Articles in Category: Leo’s blog

Leo’s less formal, more random and occasional commentary on all things technology, business and Ask Leo! related, along with some philosophy at times as well.

Installing the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Installing the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The Windows 10 Anniversary Update can be installed manually. With the help of some time-lapse video I’ll walk through that process, quickly.

If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...

If I Could Tell You Only One Thing…

I was asked to talk a bit about computer security the other day, and that got me to thinking about what’s important, and how I prioritize what it is I would want people to remember.

More Focus on Windows 10

More Focus on Windows 10

Focus is slowly shifting to Windows 10, and I’m curious what you think of it these days. Likes? Dislikes? Things you can’t find? Not so much complaints, but opportunities where I can help?

You Can't Assume the Cloud Has Your Back

You Can’t Assume the Cloud Has Your Back

I received a question earlier this week that got me to thinking – too many people are making too many assumptions about the resilience of their data “in the cloud”.

What It Means To Be "Platform Agnostic"

What It Means to be “Platform Agnostic”

I describe myself as being “platform agnostic”. I think that’s a pretty useful thing to be. I discuss what that means, and why many passionate proponents and opponents of various platforms make me sad.

An Update to My Internet Safety Book

An Update to My Internet Safety Book

I’ve released an update for my Internet Safety ebook. There’s a free version you can get for subscribing to The Ask Leo! Newsletter, and the expanded version will be available in a few weeks.

Edge Versus Internet Explorer

Edge Versus Internet Explorer

Microsoft’s strategy to push Edge seems to be dooming both Edge and IE (and how you can get IE back in Windows 10).

The Binary "Base Race"

The Binary “Base Race”

How I started computing before I ever started computing…

Windows 10 Behaves Like Malware

Windows 10 Behaves Like Malware

Windows 10 is a fine operating system, but it’s being tarnished by the over-the-top tactics Microsoft is using to get people to upgrade.

What's the risk of using Unsupported Software?

What’s the Risk of Using Unsupported Software?

It turns out you are really the key when it comes to running unsupported software safely.

What's Up with Microsoft and Email?

What’s Up With Microsoft and Email?

In the wake of Microsoft’s announced withdrawal of support for synchronization with Windows Live Mail 2012, I review some of the implications, including an update to my position on getting free email programs from Microsoft.

Clearing Up Some Windows 10 Misconceptions

Clearing Up Some Windows 10 Misconceptions

I recently had a question from someone that contained several common misconceptions about Windows 10. Let’s clear a few of those up…

Ad Free - With Support?

Ad Free – With Support?

Microsoft offers an “Ad-free” upgrade that also promises additional support. While ads disappear, support appears to be the same as free.

We Need To Talk...

We Need To Talk…

Sometimes done is done, and it’s time to move on. Put a fork in it…

If Everything Just Worked...

If Everything Just Worked…

What would you do if you could count on technology always just working? What’s stopping you? I’m honestly curious…

On Aging and Being "Too Old"

On Aging and Being “Too Old”

I often hear from people who claim that they’re “too old” to do whatever it is they see technology as requiring. Needless to say, I have a different opinion.

Why Did You Recommend Software that Doesn't Work?

Why Did You Recommend Software that Doesn’t Work?

I sometimes get feedback that a recommendation I’ve made has failed, sometimes horribly, for someone. I’ll discuss what I care about in backup solutions, and why my recommendation – or anyone’s recommendation – might fail for some.

Ask Leo! and Creative Commons

Ask Leo! & Creative Commons

I’m placing all publicly accessible Ask Leo! content under a Creative Commons license – specifically BY-NC-ND. I’ll discuss what that means, and when you are and are not allowed to republish Ask Leo! articles elsewhere.

In Search of Perfect Security

In Search of Perfect Security

Perfect security is a myth. So what can you do? The solution is as simple as realizing that all security is a trade-off, and paying attention to the trade-offs you make.

The Death of the Security Question

The Death of the Security Question

Security questions, as a way of verifying your identity, are falling out of favor. I’ll review why, and what you should do as a result.

Encryption, Padlocks, and Back Doors

Encryption, Padlocks, and Back Doors

Government agencies are increasingly pushing for a “back door” to encryption. I’ll look at what that means, and why it’s such horrible idea.

An Update to My Internet Security Book

An Update to My Internet Security Book

It’s time for me to update my book “The Ask Leo Guide to Internet Safety”. Now’s the time to let me know what you think should be emphasized, clarified or covered in the new edition!

