Articles tagged: email


Do You Really Need to Reply?

One way to reduce the amount of email you get is to reduce the amount you send. One way to do that? Think twice before replying.

Mailbox Unavailable Error

What Does the “Mailbox Unavailable” Error Mean and How Do I Fix It?

“Mailbox unavailable” is a common email bounce message that tells us very little. I’ll review some of the more common causes of this message.


How Do I Find Someone’s Email Address?

It can be extremely difficult to find the email address of someone you want to contact. To begin with, they must want to be found.

A frustrated person looking at a computer screen with an email bounce-back message. In the background, an image of a spam warning symbol and multiple email servers connected in a network.

Why Are They Saying I’m Sending Too Much Spam?

How your email can get blocked for spam you didn’t send, and what to do about it.

A cauldron overflowing with email.

What Does “Over Quota” Mean? What’s a Quota?

Being over quota means you’ve received or kept too much email. To deal with it, you need to understand where that email is being kept.

A cartoon-style image representing email transfer between two email providers. Between them, a smooth flow of cartoonish email envelopes, creating a visual path from one to the other. The envelopes should appear as if they are moving seamlessly, symbolizing an easy transfer process. The background is a digital, abstract representation of data transfer, with subtle lines and nodes connecting the two logos, further emphasizing the idea of seamless integration and transition of emails.

How Do I Move Emails From One Account to Another?

Moving email from one account to another just takes some configurating and drag-and-dropping.

A digital collage illustrating the concept of email privacy and security on a white background. Centered is a large, open laptop, symbolizing a secure email service. Around the laptop, include a lock representing security, an envelope with a shield for encrypted email, and a mobile phone with a red cross, indicating the option to create an email account without a phone number. The background should be plain white, with minimal digital motifs, focusing on the clarity and simplicity of the concept of digital communication and privacy.

Can You Make an Email Without a Phone Number?

There are legitimate reasons for not wanting to give your phone number to an email service. Let’s look at alternatives.


Tip of the Day: Only Open Safe Email Attachments

About Thunderbird

Thunderbird: a Free, Open Source, and Powerful Email Client

Thunderbird is a robust and powerful email program that can meet the needs of both light and power users. I use it all day every day.

Tip of the Day: Reply versus Reply All

Email Mailbox (conceptual)

What are POP3, IMAP, and SMTP?

POP, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP are all acronyms used in configuring email. We’ll look at what they mean and how they relate.

Reply Button

How Do I Edit a Reply?

Edit a reply before sending it. Clean up your message, remove email addresses, and more.


How Do I Delete Multiple Emails When I Have a Lot to Delete?

It can be a challenge to delete multiple emails. I’ll look at some of the concepts and techniques used by various email programs to make it easier.


My Email Is Hacked, How Do I Fix It?

If your email is hacked, there are several steps you need to take to get it back and prevent it from being hacked again.

Email Everywhere!

What For-Pay Email Providers Do You Recommend?

People often use free email providers for critical data only to lose everything when a problem occurs. So what do you look for in a paid email provider?

No Spam

Tip of the Day: Mark Spam as Spam and Move On

New Email

How Do I Change My Email Address?

Changing an email address involves changing more than just the address. I’ll look at common scenarios and a few additional approaches.

Local Folders

Tip of the Day: Use Local Folders to Avoid Email Loss

Send To Mail Recipient

Tip of the Day: Configure an Email Program (Even if You Don’t Use One)

Windows Mail in Windows 11

Tip of the Day: Consider the Mail App

Peek a boo!

How Secure Is Email?

Email is ubiquitous and convenient, yet surprisingly, not particularly secure. I’ll look at why that is and when you should worry.

An elephantine attachment.

How to Email Large Files Using Any Email Program or Service

Emailing large attachments is typically a bad idea, as your mail may not be delivered. I’ll look at alternatives.

What The ???!!!!

My Email Disappeared While Composing. Can I Get it Back?

It’s no fun to write a long email and lose it. Here’s how that happens and a few ways to avoid it.

Overflowing Email Bin

Are Deleted Emails Really Deleted?

