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4 comments on “What’s the Difference Between an Email Domain, Account, Address, and Alias?”

  1. Hi,
    My internet provider (which actually has not provided access to internet in the past couple of years- another story there) plans to end my relationship with them at the end of March 2023. They tell me they will delete all my mail. Currently, my email is with them and they use WebMail, who they have a contract with. I have another computer set up on Linux with Thunderbird on it. I can get my mail onto Thunderbird by clicking ‘get mail’ when on that computer. Will this email be able to show the content of the emails on Thunderbird once the company deletes my email from WebMail?
    I also have a few domains. I will also have to get a new email address (after 20+ yrs), since the account with the ISP will be no more. How do I set up an email connected to my domain, and do I have to have these domains actively hosted somewhere, so that they are active on the web in order to get email from them? I think they are all hosted currently, but not active- when you click on one of them you get a page saying ‘future home of…’
    I do not understand how to change this, other than I think I would be having a different server. (I am assuming this server is the company hosting my domains?) But how does the new server get all my stored emails that are in files so I do not lose the content of those emails?
    Does Thunderbird already have all that content? Meaning, once the ISP deletes, will the content still be there on Thunderbird? Or will it be lost/inaccessible once the company I am currently with deletes everything?
    Does Thunderbird have its own server, and these emails that are on Thunderbird still will have all the content on them and stay accessible after the current ISP deletes everything? Sorry- this is confusing to me, and my IT guy is not available for the next 3 months! I have to figure out how to preserve all my stored emails (many of which are in folders on the WebMail) and change my email address. I hear that having one attqached to my own domain prevents these issues should an ISP decide they are bailing on their customer. Is that true? I wish I knew something!


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