Articles in Category: Security
Malwarebytes Anti-malware Removes Malware that Others Don’t
Even the best anti-virus and anti-spyware tools miss things. Malwarebytes Anti-malware has a good reputation for cleaning up some of the things that other tools don’t.
How Much of My Search History Could Be Recovered?
Web searches are stored in your browser history, but even deleting that may not be enough to prevent the discovery of what you’ve been searching for.
How can my ISP tell that I’m downloading copyrighted files?
Some ISPs are taking a more aggressive position to stop illegal file sharing. Your ISP can see a lot, including the fact that you are filesharing.
TrueCrypt – Free Open Source Industrial Strength Encryption
TrueCrypt provides a solution for encrypting sensitive data – everything from portable, mountable volumes to entire hard disks.
How to Safely Use Multiple Anti-Spyware Programs on Your PC
You need to be careful when using more than one anti-spyware tool. Used improperly more than one tool can cause conflicts.
Another Day, Another Panic
Thoughts on the latest virus threat, and the fact that some people will still get infected.
Watch the Cockroaches Scurry
I discuss a new effort to publicize spyware and its creators.
I Have Up-to-date Anti-virus And Anti-spyware Software. Do I Still Need Sp2?
In a nutshell: yes you do. Anti-virus, anti-spyware and even firewall software are only parts of the picture. Without staying up to date, you may still be at risk. Let me explain why.
Should I be worried about this “WMF Exploit” that everyone’s been talking about?
Yes, it’s serious. But, no, you don’t have to go through withdrawal. In an unprecedented move, Microsoft has released the patch for the problem ahead of schedule.
Spyware – is the crisis really that bad?
90% of all machines infested? That’s inflated and misleading – but the reality is bad enough.
Zotob Attacks! Who's to blame?
The Zotob worm recently brought down computers at several large corporations. Who should share in the blame?
I've fired my sysadmin, is changing passwords enough?
Sysadmins are given a tremendous amount of access – when it’s time to remove that access there are places that are very easy to overlook.
How Should I Set Up My Linux Web Server?
That’s really a much broader question than I can answer here, however, my recent experiences both being hacked, and building out a new server to replace the hacked one, are worth recording. Not only might you find it a helpful laundry list of ideas for securing your server, but you might also have some ideas … Read more
How do I delete items I've been to using Google?
Follow these steps to delete your browser’s history.
Is this stuff in my ‘hosts’ file supposed to be there?
The “hosts” file can be used for good or evil. Anti-malware programs may use it to block things, and malware may use it to block anti-malware.