I Didn’t Send?

Spammers want to send email that looks like it’s coming from someone who can be trusted. They want it to look like it’s coming from you — and you end up getting the bounce notifications.

Spam Bin

What’s the Difference Between Trash and Junk Folders?

Junk folder, Spam folders, and Trash folders are similar, but they differ in one important respect: training your spam filter.

No Spam!

Why Doesn’t Blocking Email Senders Work?

Most email programs can block email from a specific address. Unfortunately, blocking email from a sender is ineffective when it comes to spam.

So. Much. Spam.

I’m Suddenly Getting More Spam Emails. Should I Be Worried?

A sudden flood of additional spam is not unusual. I’ll look at why I think it happens, and when I start to worry.

Getting Too Much Email

Why Am I Getting Email Sent to an Email Address Similar to Mine?

It’s not uncommon to get unexpected email sent to an email address similar to your own. I’ll review why that is and what to do about it.

No Spam

How to Get Rid of Spam Emails

If you’re not getting spam now, you will soon — and probably lots of it. What can you do? There’s no magic answer, but there are various things you can do to help.

Subscribe or Unsubscribe?

How Do I Get Off Email Lists I Don’t Want to be On?

To unsubscribe or not to unsubscribe: that is the question. The answer depends on how you got there.

Why Do I Get Spam Not Addressed to Me? How Spammers Do It, and What Steps You Can Take

Why Do I Get Spam Not Addressed to Me? How Spammers Do It, and What Steps You Can Take

Spammers use many techniques to slide their garbage into your inbox. BCCing you on messages is a common way.

Why Am I Not Getting the Email Newsletter I Signed Up For? Three Steps to Improve the Situation

Why Am I Not Getting the Email Newsletter I Signed Up For? Three Steps to Improve the Situation

Over-aggressive spam filtering can cause email newsletters and other messages to fail to appear in your inbox. I’ll look at why that is, and three steps you can take to improve the situation.


“From” Spoofing: How Spammers Send Email that Looks Like It Came from You

“From” spoofing is how spammers send email that looks like it comes from you that you had nothing at all to do with. I’ll look at how it’s done.

Am I Wasting My Time Reporting Scam and Spam Emails?

Am I Wasting My Time Reporting Scam and Spam Emails?

Reporting spam in your email program with the spam button is critical. Reporting it by forwarding it somewhere isn’t going to do any good.

Email / Spam

Why I (Still) Don’t Like Challenge/Response Spam Blockers

An error caused my newsletter to come “From” the wrong address. Flooded with challenge/response mails, I wonder: what other messages are you missing?

IP Reputation Report

Why Does My IP Address Have a Bad Reputation? And What Do I Do?

Email reputation for your home IP address probably doesn’t matter, and having it characterized as “poor” might even be a good thing.


How Can I Automatically Reply to Spammers To Tell Them to Stop?

It’s tempting to want to reply to spam, telling the sender to stop it (or worse). Not only is that ineffective, it often makes things worse.


What’s This Confirmation Request I Got When I Emailed Someone?

Challenge/Response is a spam-fighting technique that forces you to prove you’re human before your message will be delivered. It’s controversial, to say the least.


What’s the Difference Between Spam and Junk Mail?

“Spam” and “junk” mean the same thing when it comes to email. There’s a lot of confusion about how they, your email service, and your email program all interact.

What Happens When I Mark Something as Spam?

Marking spam as spam is an important tool in the war against it, but exactly what happens when you do so is clouded in mystery.

Why is my email marked as spam?

Why Is My Email Marked as Spam?

You can end up with email marked as spam for many different reasons, usually involving reputation – and not only yours.

No Spam!

Am I Sending Spam?

Sending emails with attachments to many BCC’d recipients directly from your Hotmail account looks like you’re sending spam. I’ll talk about why, and suggest alternatives.

SPAMmed Laptop

Why Does My Account Keep Sending Out Spam?

Unfortunately most of this is out of your hands now. There are a few things you can check for, and then you’ll have to just get on with your life.

I got two identical spam messages from two friends. Which of us has been hacked?

It’s unlikely that you’ve been hacked. It’s possible that your friends have both been hacked, but this kind of thing can happen without anyone being hacked at all!

Thunderbird Junk Settings

Someone Is Signing Me Up for Newsletters I Don’t Want — What Can I Do?

If someone, even someone you may know, is targeting you with spam – it’s still spam. We’ll treat it as such.

Why am I suddenly getting spam in my inbox?

It can be very frustrating if it suddenly seems like spammers have found you. There is one thing may help your email provider catch up and slow the deluge.

How Do I Stop All this Spam?

Sometimes, it seems like spam is a tidal wave of junk that threatens to make email completely unusable. While you can’t stop spam, you can manage it very well with a good spam filter.

The Global Gavel

Why can’t we catch scammers?

Scammers are an international problem and that makes it extremely difficult to stop. In the end, it’s all about the money.

Why Isn’t Outlook’s Junk Mail Filter Stopping More Spam?

Outlook is doing the best that it can with spam, but your expectations that it can block spam based on the From addresses is a tad off the mark.

Spam Bin

Why Am I Being Labeled a Spammer?

Possibly being labeled a spammer is another reason not to forward political and other emails. Do it enough and your normal email may not get delivered.