Articles tagged: email address

A Windows PC screen showing dozens of overlapping browser windows, each displaying a website with a message box asking for an 'email address.'

Can I Find Out Where My Email Address Has Been Used?

It’d be great to be able to locate all the places your email address has been used. Unfortunately, “great” doesn’t mean “possible”.

A mail clerk in a mailroom sorting mail into a collection of mail slots.

What’s the Difference Between an Email Domain, Account, Address, and Alias?

Email comes with its own set of terminology. I’ll review how email addresses, accounts, domains, and aliases relate.


How Do I Find Someone’s Email Address?

It can be extremely difficult to find the email address of someone you want to contact. To begin with, they must want to be found.

Email around Microsoft.

How Do I Change the Email Address of My Microsoft Account?

You can associate multiple email addresses with your Microsoft account. Who knew?

Email Mailbox (conceptual)

How Do I Change My Email Name?

Changing your email name is usually easy, but changing your email address involves setting up a new account.

How Do I Tell If an Email Address Is Fake?

It’s hard to determine whether an email address is fake.

My single, truly focused, Inbox

All the Emails in My Inbox Disappeared! What Do I Do?

I get reports of people who have lost the contents of their inbox. We’ll look at a couple of common causes and resolutions.

New Email

How Do I Keep My Email Address When I Change My ISP?

It’s possible to have an email address that does not need to change each time you change internet providers.

New Email

How Do I Change My Email Address?

Changing an email address involves changing more than just the address. I’ll look at common scenarios and a few additional approaches.


If I Send to a Bad Email Address, Will Someone See It?

People often send email to the wrong address by mistake. But what happens if the email address is invalid?

Getting Too Much Email

Why Am I Getting Email Sent to an Email Address Similar to Mine?

It’s not uncommon to get unexpected email sent to an email address similar to your own. I’ll review why that is and what to do about it.

Welcome to Outlook.COM

How Do I Use and Clear Contacts and Auto-complete Suggestions? tries to make entering email addresses quicker, easier, and less error-prone by offering a variety of suggestions when you compose email. I’ll look at how those interact and how you can control some of what happens.


What’s the Difference Between an Email Account, an Email Address, an Email Program, and an Email Service?

Terminology around email can be confusing. I’ll review some common and important terms.

Account Closed

Could Someone Reopen My Closed Email Account?

After an online account is deleted, the ID or email address is eventually made available for re-use. It’s the same name but a different owner, and that can confuse people.


“From” Spoofing: How Spammers Send Email that Looks Like It Came from You

“From” spoofing is how spammers send email that looks like it comes from you that you had nothing at all to do with. I’ll look at how it’s done.

Bouncing Email

Why Does Email I Send Fail But a Reply Works?

When email you send bounces, that can mean many things. If a reply to that same person works, there’s almost certainly a problem with the email address you’re sending to. Manage Aliases Link

Change Your Hotmail or Email Address With An Alias has added the concept of email address aliases. They serve as a good solution when you want to change your email address.

Account Configuration

Why Am I Getting Email with the Right Email Address but the Wrong Name?

This sounds like a problem in your friend’s contact list or address book. To sort it out, first we need to understand where email names come from.

Ye olde From:

How Do I Get a Recipient’s Email Address and Name to Show in the To: Line?

You have control over what recipients see in the “from” field when they receive email from you. But the “to” field when you’re receiving a message? Not so much.

Why do people I don’t know email me?

Of course it might be spam, but sometimes things like this are just bad luck.

Emails Hacked!

Is it safe to let my daughter purchase online using my email address?

Sharing an email address may seem like a good idea, as long as you’ve considered all the ramifications.

Email envelope

Can I Access One Email Account from Another?

It is often quite simple to set up one email address as your main address that picks up all your other email – depending on the services you use on various accounts. The trick is deciding which way you want to go.

Yahoo! Mail

What Does It Mean that Yahoo! Is Releasing Email Addresses?

Yahoo! recently announced that they were planning to “recycle” unused email addresses. I’ll explain what that means, why it’s important, and what you need to do.

Email Envelope

How Do I Tell Someone They’re Entering Their Email Address Wrong?

Many websites ask you type your email address in twice for a reason: there’s a high percentage of people who cannot type their email address in correctly once.