Articles in Category: Windows
Will Preventing XP from Reaching the Internet Keep Me Safe?
Keeping an XP computer off the internet will also prevent it from keeping any anti-malware tools up-to-date. You may end up less safe than you think.
Why Does Windows File Explorer Right-click Take so Long?
The menu that drops down on a right click is called a Context Menu. To fix it we need to first delve into why and how it works.
Should I Defrag TrueCrypt?
TrueCrypt creates a virtual disk drive within a file. As a result, defragging it makes some sense.
Where Did these Oddly-named Folders Come From, and How Do I Get Rid of Them?
Windows programs often make these oddly named files as part of their setup process. You’ll have to make sure they are not being used to delete them.
Can I ignore Windows 8.1 and stick with Windows 8?
My belief is that you probably want 8.1. Not for any features per se – but I think you’re going to want 8.1 or 8.2 or whatever comes later… someday.
Is Running Windows XP in a Virtual Machine as Risky as Running XP Natively?
In and of itself, running XP as a virtual machine doesn’t make it any less vulnerable. You can add security by restricting what you do inside a virtual machine to the bare minimum required.
How do I log into Windows automatically?
This is a very common question. The answer’s a bit buried, but it’s actually quite simple. And for the most part, it applies not only to Windows 8, but Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows Vista as well.
How do I get Office if I’m on dial-up?
Software packages, more and more, are coming as large download files – I wouldn’t even attempt to do it on dial-up! There may be a few options for you that will work.
Can I Isolate Windows XP in a Virtual Machine to Stay Safe?
Unfortunately, as Microsoft ends support for XP any strategy to make it 100% safe will also render it virtually useless. A virtual machine does add some protection, just know the pitfalls.
Why can’t I get software on CDs or DVDs?
Software vendors seem to think these days that everyone has high speed internet for downloading large files. What happens if you don’t?
What to Do About Windows XP
I recently posted a video summarizing my opinion of the options available to those who are currently using Windows XP, and those who plan to continue using it past its end-of-support date.
What about all those cash machines running Windows XP?
The end of support for Windows XP could create security concerns way beyond personal machines. What about banks, and small business systems?
Could I just keep using XP for storing pictures and playing games?
Limiting the use of an old XP machine could make it less vulnerable. Heck, you could just turn the computer off to keep it safe… but how useful is that going to be?
How do I migrate to a new machine?
Moving to a new operating system is rarely “seamless”. But if you go about it step by step you’ll end up with a stable system that will last for years.
I Don’t Have Installation Media for Windows. What If I Need It?
At some point, you’re going to need your Windows installation CD/DVD. If you don’t have it, you could be severely out of luck. I’ll review alternatives.
I have an important MS DOS program that won’t run in Win 7 – what do I do?
Sometimes you need an old program that won’t run on your current operating system. No Problem! Virtual machines to the rescue.
How do I protect my Windows XP after they stop sending updates?
When Microsoft stops support for XP your computer will keep working. The big problem is unsupported vulnerabilities.
Will Macrium Reflect Free keep working in XP?
Current versions will continue to work. The real problem is what happens with future versions.
How can I track what programs come and go on my machine?
Windows is constantly starting and stopping programs as part of its normal operations. You can see exactly what programs are being run using a Windows technique called process auditing.
How Do I Go Back to a Regular Account after Updating to Windows 8.1?
After updating Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, many users find that they must now login to their machines using their Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to switch back to logging in with a local account as you did before.
Why Am I Getting the “USB Inserted” Sound When I Haven’t Inserted Anything?
This is a system sound that could even be indicating an internal event. We’ll try to track down its source.
Can I Combine Two Drives into One?
You can put whatever you want on your new computer; it’s just a matter of transferring the data and organizing it!
How Do I Keep a Program from Loading at Startup?
Be careful what you disable from starting up with your computer. You might end up with unexpected results.
Why Does Microsoft Security Essentials seem to Interfere with System Restore?
System restore just doesn’t seem to work reliably. There is actually a much better way to protect your system from corruption and mistakes.
I reinstalled Windows and lost a file on my desktop, what can I do?
When you reinstall an operating system it overwrites everything on your computer. If you didn’t backup a file, you are going to have a hard time finding it.
Why Did I Get this Additional Driver Utility?