Another reason I don't do negative reviews

Another reason I don’t do negative reviews

A site similar to Ask Leo! is being sued, and it reminds me of one of the (sad) reasons I don’t often do negative reviews.

Stopping Spam is Harder Than You Think

Spam is a much more complex, much more widespread, and much more global in nature than most people realize. All that adds up to it being VERY difficult to stop.

Let's talk about Ransomware32

Let’s Talk About Ransomware32

Ransomware32 is the latest threat currently making news. It’s a toolkit for malware authors to make more malware more easily. I’ll discuss what I think you should do about it.

Does "end of support" mean "end of life"?

Does “End of Support” Mean “End of Life”?

With versions of Internet Explorer prior to 11 going out of support, I’ll review what that means, and make recommendations as to what steps you should take.

What Your Email Address Says About You

What Your Email Address Says About You

It’s not as bad as it once was, but which email provider and what email address you have can cause some to make assumptions about who you are and what you do, or don’t, know.

Keeping the Neighbors Out

Keeping the Neighbors Out

A question I received reminded me of something important that everyone needs to do: secure their router.

2015 in Review

2015 in Review

A look at the most popular Ask Leo! articles of 2015, as well as an overview of those that got the most comments (hint: you’ll nod your head in understanding on why one topic, more than any other, might generate so much discussion in 2015).

You Can use Free Email Safely (but most people don't)

You Can Use Free Email Safely (But Most People Don’t)

Free email is popular, ubiquitous … and risky. Free email accounts are lost regularly with no hope of recovery. I’ll review how you can use free email accounts safely.

Windows 10 Survey Results

Your Windows 10 Experience – Survey Results

The results were quick and the trends were clear, so I closed the survey a little early to bring you the results.

Thank You!

Thank You! (For being here)

It’s Thanksgiving time around here, and I’m very, very thankful … for you!

Updating the Windows 10 Recommendation

Updating the Windows 10 Recommendation

I’m starting to detect what may be a patten in Windows 10 update failures. I’ll outline my current recommendation, and what steps, if any, you should take when updating to Windows 10.

Tip 5: Have Fun!

Tip #5: Have Fun!

Five Tips to get the most out of your technology.
Tip #5: Have Fun! – You can, and if you choose to you’ll see that it helps make tips 1 through 4 even easier!

Tip #4: Stay Safe!

Five Tips to get the most out of your technology. Tip #4: Stay Safe – I discuss the most important security software you have.

Tip 3: Back Up!

Tip #3: Back Up!

Five Tips to get the most out of your technology. Tip #3: Back Up! (You knew this one was coming….)

Never Stop Learning

Never Stop Learning

Five Tips to get the most out of your technology. Tip #2: Never Stop Learning

Coping With Change

Coping with Change

The first in a video series “Five Tips to get the most out of your technology.” – Tip #1: Coping With Change

Young At Heart

You’re Never Too Old!

“I’m Old” was a common comment in recent survey results. So? I talk a little about how that mindset might get in the way of the incredible opportunities technology presents…

Can I upgrade to Windows 10?

Can I Upgrade to Windows 10?

Windows 10 has been out for 2 months. Is it time to upgrade? Maybe not….

Reflections on life

Reflections on life

Some reflections on life resulting from the untimely deaths of two of my internet entrepreneurial friends.

Coping With Change

In processing just a few of the responses to my survey of a few weeks ago it’s apparent that dealing with change is a bigger issue now than ever. Unfortunately since I embrace change so readily it leaves me at a disadvantage trying to help people cope. That’s where you come in.

Jumping to Conclusions

Jumping to Conclusions

I’ve noticed a couple of patterns in the questions I get, and both boil down to a form of jumping to the wrong conclusions.

What makes Ask Leo! different?

What Makes Ask Leo! Different?

I’ve been doing Ask Leo! for over 12 years now. What is it that makes Ask Leo! different?

My Turn: a Question for You!

This week, I have a question for you!

The Magical Power of CTRL+S

TV and movie computer users are often clearly fake. There’s one key sequence (CTRL+S) that identifies the all-too-experienced computer user.

Chomping at the bit for Windows 10!

Chomping at the bit for Windows 10

In anticipation of Windows 10 people are falling into three camps: never-ever, patiently waiting, and OMG!!!!. I have some advice for the OMG! crowd.

Change for the Sake of Change?

I hear often from people complaining that the latest update to their favorite software is just “change for the sake of change”. No. Simply …. no.

Why Tech Support is Like Buddhism

Why Tech Support is like Buddhism

There’s a not-that-surprising parallel between tech support professionals and Buddhism.

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power

You have a problem. You want an answer. But what you need may be something more…