It means you’re taking additional risk.
Older versions of Windows are certainly one example, but unsupported software turns out to be more complex than we might think.
There’s unsupported, and there’s… unsupported.
Let’s review some of the different aspects of unsupported software.
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Unsupported software
Unsupported software can mean many things, from no longer getting feature updates and no longer getting bug fixes to no longer receiving any kind of update, including those addressing security issues. Use up-to-date software if you can, but if you can’t or choose not to, be aware of the additional risks to your safety and security.
No more features
At some point, a version of a product stops being improved. Any work that might go into new feature development is halted or directed at newer versions of the software.
As an example, Windows 7 reached what Microsoft called “end of mainstream support”. At that time, any or all efforts that might have gone into improving or changing the software were redirected to newer versions. Windows 7 continued to work, but the shift in priorities signaled the beginning of the end for that operating system.
I’m certain that in the years leading up to that, features or improvements were already quietly halted as work on newer versions took priority.
No more fixes, mostly
What “end of mainstream support” means is that even if someone finds a bug, it will not get fixed unless it poses a security risk.
Find a spelling error? It’s there forever. Does your favorite email program crash if you get too much email? If it’s passed the “end of mainstream support” date, that’s not going to get fixed. Anything that breaks functionality somehow — perhaps even losing data — will not be repaired.
Presumably, the software has been out and in use for long enough that most major issues have been caught and fixed. Unfortunately, there’s always one more bug.
The software will continue to work, but if you encounter non-security-related issues, you’ll have to work around them yourself. The software is what it is.
The typical solution at this point is to consider upgrading to a newer version. That version’s end-of-support date would presumably be further into the future.
No more fixes of any kind
Security risks are a special kind of update that is addressed for a longer time than other issues.
Microsoft does this, but only for so long. At some point, they won’t fix even newly discovered security issues. This is particularly troubling because as security gaps are found, the hacker and malware community notices such issues as well. They can now write malware that specifically targets problems in that software that will not be fixed. Those vulnerabilities will be there forever, ripe for malware to reap.
This is exactly where Windows 8 and prior versions sit today. They’re all past what Microsoft calls “ended of extended support.”
The software will continue to work, but it will no longer be updated, even if problems put you at risk.
It is what it is, forever. You’re completely on your own.
Again, the recommended action is to upgrade to a current, supported version of the software or switch to different software entirely (i.e. Linux). Those end-of-support dates are far enough out to continue to be supported and secure for some time to come.
No more updates on a specific platform
A variation on the “unsupported software” theme is software that continues to be available and updated — or not — on an unsupported platform.
A good example is Windows Security / Windows Defender. It continues to be supported and its security database continues to be updated on many older out-of-support versions of Windows. At some point, that will end, at which point users of those older operating system versions will need to find alternate solutions or upgrade to a supported version of Windows.
It’s not unusual for other software to stop supporting older operating systems after some time, sometimes long after that operating system’s own end date.
The last version that works on a particular platform will continue to work, but any problems will remain. You’ll have to either work around them or upgrade to newer, supported versions.
The software stops working
The ultimate form of unsupported software is when it just stops working and the vendor elects not to update it.
Typically, this happens when you update something else. The most common current example is updating to Windows 10 or 11 and having your older printer stop working. The drivers may be “unsupported software” on those new versions of Windows, and there’s almost nothing you can do…
…except get a new printer, of course, or revert to your old version of Windows for as long as that continues to be supported.
No help
“Support” can mean two different things:
- Fixes, updates, and changes to the software itself.
- Official technical support and help using the software.
So far, I’ve only talked about changes to the software.
Official technical support and help can disappear at just about any time, but it usually coincides with one of the formal end-of-support dates for the software. Once that happens, there will be no further help from the company producing the software.
The good news here is the community often picks up the slack. Be it via unofficial discussion forums or technical support sites like Ask Leo!, it’s often possible to get help for software for some time after formal support ends.
Until you can’t. Even here on Ask Leo!, I’m answering fewer and fewer Windows XP, 7, and 8 questions simply because most questions involve more current software. The same will be true for just about any software and unofficial support channel.
Is it safe to use unsupported software?
Opinions are mixed on whether it can be safe to use unsupported software.
First, realize that “safe” is not an absolute. There’s no such thing as perfect security or safety. One can only be more safe or less safe.