More frequently, unwanted software is included in the download package of things you actually want. Preventing these programs from being installed is easy; getting rid of them may not be.
How can I prevent someone from installing random stuff?
Protecting a computer from its user can be difficult, verging on near-to-impossible. But there are a few ways to minimize the damage.
What is InstallShield and Do I Need its Update Service?
InstallShield is a component to help keep your computer up to date. We’ll walk through how it ended up on your computer and how you can manage it.
Why Does My Sound Quality Degrade over Time?
The system degrading over time sounds like a software problem. So how do we find out what’s using the CPU?
Why are applications and operating systems hiding so much these days?
A lot of thought really does go into decisions around feature design. You may think it’s silly, but you have to look at the big picture.
What do I do if SFC detects but cannot fix a problem?
Unfortunately, the full solution to this problem can be quite painful. We’ll start with some easier fixes.
How costly would it be for Microsoft to keep supporting XP?
Microsoft does a lot of work behind the scenes to keep an operating system going. At some point, the cost of maintaining an old operating system simply becomes too great.
Can I move Office 2010 to another computer?
Moving Microsoft Office to a new computer is usually an easy process as long as you follow a few steps.
Will Anti-virus Programs for Windows XP Stop Being Updated when Microsoft Drops Support?
When support for XP ends, you may find yourself open to unpatched vulnerabilities. Having an updated anti-malware tool is your first line of defense.
Why did my pictures disappear?
Think of your computer’s hard drive as a temporary solution for any files. It’s not a matter of if things will disappear, but when. Regular readers can guess what I’m going to say next…
Why Does My Internet Slow to a Crawl When My Desktop Is Turned On?
Many things can cause one computer to hog your bandwidth. But there’s a useful Windows 7 utility that may show you where the bandwidth is going.
Why Can’t I Delete these Temp Files?
Temp files that you can’t delete are often safe. Still, I am concerned that one of your files sounds like it’s related to known malware. The first step is to clean up.
Can I Put Everything but the Operating System on an External Drive?
Using an external drive is not going to work like you think in the long run. In the end, a backup image is the most convenient tool to use when reinstalling Windows.
How Do I Prevent this Folder from Opening on Startup?
The symptom described is usually a leftover startup entry. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to remove this.
Why Is My Partially Recovered Document Still Not Readable?
Writing over a file is a good way to lose data, but if you are willing to dive into some command line programs, you may be able to recover some of it.
Is It Safe to Delete Log Files?
In general, it’s safe to delete log files, but is it really a necessary risk? You know what I’ll say… be sure to back up first.
Does Windows 8 Have XP Mode?
Older games need a different operating system than the one provided by Windows 7 or 8. With a virtual machine, you can run Windows XP (and your games) on any machine that has enough power.
Scheduling CCleaner
CCleaner is a useful and powerful system-cleaning tool that can help recover disk space as well as clear general clutter. It can be run manually, but in this article, I’ll show you how to set it up to run once a week automatically.
How risky will it be to keep running Windows XP?
Support for Windows XP ends in April of 2014. An effort by Microsoft to make people aware of the risks in using it thereafter has been misinterpreted by some as an intentional threat. I’ll cut through the hyperbole and examine the real risks.
Can I Move an Installed Program from One Drive to Another?
The key is in understanding how a program is set up. If you had to run a setup wizard to install the program, then you will need to set it up again on a new drive.
Why Do Different Defrag Programs Give Different Results?
While defrag programs use different algorithms to defragment your machine, one thing is for sure – they won’t defrag your machine 100%. But is it worth it to be that thorough?
Defragging in Windows 7 (and later)
Disk fragmentation can adversely impact overall system performance. Defragmenting your hard disk periodically can help. Even better, Windows may already be doing it for you.
Why is Windows using more memory over time?
It’s best not to read too much into available memory. Windows memory management is the stuff of nightmares even for the people who understand it. For the rest of us, it’s just magic.
Why Is My Computer’s Fan Coming On?
You’ve checked for dust, but the computer is still running hot. I’ll point you in the direction of a few more things that could be causing this heat wave… including a heat wave itself.
Does an Unstable System Imply a Hardware Problem?
System instability is often the result of what we call “software rot.” It can be the result of installing and uninstalling lots of programs – and the cure isn’t easy.