Articles tagged: The Best of Ask Leo!

Are You Ready for Your Computer to be Stolen?

Are You Ready for Your Computer to be Stolen?

You might lose your hardware and any un-backed-up data on it, and possibly give a thief access to it all! I’ll cover a few of the basics. A stolen computer or lost computer can open the doors to all sorts of havoc if you’re not prepared.

Disk Cleanup in Progress

Using Disk Cleanup in Windows 10

Disk Cleanup in Windows 10 is a handy tool for freeing up space on your hard drive. I’ll show you how it’s done and what to clean up. It’s one of the first places I recommend people turn when they’re running low on disk space.


Where Do I Get Driver Updates?

Device-driver updates can come from several places. I’ll review the best sources for driver updates and where else you might need to look.

Hand above a keyboard

What’s the Best Registry Cleaner? What to Use and Not

The best registry cleaner is none at all. There may be cases where you want to use one, though, and I’ll review which I’d use and how to use them safely.

How Can I Securely Delete Everything Except the Operating System?

How Can I Securely Delete Everything Except the Operating System? Five Steps to Get as Close as You Can

Before giving away a machine or returning a loaner, it’s important to remove personal information from it. That may be both harder and easier than you think.

Handing Over the Keys

How Do I Gain Administrative Access to a Second-hand Computer?

It’s important to understand the risk of buying a used computer.


What are the Internet’s Rules about Free Speech?

Often, when people find their posts or comments removed or altered from websites they visit, they’re quick to claim their right to free speech has been violated. That’s rarely the case.


The Most Important Skill

The most important life skill, for everything from getting your computer fixed to becoming a highly-paid professional, may not be what you think it is.


Are HTTPS Connections Really Safe?

HTTPS is an important part of keeping your data safe, but it’s only a part. It’s important to understand what it does and doesn’t mean.


How Does a VPN Protect Me?

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a fully encrypted, private internet connection via a VPN provider. I’ll look at what protection it offers.


I Deleted a File by Mistake. Can I Get It Back?

Sometimes, it is possible to recover a file deleted by accident. Stop using the disk, check your Recycle Bin, and perhaps pull out an undelete utility.


“From” Spoofing: How Spammers Send Email that Looks Like It Came from You

“From” spoofing is how spammers send email that looks like it comes from you that you had nothing at all to do with. I’ll look at how it’s done.


How Do I Choose a Good Password?

With occasional security breaches at service providers and rampant email account theft, password security has never been more important. Make sure you choose and use secure passwords.

Windows 10 Backup Underway

Creating a Backup Image Using Windows’ Built-in Backup

I don’t think much of the Windows backup utility–but any backup is better than no backup. Let’s take a look at how to use it.


How Do I Remove Myself from a Machine?

Although there’s no way to remove all traces of yourself from a machine, there certainly are ways to remove as much as you can.

How Do I Find Who Hacked My Email?

How Do I Find Who Hacked My Email Account?

It’s natural to want to find out who hacked your email and why. Begin by recovering and securing your account. I’ll review what steps you can take after that, and their chances of success.

Is There a Real Alternative to Windows?

Is There a Real Alternative to Windows?

Only Windows is Windows. There are alternatives, but whether they’re right for you depends on you.

Are PCs Doomed?

While the ratio of PCs to mobile devices may change over time, I believe PCs will not be going away any time soon. They’re just too darned useful.

Crank Your Password Strength Up to 11!

Crank Your Password Strength Up to 11!

The results are in for last year’s most common passwords. The implications are depressing, but important.

Why is My Machine Slowing Down?

Why Is My Machine Slowing Down?

A PC running Windows can slow down for many reasons. Viruses, spyware, updated software, disk fragmentation, and more can lead to performance drops.

How Do I Best Extend My Wireless Network for Laptop Access?

How Do I Best Extend My Wireless Network for Laptop Access?

It can be difficult to get wireless network coverage throughout your home. I’ll look at a couple of ways to extend your wireless network.


Where’s My Disk Space Going?

It’s not uncommon to run out of disk space. A free utility can show where your disk space is going so you can determine what steps to take.


I Run Anti-virus Software. Why Do I Still Sometimes Get Infected?

It seems like even the most up-to-date anti-malware package isn’t always enough. It’s frustrating, because you’d think it would be.

How Should I Set Up My Home Network?

How Should I Set Up My Home Network?

A home network allows you to share a single internet connection, as well as data and devices, between multiple devices. I’ll review the basics components of a home network and some steps to take as your network grows.

CHKDSK: What Is It and How Do I Run It?

CHKDSK, short for Check Disk, is a utility that checks the integrity of the files and file structure of your hard disk. I’ll walk you through it.

Is copyright still an issue if something's not available anywhere?

Is Copyright Still an Issue If Something’s Not Available Anywhere?

Copyright is a complex topic, but the practical implications are simple. I’ll look at availability, copyright, and more.

How do I get data off of the hard drive in a dead computer?

How Do I Get Data Off of the Hard Drive in a Dead Computer?

Extracting data from a hard drive in a dead computer isn’t typically difficult, unless it’s the drive itself that caused the problem.

Can I Tell If Email I Sent Has Been Read by the Recipient?

Can I Tell If Email I Sent Has Been Read by the Recipient?

While there are settings and services that claim to know if an email has been opened, they are notoriously unreliable and pointless.

How Do I Remove Myself from the Search Engines?

How Do I Remove Myself from the Search Engines?

The internet has a very long memory. Removal from search engines is practically and perhaps literally impossible.

A photorealistic and thought-provoking thumbnail for a blog post discussing the dilemma of using adblockers. The image features a computer screen displaying a website full of intrusive and overwhelming ads, making it difficult to see the actual content. The screen is cracked symbolizing the broken state of internet advertising. In the foreground, a person (Caucasian male) looks frustrated and concerned, with a hand on his forehead, pondering the impact of adblockers on websites' survival. The person is in a home office environment, reflecting the common internet user's perspective. The ambiance is slightly dim, highlighting the serious tone of the topic. This image should visually capture the tension between the necessity of ads for website survival and the negative user experience they often create.

Is It Time to Start Using an Adblocker?

Advertising on the internet is broken. It might be time to think about using adblockers and supporting your favorite websites in other ways.

Spam Bin

Why Am I Being Labeled a Spammer?

Possibly being labeled a spammer is another reason not to forward political and other emails. Do it enough and your normal email may not get delivered.