Articles tagged: image backup
Are Backup Images More Fragile Than Just Copying Individual Files?
I’m often asked if backup images are more susceptible to failure than storing the contents as individual files. My take: not really.
How to Back Up Before a Windows Update
Always back up before a Windows upgrade, update, or reinstall. Create a full system image backup of up your entire computer.
Is Cloning a Disk a Viable Backup Strategy?
Any backup system puts you ahead of the game. But a few “gotchas” could sneak up on you when cloning a disk manually.
Dealing With Inexplicable Change?
Yes, I deal with frustrating changes too. It’s not that I never get frustrated; it’s what I choose next that makes for a much happier experience.
What’s the Difference Between an Image Backup and a Files-and-Folder Backup?
This choice is about what you back up on your computer. It can make the difference between an easy or difficult recovery.
How to Back Up Windows
Using free and included tools, here’s how to back up Windows and all your data in eight easy steps.
Creating a Backup Image Using EaseUS Todo Free
Microsoft is removing image-backup capability from Windows. We’ll make an image backup using a free third-party alternative.
How Do I Restore a Backup to a New PC?
You probably want to keep the new operating system on your new machine. All that you need from your image backup is the data that has luckily been preserved.
How Should I Back Up When Traveling?
Backing up while on the road can be a challenge. I’ll review what’s practical and how to keep your data safe.
How Do I Back Up My Computer?
Backing up your computer is critical to avoiding data loss but can seem complicated. I’ll give a suggestion for typical users.
The First Things to Do with a New Windows Computer
The steps you should take right after unboxing your new computer will save time, frustration, effort, and data loss later.
Why Do an Image Backup If I Can Factory Reset?
Factory reset is a great option to have, but it doesn’t cover all the scenarios a full image backup does.
Why Is “Back Up First” Your Recommendation for Everything?
Nothing protects you and your data like a complete, recent backup, even when it might not be obvious. That’s why I harp on it so much.
Restoring an Image Backup from One Computer to Another
The concept seems simple: take a system image of one machine, restore it to another, and avoid lengthy setup time. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
How Do I Safely Back Up an Infected Drive?
Once your machine is infected, system backups are likely to include the infection, but are still important. I’ll look at what steps to take.
Can’t I Just Copy Everything to Back Up?
It’s tempting to just use file-copy tools to back up what you think you need. But you can easily miss something very important.
What Good Is an Image If I Can’t Restore an Old Backup to a New Computer?
Image backups are excellent protection against data loss, but restoring an old backup to new computer isn’t why you do them.
How Do I Tell If My Computer Meets Windows 10 Minimum Requirements?
It would be good to know if your computer meets Windows 10 minimum requirements before installation. I have a recommendation on how to proceed.
Are Deleted Files also Deleted from Backups?
Old backups typically have all of the files that were on your machine at the time the backup was taken — and that’s what you want.
How to Repair a Computer that Only Blue Screens
Blue screens on startup can be difficult to diagnose and recover from. If your machine only blue screens on start up, there are a number of things to try.
What Is Your Most Trusted Method of Backing Up?
Backing up is important. Knowing which tools, techniques, services, and even advice to trust can be a challenge.
What about Windows 10 backup?
While Windows 10 backup is included as part of the operating system, I consider it to be barely adequate, and prefer a more full-featured solution.
Do You Back Up?
For the past several weeks I’ve been asking new subscribers, “Do you back up?” The responses have been a little depressing.
How Do I Create a New Machine Image?
When you get a new machine, creating a new machine image backup as soon as you can is a convenient way to reinstall should you ever need to.
Can I Just Keep Making Incremental Backups After I’ve Made a Full-image Backup?
Incremental backups, in a practical sense, have a limited shelf life. I’ll explain why a full backup once a month is just about right.
Can I Just Run Macrium and Do a Restore?
You typically can’t just run Macrium in Windows to do a restore because you’d be restoring on top of a running operating system. But yes, you can easily restore the whole machine. I’ll explain.
Can I create rescue disks for any point in time?
You can indeed create rescue media to restore your machine to any point in time. Rather than calling it rescue media, though, it’s nothing more than an image backup.
Do I need to have a separate data backup if I backup my system regularly?
If you are doing regular image backups of your computer, and incremental backups of new data you’re good. But what about the files you are working on today?
Can I Back Up Files to Save Space?
If you have only one copy – it’s not backed up. If you delete files to save space on your hard drive make sure that doesn’t leave you without a backup.