Articles tagged: IP address
How Do I Get Someone’s Location From an IP Address?
While getting someone’s name and address from their IP address is technically possible, it’s also difficult and requires law enforcement’s help.
Why Does My Home Network Only Work with One Computer at a Time?
If there is a conflict with your IP address, it could result in only one of the machines on your network connecting at a time.
What is Last Account Activity in Gmail?
Gmail makes your account activity available to you in case you’re concerned about unauthorized access.
How Tech Mistakes in Media Harm Us All
Please don’t base your understanding of technology on what you see in TV and movies.
What is “Limited Connectivity” and How Do I Fix it?
“Limited connectivity” displays when your computer is having problems completing its network configuration. It might as well mean no connectivity.
Someone Has My IP Address. Should I Be Scared?
If someone threatens you because they know your IP address, it’s an empty threat.
Finding the Owner of an IP Address
While you can’t find the specific owner of an IP address, there are a few tools to see what IP-related information you can get.
What Can People Tell from My IP Address?
People can tell very little from your IP address. For example, they cannot tell who or where you are. How much they can tell varies a great deal.
Can My ISP See I’m Using a VPN or a Proxy?
If you want to hide your IP address, it’s important to understand the terminology to get the results you want.
Why Can’t I Connect with a 169.254 IP Address?
When your computer can’t get an IP address any other way, it assigns itself a 169.254 IP address. It’s a sure sign of a problem.
How Do I Tell If My Email Has Been Hacked?
It can be surprisingly hard to tell if an email account has been hacked, especially when hackers cover their tracks. I’ll show you a couple of possible signs.
Your Router’s Two IP Addresses
Every router has at least two IP addresses. It’s a characteristic of how routers do their jobs.
Why Does My IP Address Have a Bad Reputation? And What Do I Do?
Email reputation for your home IP address probably doesn’t matter, and having it characterized as “poor” might even be a good thing.
What’s the Difference Between a MAC Address and an IP Address?
A MAC address and your IP address are both key components to networking, but they serve different purposes, and are visible in very different ways.
What’s an Open Port?
With one exception, having an open port is not dangerous. But the way that ports work is interesting!
Is My Router Acting as a DNS Server?
Some smart routers can act as a local DNS servers in an attempt to speed things up.
I’ve been blocked because my IP address is on a blacklist. What do I do?
Finding out that you are on a blacklist can be a nightmare. So how do you get off of it?
Can I Assign an IP Address to a Hub and Router?
In this scenario, you’ll end up with two IP addresses, but the hub and router won’t each get one. I’ll explain.
Why Doesn’t My Machine’s IP Address Match What I’m Told on the Internet?
Comparing your machine’s IP address to that reported by a website may result in a surprising difference. I’ll explain why that is and why it’s a good thing.
Can an ISP tell me who’s reading my email?
It’s typically impossible for the average computer user to determine who’s reading your email, particularly since tracing through a an IP address is virtually impossible with legal assistance. The best option is securing your account from any prying eyes from the start.
How Do I Find the IP Address of the Person Who Created a Gmail Account in My Name?
It’s not going to be easy. Only law enforcement has the ability to get full IP address information. The curious thing is, how do you have access to the email?
What’s My IP Address?
We’ll look at some of the specific information you’re making available to every website you visit, and briefly explain each.
How Do I Configure My Static IP Address?
Once you’ve been assigned a static IP address you’ll need to configure the network-connected device manually to use it. We’ll look at how.