Articles tagged: Microsoft Account
Why Does My Microsoft Account Have Two Passwords?
It can seem like your Microsoft account has a split personality. We’ll examine when that might happen, why, and what to keep in mind when it does.
How Do I Switch to a Local Account Sign-in for Windows?
Windows 10 and 11 setup want you to log in with a Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to restore a local account sign-in.
Local Accounts Vs. Microsoft Accounts: Which Is Better?
Local and Microsoft accounts both have pros and cons. I’ll explain so you can decide which is right for you.
How Do I Transfer Files From an Old OneDrive to Another?
Multiple Microsoft accounts, each with its separate OneDrive, can lead to confusion.
How Do I Change the Email Address of My Microsoft Account?
You can associate multiple email addresses with your Microsoft account. Who knew?
How Do I Recover My Outlook Account?, Hotmail, and Microsoft account compromise and loss happens. Here’s how to get your account back depending on what happened to it.
What Does Signing in to My Microsoft Account Really Mean in Windows?
Let’s sort out some of the differences between logging in using your Microsoft account and logging in using a local account.
How to Recover an Account Without the Recovery Phone or Email
If you don’t have access to your account recovery phone number or alternate email address, there is a process you can go through to regain access to your account — maybe.
Recover Your Account Later by Setting Up a Microsoft Recovery Code Now
A recovery code created in advance can help you regain access to your Microsoft account if you get locked out.
How Not to Get Locked Out of Your Microsoft Account While Traveling
I tried to get locked out of my Microsoft account while traveling. I couldn’t. Why? I’d prepared. You can too.
How Do I Create a Local Account in Windows 10?
The ability to create a local user account on Windows hasn’t been removed; it’s just not obvious where to find it.
Why Am I Being Asked for Additional Verification on Sign-in?
If Microsoft detects a login attempt to your account from a country other than yours, additional security information may be required. You need to be prepared to provide it.
Microsoft Account Recovery Code
Possession of a Microsoft account recovery code is proof you are the account owner and should be allowed in should you ever lose account access.
How Do I Correct My Microsoft Account ( Time Zone?
If the time on your messages is wrong by hours, you may need to correct the time zone in your Microsoft account profile.
Setting Up Two-Factor Authentication — Ask Leo! Live
Two-factor authentication is perhaps the most important, if not most recommended, additional security steps you can take for your online accounts. I walk through two-factor using a Microsoft account.
How to Move an Office 365 Subscription to Another Machine
The Microsoft Office 365 subscription model makes moving to a new machine very, very easy.
Why Do Windows Updates Mess Up My Computer?
We hear of Windows Update messing up computers. I’ll look through one scenario and offer some advice and a reminder: it’s not your fault.
How Do I Go Back to a Regular Account after Updating to Windows 8.1?
After updating Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, many users find that they must now login to their machines using their Microsoft account. I’ll show you how to switch back to logging in with a local account as you did before.
How Can People Be Signed into Both Skype and Microsoft Messenger at the Same Time?
Until the migration from IM to Skype is complete, I think it’s likely to see both accounts for many friends. It’s simply that Skype, the program, is logging into the both Skype and Microsoft Messenger at the same time.