Articles in Category: Leo’s blog
Leo’s less formal, more random and occasional commentary on all things technology, business and Ask Leo! related, along with some philosophy at times as well.
How Can It Be Safe to Give My Information to Anyone?
If we listen to the news, we might never leave the house, much less go online. I’ll review why that kind of thinking is opportunity lost as well as how to stay safe.
If I Could Tell You Only One Thing…
What’s most important to know about keeping your computer secure?
Change for the Sake of Change?
People often complain that the latest update to their favorite software is just “change for the sake of change”. I don’t think so.
Would You Give Your Wallet to a Stranger?
Many people seem more than willing to give a complete stranger access their computer. It’s safer to give them your wallet.
9 Reasons Email Is Wonderful
Some say that email is dead. My take is completely opposite: email is one of our most effective communication methods.
So You Want to Work a Helpdesk
What’s most important when trying to help people struggling with technology?
In Search of Perfect Security
Perfect security is a myth. What’s important is to pay attention to the trade-offs you make.
The Deep, Dark Secret Behind Ask Leo!
Not long ago, I came up with the words to describe part of what I do. It was kind of a secret… until now.
Why Can’t the Poor Just Pirate Software?
Commercial software can be expensive. Can you just pirate software if you can’t afford it? You can guess my answer, but even better: theft isn’t necessary.
Why I Keep Saying You’re Just Not That Interesting
Many people are concerned that they are specifically targeted by hackers, advertisers, and others. Nope.
Do You Really Need to Reply?
One way to reduce the amount of email you get is to reduce the amount you send. One way to do that? Think twice before replying.
You’re Never Too Old!
“I’m old” is a frustratingly common complaint. I talk a little about how that mindset might get in the way of the incredible opportunities technology presents.
Why Do Things That Aren’t Broken Keep Changing?
Change is inevitable. But sometimes, an online service’s improvements are viewed as just the opposite by some.
Why Didn’t Microsoft Fix This Horrible Bug?
Not all bugs will be fixed or fixed quickly. Not all bugs are even bugs.
A Story of Data Loss and What Could Have Been
I repaired a friend’s machine’s hard disk failure only to discover something much, much worse.
Get Better, Faster Answers by Reading What’s in Front of You
I vent a little about people missing what’s right in front of them (including myself) and then discuss why taking the time to read what your machine is telling you is so important to a less frustrating experience with your technology.
Are We at Risk of Losing Our Digital Information Over Time?
Technologies change, media wears out, and hardware that we once took for granted becomes difficult to find. How does all this impact the archives of our digital lives?
The Technology Behind Ask Leo!
Over the years, the technology that runs Ask Leo! has changed a little. I’ll give you an overview of the current state of affairs.
Why Don’t Companies Answer My Email?
It’s not uncommon for email messages to companies to disappear into a black hole. I’ll look at why that might be and steps you can take to reduce the odds of it happening to you.
Do We Really Need to Get Used to Things?
“Getting used to it” might not always be ideal, but being open to it can result in surprising improvements. Besides, you’re doing it already almost every day.
Are You Giving Away Your Privacy?
We rail against intrusions into our private affairs and private information and then post our private information publicly. Where’s the logic in that?
Dealing With Inexplicable Change?
Yes, I deal with frustrating changes too. It’s not that I never get frustrated; it’s what I choose next that makes for a much happier experience.
I Don’t Claim to Be a Journalist
My background is most assuredly not journalism. I bring something else entirely to the table: experience.
Terminology Matters
When it comes to technology, it seems like there’s a whole ‘nother language to learn. Using the right terminology is important to being understood and getting your problems resolved.
The Secret Behind Ask Leo! I Know Less Than You Think
I know less than you think I do, but I make up for it with a very important skill — a skill anyone can benefit from improving.
Everything Is Awesome!
A movie I watched reminded me that we are surrounded by awesome. I need to do a better job of reminding myself, and you, of all the awesomeness I see.
Why I Don’t Believe in Conspiracies
There are many conspiracy theories in the tech industry. I’m a hard one to convince, and you should be, too.
Is Outsourcing Tech Support Evil?
Cost-cutting by sending tech support overseas is often derided as a terrible move, but it’s not the location that matters, it’s the quality.
What I’ve Learned Answering Questions for 20 Years
It was 20 years ago today I started having something to say.
Why I (No Longer) Avoid BitLocker
BitLocker is a fine encryption program if used properly. The problem is that it’s too easy for the average user to skip steps that could result in data loss.
Ignored by Online Services? Remember, You Are Not the Customer
When free services seem to change arbitrarily, it’s easy to wonder if they’re paying attention to their customers. They probably are — just not the ones you think.
Why Do People Create Free Software?
Free software exists for reasons ranging from pure altruism to pure deceit.
The One Thing Every Non-Technical Person Needs to Know
If there’s one precaution I want everyone to embrace, it’s this.
Why Ask Why?
It’s common to ask “Why?” when it comes to computers. It’s also common to be frustrated with the answer.
Why I Rarely Panic
I have a fairly laid-back style, but I feel it’s with good reason. So much of we hear about just isn’t panic-worthy, even if news reports make it seem like it is.
“Right to Be Forgotten”: Misguided and Misleading
“The right to be forgotten” is a misleading and ineffectual technique to prevent people from finding information on the internet. Bottom line: it can’t work.
My Favorite Question
My favorite question? You’ll never guess. Hint: it makes my job super easy, and you don’t want that.
How Do I Permanently Close My Account?
I often hear from people wanting to close an email account for one reason or another. The problem is that closing an email account is often the wrong solution to their real problem.
Security: It’s a Spectrum, Not a State
Many people want to be secure, not realizing there’s no such thing.
Why Are There So Many Internet Jerks?
The internet, and social media specifically, seems like a breeding ground for jerks. Did it actually create them, or just expose those already among us?
Don’t Call Yourself Stupid
Some people call themselves “dumb” or “stupid” when it comes to computers. There’s little that frustrates me more.
Avoiding Tech Support Scams
What do you do when you suddenly find yourself on the phone with a scammer? Step One: Be Skeptical!
UEFI is a replacement for the original BIOS that’s been running computers for almost a quarter of a century. UEFI allows manufacturers to take advantage of the security capabilities of the machines they produce.
On Confidence and Technology
Confident computing: it’s what you can expect, and a reminder to me of what I’m trying to deliver.
Let’s Talk About LastPass
LastPass recently announced that vulnerabilities were discovered in the LastPass vault. The question is… did they then do the right thing?
Is There Really A Reason to Hide From Your ISP using a VPN?
I discuss the recent decision by the U.S. Congress to roll back rules relating to privacy and internet service providers, and whether a VPN is really the right solution for most people.
You Can’t Un-Ring a Bell
An overview of what happens to your data when you post online. Once posted, it gets copied faster than you may think!