“Permanently deleted” email may or may not be recoverable. Depending on the situation and motivation, that email could come back to haunt or help you.

Email and Arrows

Tip of the Day: Sending and Receiving Email are Two Separate Things

An email with only a link

Tip of the Day: Always Send More than a Link


“From” Spoofing: How Spammers Send Email that Looks Like It Came from You

“From” spoofing is how spammers send email that looks like it comes from you that you had nothing at all to do with. I’ll look at how it’s done.

If I Do These Things, Will I Be Anonymous?

Anonymity on the internet is really, really hard. Some of the practices we might use to stay anonymous could still be leaking identifiable, traceable information.

How to Get Email with Attachments Delivered

How to Get Email with Attachments Delivered

Emailing attachments — particularly large files — is getting more and more difficult as ISPs limit size and scan for malware.

Why Are Pictures Not Showing in Email?

Why Are Pictures Not Showing in Email?

There are many reasons pictures don’t show up in email. I’ll review the complex world that is email, and some of the things that can go wrong.

Confirmation translated to English

How to (Accidentally) Give Someone Else Your PayPal Account

Entering your email address incorrectly might just be a typo, but it can have surprising ramifications.

You Can use Free Email Safely (but most people don't)

You Can Use Free Email Safely (But Most People Don’t)

Free email is popular, ubiquitous … and risky. Free email accounts are lost regularly with no hope of recovery. I’ll review how you can use free email accounts safely.

Defining email address and display name

Why Is an Email Address Sometimes in Angle Brackets?

Computers use email addresses to route email. Angle brackets are used when a more human-readable name is also included.


What is IMAP? And How Can it Help Me Manage My Email?

IMAP is a protocol that your email program may use to access your email. Among other features, it makes dealing with email on multiple devices much easier.

Too Much Email

‘Tis the Season … to Unsubscribe!

The holiday season brings with it a flood of email. That’s a great opportunity to evaluate, and unsubscribe from things you no longer need.


8 Reasons Email is Wonderful

Some have said that email is dead. My take is completely opposite: email is one of the most effective communication methods we have.

Outlook Express

How Do I Access Email Stored in Outlook Express on Windows 8?

One of the problems with Outlook Express is difficulty in exporting data. Your best bet is to find a more recent software to help with the migration.

Mail Flowing To Server

How Do I Deal with One Email Account on Two Machines?

There are various options to access one email account from multiple computers, and there are pros and cons to each.

2013’s Ten Most Popular Posts

As 2013 draws to a close, I review which articles on Ask Leo! were the most popular and briefly discuss what trends that I feel they reveal.


Why Does Mail Hang Around in My Outbox Before Being Sent?

There are many steps between your email and it’s journey out of the “Outbox.” Any one of those steps could be slowing you down.


Can I access the mail on my desktop from a networked machine?

There are several ways to share email accounts across computers. The best ones have to be set up before you need them.

Email Envelope

How Do I Get My New Email to Be the Default Email in Windows?

Figuring out what is what with emails and email accounts can be quite confusing. But when all is said and done, you only need to change a simple configuration.

It's frightening, on the server side, to watch the constant attempts being made to brute force a way into email accounts. So it's safe to assume that if Google sent you a notification... someone got in!

Did Someone Log In to Google with My Password?

It’s frightening, on the server side, to watch the constant attempts being made to slowly brute force a way into email accounts. So it’s safe to assume that if Google notified you – someone got in!

Email Envelope

What if the forwarding service goes away?

There is little that you or I can do when a website goes away except to use online tools to try to trace it, or find some other way to replicate the service.

Why Can’t People Click on Links I Send Them?

Ninety-nine percent of the time when links aren’t clickable the problem is on the receiving end. It’s usually because their email program is trying to protect them from something that looks suspicious.

Attach Files

Where do attachments live once they’re sent?

Once an email is sent it, and the attachments it might include, are copied to a sequence of servers until they reach the destination inbox. Most importantly, once it leaves your machine, it leaves your control.

How Do I Move My Outlook Express Email from Windows XP to Windows 7?

I’ll show you how to move from Outlook Express to Windows Live Mail on Windows 7 (the easiest moving option), step by annoying step.