It can be significantly less safe to use unsupported software. Vulnerabilities will be found and not fixed. Those vulnerabilities then become the target of malware for which there is no protection. That’s not safe.
On the other hand, and perhaps more pragmatically, you can improve your safety by following good internet safety habits religiously, as well as backing up — again, religiously.1
Whether that’s enough is up for debate. For example, as I write this, many people have now run Windows 7 for several years since its ultimate end-of-support date without an issue. Perhaps hackers aren’t prioritizing the dwindling installed base of Windows 7 users, or perhaps these individuals are adept at keeping themselves safe. Perhaps they’re about to fall victim to something catastrophic for which there is no fix or protection.
We just don’t know.
There’s no question that everything else being equal, they are less safe than individuals running more current, supported alternatives.
But it’s a risk they’re willing (or through other circumstances, forced) to take.
Do this
Use the most current versions of software if you can.
If you can’t, simply understand that using unsupported software carries additional risk you need to account for. You typically can do so safely, but it may require extra effort and vigilance on your part.
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Footnotes & References
1: Technically, backing up doesn’t improve security, but it provides a critical safety net to recover from almost all issues — security, hardware, accidental — that might arise.
How I use 100% unsupported software – with no worries and no hassles!
When I started using computers, I bought a copy of Microsoft Office 2000 for use with Windows 98. It met my needs very well, as I do not need to do especially fancy or ultra-business type documents. I also bought FrontPage2002 and learned how to create simple web pages. Then, along comes XP….and Win 7…and 8..and 10. And I wonder out loud about having to buy all the darn upgrades just to meet my simple needs and am told that I HAVE to upgrade my software.
Except that at least for me, that is a blatant LIE! I have reinstalled from my original CDs these same programs up through ALL OS upgrades through Windows 10 and THEY WORK in all versions without any hassles — and I am NOT running them in XP mode. Matter of fact, the Windows 10 installation works simply great (faster) than the other OS.
Yes, I have been “warned” about security upgrades and such, which I believe are true but are also part of a planned marketing campaign to get users to buy more auxiliary software than they really need. But the fix for that is so easy, so simple….
The cost of new computers is low enough that upgrading to a new one makes perfect sense. But if the one you are replacing is still in good shape, then you simply use that one for your word processing, basic web page building, etc, etc. AND do NOT hook it up to your Internet connection. With the variety of hubs, switches, and wireless settings available. you can use these older programs as I have done for over 12 years now without worrying about any of the so-called security issues.
And what if your hard drive crashes on your “older”computer (for which you surely have a backup)? Then you get a used one from a reliable local computer shop and install Windows XP or whatever using the OS package for your OS of choice you can get from major computer shops and many online sources.
Maybe I’m the oddball exception to this train of thought, but the feedback I’ve received one-on-one from people I’ve shared these ideas with has not yet resulted in even a single “tried it, didn’t work” response.
If you’re a hardcore “gotta have the latest” fan, and are upset if the websites you browse are not over-jammed with picture after picture after picture, this response certainly does not apply to you. If you’re somewhere between that stance and hardcore old-school, hopefully this note should help you get back into a comfort zone that is…well, comfortable!
@ George Kaywood
Been using XP sp3 with FireFox forever with no problems [knock wood].
Hey Leo,
If memory serves me correctly the ad for PCMatic virus protection does support Windows XP. I’ve not yet researched it because I’m using Windows 7 Professional and also Windows 10 Professional both are 64 bit systems.
Hi leo once again thanks for your regular newes letter.
Supported or Unsupported Windows of any grade, number or version is what I want and willingly use. I have and do use XP, along with 7. I use my security
programmes and daily update manually. Any lapses I have had with XP were of my own making but managed to get it back and running. My working with
computers is purely self taught and reading. Your news lletter is a very good source through which I have and continue to pick useful and valuable
infomation. I am in complete agreement with George Kaywood there is always a way around no matter what machine or software one is running. We live
in two fold world, the money makers and the end user, like myself. The choice is mine but we fall for the flashing power of multimedias.
