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Why Am I Getting “We Received a Request to Reset Your Facebook Password”?

Why they happen, and what to do about them.
2025-03-08 - #35868

Someone’s Sending From My Email Address! How Do I Stop Them?

Email spoofing is rampant. Spammers can send email that looks like it came from you, and there's little that you can do about it.
2025-03-07 - #1887

Does a VPN Protect Me From Telemetry and Other Data Gathering?

VPNs don't impact data tracking or collection. We'll look at why that is and what you might want to do about it.
2025-03-06 - #178489

What’s the Difference Between Windows 10 and Windows 11?

As we approach the end of Windows 10 support, it's worth asking the question: what's the difference, anyway?
2025-03-05 - #178677

How Can It Be Safe to Give My Information to Anyone?

If we listen to the news, we might never leave the house, much less go online. I'll review why that kind of thinking is opportunity lost as well as how to stay safe.
2025-03-03 - #18269

If AI Is Plagiarism, Then We Are All Plagiarists

Thoughts on AI, and plagiarism, in a first, less formal ... Ask Leo! chat? Coffee talk? Ramble? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2025-03-02 - #178836

How Do I Switch to a Local Account Sign-in for Windows?

Windows 10 and 11 setup want you to log in with a Microsoft account. I'll show you how to restore a local account sign-in.
2025-03-01 - #20106

How to Create an Image Backup in EaseUS Todo Free

An image backup is the best protection you can have. Here's how to do it using a reliable, free program.
2025-02-28 - #178321

Cryptomator vs VeraCrypt: Which Do You Want?

Cryptomator and VeraCrypt are both excellent encryption tools. We'll look at how to choose the right one for your situation.
2025-02-27 - #178308

How Do I Store Files on My Computer and Not OneDrive?

OneDrive complicates an otherwise straightforward situation.
2025-02-26 - #178431

What is IMAP and How Can It Help Me Manage My Email?

IMAP is a protocol that makes dealing with email on multiple devices much easier.
2025-02-24 - #5965

Can I Use an External Keyboard with My Laptop?

Go ahead. Plug it in. External keyboards are useful for many things.
2025-02-22 - #8856

Why Didn’t Microsoft Fix the Bug I Care About?

I'll look at why some bugs might never get fixed -- even those you consider important.
2025-02-21 - #18480

Why I’m Switching to Signal

Signal's the current gold standard in keeping your conversations truly private.
2025-02-20 - #178123

OneDrive Backup Versus Using OneDrive for Backup, Even Though OneDrive Isn’t Backup

The word "backup" is used in confusing ways when it comes to OneDrive. It's worth understanding how it all works so you can choose what's best for you.
2025-02-19 - #178091

What Happens at Windows 10 End of Support?

The end of support for Windows 10 means Microsoft will no longer issue security updates. Here's how to continue using it safely.
2025-02-17 - #145971

Am I Wasting My Time Reporting Scam and Spam Emails?

Reporting spam in your email program with the spam button is critical. Reporting it by forwarding it somewhere isn't going to do any good.
2025-02-15 - #8457

Using OneDrive as an External Drive

Here's another way to use OneDrive online storage without ever installing it on your PC.
2025-02-14 - #177993

If Offered, Which Do I Want to Download: .exe or .msi?

If you're offered an .exe file or an .msi file when downloading, I'll help you choose the one you really want.
2025-02-13 - #177972

Getting Rid of Copilot in Microsoft Office Apps

There's an easy way to turn off Copilot in some Office apps. Others require a harder way.
2025-02-12 - #177814

If I Could Tell You Only One Thing…

What's most important to know about keeping your computer secure?
2025-02-10 - #22985

What Happens When I Mark Something as Spam?

Marking spam as spam is an important tool in the war against it. Exactly what happens when you do so is clouded in mystery.
2025-02-08 - #5330

What is Secure Delete?

Secure delete is one approach to making sure your files can't be recovered.
2025-02-07 - #27809

How to Back Up 1Password and Why You Should

Backing up is important, and that includes your password vault.
2025-02-06 - #177851

Should I Always Sign Out of My Online Account?

It is safe to stay signed in to your online account as long as you're protected from a few specific scenarios.
2025-02-05 - #5310

Are Free Email Services Worth It?

