Articles in Category:

These are articles that have been migrated from the old “” site but have NOT yet been cleaned up or otherwise updated. They’re here primarily as a reference. We’ll be updating the more important and popular ones over time.

I hear TV and Radio are converting to all digital. How will that affect me?

Digital TV is mandated to be deployed in the US within the next two years. Depending on how you get your signal, you may or may not be affected.

How should I backup my hard drive with several partitions to an external drive?

Backing up to an external drive is an easy way to make sure you’re covered in event of failure. But how should that external drive be configured?

How Can I Do Dictation on My Computer Using My Voice Recorder?

It’s tempting to want to record speech on the road and then automatically transcribe it to your PC. The technology’s not there, but alternatives exist.

All hail … the iPhone?

It’s a very cool device. And I’m not getting one.

How do I automatically redirect one web page to another?

It’s sometimes the case that you’ll want one URL to automatically forward to another. We’ll look at several approaches to redirecting URLs.

Why do I need a default browser?

The default browser is the application Windows uses to handle web and .html pages. There are ways to specify that a different application be used.

How do I maximize data transfer speed on my LAN?

Network performance tuning can be a black art but some simple decisions and configurations can easily set you up with a reasonably fast network.

First, Count to 10

In email the quickest response is not always the most appropriate.

What are alternate data streams, and are they a security risk?

Alternate data streams are a little known and little understood feature of NTFS that allows information to be effectively hidden within other files.

Why can't I get two access points to work at the same time?

Adding a second access point to your network is a great way to extend your range. But you’ll need to take care to avoid configuration conflicts.

Can my spouse really read my IM conversations?

It’s possible for someone on your local network to monitor and perhaps even log internet traffic. That could easily include your IM conversations.

How do I turn off Data Execution Prevention errors?

Data Execution Prevention, or DEP, can prevent certain types of malware exploits. Unfortunately not all programs are compatible with DEP.

The Catch with DRM-Free iTunes

It seems like a blunder, but was it a brilliant plan?

Will my system be faster if I make my C: drive a flash drive?

USB Flash drives are useful for many things, but not for running your system from them long term. We’ll look at why, and a Windows Vista alternative.

How secure am I on a VPN?

Connecting to a VPN can introduce risks as you expose your machine to others on that same VPN. Fortunately it’s easy to increase your personal security.

How do I get something to open automatically when I log in to Windows?

It’s often convenient to have something start automatically when you login. There are two places you can specify this that are pretty easy to use.

How do I use a printer that's on another machine on my network?

Once Windows Networking is enabled on your local network it’s relatively easy to share printers as well as files. We’ll walk through the steps.

Why do these firewall tests say I've failed? Should I be worried?

For various reasons firewall vulnerability tests can be alarming. Issues they report can be actual problems, or not, depending on your situation.

Protecting Your Computer

There’s no one-stop solution.

Why can't we catch spammers and phishers?

It seems like it should be easy to trace spam and phishing attempts to their origin. Sometimes it is, but it’s often a very complex and costly process.

How do I send a link in email?

Sending a link in email isn’t that difficult, but guaranteeing that everyone who gets it can just click on it is impossible.

What's a "docx" file, and how did I get one?

“.docx” is the new extension used by Microsoft Word 2007. There are a couple of approaches if you’re exchanging documents with users of older versions.

I lost Outlook Express, how do I get it back?

Outlook Express shouldn’t disappear from your system, and might not have. We’ll examine places to look, and steps to take if it’s gone.

The Attitude That Helps

Hate change? Afraid to learn new things? That’ll hurt you more than any lack of skills when it comes to technology.

How do you ask a question when you don't even know the right words to use?

New words and concepts come along at a frightening pace and we’re all somehow expected to know what words to use to ask for help. Here are some ideas.

How do I switch Windows Live Hotmail back to the old style MSN Hotmail?

Windows Live Hotmail is the new interface to your Hotmail account. You can currently switch back to MSN Hotmail, but that may not stay true.

Why does the defrag program crash on my machine?

Defrag organizes the data on your disk for faster and more optimal access. If it crashes it’s probably a problem with the disk’s data.

Where is the Run command on Windows Start Menu?

Depending on your configuration and customization the Run command may not be visible on the Start menu. It’s easy to make it show up.

What's with Microsoft's Patents?

Is Microsoft going to sue everyone? Who knows?

Why do I get "No profiles have been created." when I try to use "Send Link…"?

No Profiles means that a mail program has not been configured properly. The confusion is that it might not be the mail program you’re expecting.

How do I schedule Disk Defragmenter to run with the Windows Task Scheduler?

You want to defragment your hard disk periodically. Task Scheduler runs programs periodically. Put those together to defragment your disk regularly.

How do I fix "The instruction at — referenced memory at –. The memory could not be read."?

That’s not enough information for an answer, so we’ll look at the other types of information that should accompany a general question such as this.

Can my employer track what I'm doing on the internet?

If you have to ask, you probably don’t want to know.

Why are processes listening to closed ports on my firewall?

A firewall will prevent malicious and other messages from reaching your computer, but it won’t stop your computer’s software from listing for them.

How can I force a computer to sign out automatically?

If you leave something sensitive on your display and then walk away, anyone can see it. There are steps you should take if that’s a potential problem.

Why does blocking a spam email end up blocking my own address?

Spammers use various techniques to try and force their way into your inbox. One of the most frustrating is spoofing where the message is coming from.

How do I backup a large number of large PSTs?

Backing up a large number of machines over a network has a number of challenges. PST files are only one aspect of the issue.

What's the best media player?

Video playback is a confusing mess. For most people the player to be used is defined not by personal preference, but by the type of file.

Could Copy Protection be Doomed?

The real question is: how long will vendors keep trying to use it?

Why do web pictures look blocky on my computer, but not on someone else's?

Some techniques used to speed up your web surfing experience can do so at the cost of image quality. We’ll look at how, why and what you might do.

Don't lose your keys!

When you purchase software you’re not always buying what you think.

Why don't more websites fit in an 800×600 screen resolution?

Websites often have problems displaying in smaller windows, and 800×600 is increasingly considered to be small. There are a couple of things to try.

What do the "Report and Delete" or "This is Spam" buttons do?

Reporting spam can help you get less spam, but you need to use it properly, and realize just who you’re reporting spam to.

What is Error 8000FFFF when I try to install a Windows Vista Update?

Error 8000FFFF results on Windows Vista machines with 4gig of RAM. As of this writing there’s no resolution to error 8000FFFF on a Windows Update.

Google's Web History might surprise you

Is it a feature? Or an invasion of privacy?

How do I backup my GMail?

Relying on free email services – even GMail – can be an unnecessary risk. Fortunately GMail makes it possible, even easy, to backup your email.

Why Does Email Get Lost?

Sometimes when you send email you never hear from it again. While once we could count on it being delivered or getting a bounce, that’s no longer true.

Why isn't there a restore point where I want to go back to?

Restore points are a handy way to undo problematic system changes. Even though you can control it some, restore points can only go back so far.

Can I log into to two MSN Instant Messenger accounts at the same time?

Windows Live Messenger is designed to only allow one person to login at a time. There are several ways to sidestep this limitation.

Repair or Replace

The decision to repair or replace a computer isn’t always as easy as we think.