I have my desktop PC dual booted with Windows 7 (updated to WIN10, then back to 7), plus Zorin 9. My notebook was originally WIN 7 Pro, but is now Zorin 9 Lite only. The Zorin systems are supported until 2019 (ex-Ubuntu 14.04) the same as Linux Mint 17.3 A while ago I tried Mint 17.2 for a few weeks, but had problems with some things that worked first time in Zorin. The Zorin systems come with a “Look Changer” so you can set them to look like WIN XP, WIN 7 or IOS + depending on your preference. They come with WINE and Play on Linux pre-installed, so some Windows programs will run. Updates arrive regularly. For someone with old unsafe XP it would seem sensible to try Linux (free!). I use Firefox browser and Thunderbird for emails, plus the Libre Office Suite (compatible with Microsoft Office). After trying WIN 10 I realised that I didn’t need Microsoft and Google’s invasive software, and didn’t need to worry all the time about viruses and other problems.
With Windows and its endless “new” operating systems, from a financial standpoint, you are not a buyer but a renter, in effect, a serf, and as such, the financial benefit accrues to your “landlord,” Microsoft. On my desktop I am keeping and using XP, for which I invested the cost of the OS, several hundred dollars worth of books, and several hundred hours worth of learning and note-taking. Instead of replicating all of this significant time and money 5 times over for Vista, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc., I supplemented my desktop with a Chromebook which suits all of my everyday needs. In fact, compared to the unending hassles of Windows, Chromebook is a dream come true. At last a functional computer that lets you accomplish your tasks rather than tending to software issues and problems. What a concept!
I have no intention of “upgrading” to Windows 10. With me, it isn’t about the privacy issues. I’m not really inclined to believe MS is out to steal all my information and pass it on to my (increasingly invasive) government. It’s about control and the dumbing down of the OS. I’m posting this with my Win7 machine, which I spent many hours setting up to look the way I want it to look and to act the way I want it to act. I then installed the programs I wanted to use. It is now a delight to work with. I have Windows updates turned off so nothing breaks and Windows 10 can’t sneak in, and still I fear it will.
Across the room is my “unsupported” WinXP computer which is easier to customize than Win7 and easier to move around in. Since MS stopped “updating” it, I’ve had not one problem with it. It is, IMO, the better of the two OSes because it does everything and anything I ask of it without argument. Windows 10, from what I’ve read, takes over your machine, and it can and does change things at will, including uninstalling programs. Read your EULA.
In the space of a few OSes, we have gone from complete user control to complete Microsoft control. I would love to see MS offer different versions of Windows for different types of users. Then we could all have what we like.
I have Winamp on my computer it is my media player of choice.
As Winamp is no longer produced or updated should I remove it ?
Does having Winamp pose any security risks?
Any unsupported program which accesses the internet can pose a danger.
End of use. Ok, no updates, no bug fixes, no nothing. Cool, I understand BUT I still use my XP machine because I know it will do what I want. I use it for messing with music with various downloads that still work – Audacity is just one. So what? XP is not supported? I don’t surf with it; I use my newby with Win 10 for that and I can download updates for my goodies with W 10 and transfer them to my XP via a thumbdrive. Out Of Service? Windows did that with various programs you’d pay for – but if you bought the new versions they wouldn’t let you share with the old ones.
Hi, would it be unwise to carry on using windows 7 as, I buy and sell on e.bay therefor paypal involved? And I use AliExpress also to buy from occasionally so, debit card used??also Confused as to what to do
This article should help: How To Keep Using Windows 7 Safely After Support Ends
When any commercial software has reached end of all support, does the manufacturer ever relinquish all copyrights? For example, can a third party takes over the support?
Absolutely not. The owner of the copyright must explicitly assign it to someone else, or explicitly declare it public domain. Copyright doesn’t depend on the software being supported, or the original company even being in business any longer.
The problem with “end of support” is that if you are working with older hardware they want you to throw it away . If you are someone on a budget buying a car, you can buy an old car or be be gifted with one etc, and it can be maintained and run till its a classic and beyond. you can and should add new components to the old car AND as affordable continue to be able to upgrade it. The same should be true of computers. Old computers built 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and more years ago should not be left as unusable because some software manufacturer has stopped supporting the best that these computers can do. Just because tech changes fast it should still keep supporting everything that came before. EVERYTHING.
You can continue to use an unsupported version of Windows if you are careful.
How To Keep Using Windows 7 Safely After Support Ends
What’s the Risk of Using Unsupported Software?