Free email services and accounts are convenient and ubiquitous. They can be used safely if and only if you take responsibility for that safety.
2025-02-03 - #2217

Change for the Sake of Change?

People often complain that the latest update to their favorite software is just "change for the sake of change". I don't think so.
2025-02-01 - #19522

Are Backup Images More Fragile Than Just Copying Individual Files?

I'm often asked if backup images are more susceptible to failure than storing the contents as individual files. My take: not really.
2025-01-31 - #18693

Do Not Search for Support Phone Numbers

You want a phone number to call. Scammers known this and try to insert themselves in the process.
2025-01-30 - #177623

Should I Update to Windows 11? (January 2025 update)

The end of support date for Windows 10 is getting closer. What does that mean to you, and do you need to upgrade to Windows 11?
2025-01-29 - #135037

What’s a Screenshot, and How Do I Take One?

A screenshot -- an image of your computer screen saved as a picture -- can eliminate a lot of frustration.
2025-01-27 - #2080

How to Block the Windows 11 Upgrade and Stay on Windows 10

If you want to stick with Windows 10, here's a way to block any automated upgrades.
2025-01-25 - #177495

Convert an ISO to a Bootable USB Using Rufus

Rufus allows you to easily create a bootable USB thumb drive from an ISO image.
2025-01-24 - #177447

My Gmail Is Full, and Google’s Threatening to Stop My Email. How Do I Make Space?

You can make more Gmail space without losing data.
2025-01-23 - #177389

What Does It Mean to Quarantine Malware? And Is It Safe?

A quarantine keeps you safe from malware.
2025-01-22 - #177414

How the Internet Is Breaking Journalism

As we use the internet, we need to be more vigilant than ever to separate truth from falsehood and recognize what's important over what's popular.
2025-01-20 - #11287

Think Before You Share: Protecting Yourself From Email Harassment

It's so common to give away personal information, we don't think twice about it. Let's start thinking twice.
2025-01-18 - #177226

How to Recover When You Lose Everything Traveling

Imagine you're traveling overseas and all your digital "stuff" is lost. What do you do? How do you reconnect?
2025-01-17 - #177198

Why Am I Seeing These Odd Crypto-Currency “Help Me” Comments?

Just ignore seed-phrase scams.
2025-01-16 - #177189

Does Turning a Computer Off at Night Keep It Safer From Hackers?

There are reasons to turn your computer off at night or leave it running. Getting hacked isn't one of them.
2025-01-15 - #177172

Would You Give Your Wallet to a Stranger?

Many people seem more than willing to give a complete stranger access their computer. It's safer to give them your wallet.
2025-01-13 - #18213

Yet Another Way to Install Windows 11 Without a TPM

Windows 11 requires a TPM and a CPU with particular specifications. This approach should let you install Windows 11 on a machine not meeting those requirements.
2025-01-11 - #177093

What Are Windows “Libraries” and How Do They Work?

Windows Libraries allow multiple folders to be viewed as if they are one. They can be confusing unless you understand how they work.
2025-01-10 - #5571

How to Back Up Before a Windows Update

Always back up before a Windows upgrade, update, or reinstall. Create a full system image backup of up your entire computer.
2025-01-09 - #19932

How Do I Make Sure Malware is Gone?

Of course we want to be certain malware has been removed. Unfortunately, certainty is difficult to come by.
2025-01-08 - #177076

Should I Back Up If My Machine Is Infected?

If you believe your machine is infected, first protect and preserve your data.
2025-01-06 - #7440

Are Humans Getting More Stupid Because of Computers?

Computers make many things easier. I allow technology to help with many things that I used to have to remember or learn, freeing my time for other things.
2025-01-04 - #7634

Using OneDrive Without Using OneDrive

You can benefit from OneDrive without ever installing it on your PC.
2025-01-03 - #176754

How Do I Transfer My Programs and Data to a New Machine?

Moving applications and data to a new machine isn't hard; it's just a fair amount of work.
2025-01-02 - #176738

How Do I Get a Text Message Without a Cell Phone?

SMS/text is an important security measure, but not everyone has it. I'll review options.
2025-01-01 - #176723