The three things you need.

You need three things to connect to that local hotspot. One you can probably buy at any computer store, the other may be out of your control, but the last might be much harder to come by.
Let me explain…
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Using that nearby hotspot
- You’ll need a Wi-Fi adapter, either built-in, an expansion card, or USB device.
- You’ll need to be within range to be able to pick up the Wi-Fi signal.
- You’ll need the permission of the hotspot owner.
- You’ll need to remember how to stay safe using an open Wi-Fi hotspot.
1. Hardware
First, the easy part: you need a wireless network adapter. Wi-Fi adapters are pretty much standard equipment in laptops these days, but not in all desktops. Since desktops aren’t (typically) mobile, it’s assumed you’ll use a wired connection.
You can add a wireless adapter to your system in several ways.
- An expansion card – Unlike laptops, desktops are designed with several slots for expansion, and wireless adapters are available as expansion cards. In general, for a permanent installation, this is my first choice.
- A USB plug-in – Wireless adapters are also available as devices you just plug into any available USB port on your system. Many are small, convenient, and inexpensive.
- A wireless bridge – These plug into your existing ethernet port and transform it into a wireless connection. This is my least favorite approach because it’s fairly uncommon and somewhat fragile.
The bottom line: getting your desktop PC wireless-enabled isn’t difficult.
2. Range
This phrase in the question concerns me: “There is a WiFi hotspot down the street…”
How far is “down the street”?
Wi-Fi hotspots are typically small. The semi-official range of Wi-Fi is about 300 feet, but even that can be impacted by whatever is between your computer and the hotspot.
My recommendation is that before you try to get your computer connected, make sure it’ll work. Borrow a Wi-Fi-enabled laptop or mobile phone and see if it can connect. There’s a good chance you won’t even see a signal if “down the street” is anything more than a couple of houses over.
You might also see if different locations in your home get a signal, and if some spots get a stronger signal than others. The laptop will be much easier to carry around for that test than your desktop would be.
Assuming you have a strong enough signal to connect, then the next requirement may be the most difficult.
3. Permission
You should get permission from the hotspot owner.
Shop owners usually provide open Wi-Fi as a perk for their customers.
Since you’re not a customer, it might not be appropriate for you to take advantage of it. Even if you are, visiting the business and purchasing, say, a cup of coffee probably isn’t enough to warrant all-day access to their hotspot, either.
The safest thing to do is to ask. Depending on the business, their needs, and your relationship with them, it’s possible they could simply say yes.
Stay Secure
A final caveat: if you’re using a public Wi-Fi hotspot that’s unsecured — meaning you can connect without providing a password — your internet traffic may be subject to sniffing. Make sure you’re taking the appropriate steps to keep yourself safe and secure.
Do this
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Also worth noting, if the WiFi network isn’t public (i.e. it’s just a neighbor who didn’t secure it), it may be illegal for you to tap into it.
Not may be illegal. It is highly likely it’s illegal.
Is it possible to purchase, in addition to the Add-In Card or USB Plug-In, something that will allow one to access the internet if you don’t live a couple of houses down from a public or private WiFi hotspot? Or is it possible for cell phone providers (Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.) to offer this type of service (not free, of course!)?
All sorts of options, not always cheap, fast, or either.
Some cell phone plans let you use your data via tethering. Your phone may have a setting that allows it to become a hot spot with a WiFi address that you can access. The provider may slow down data when it is used that way to discourage it and you are subject to all the restrictions of your plan.
Most of the major providers have hot spot plans and equipment. You purchase the plan and equipment and it becomes your WiFi. Similar to using your phone as a hot spot but not as limited on speed and does not tie up your phone and disappear from the house when gone. I have used one in a car (as a passenger) while traveling for work. My inlaws use one as their primary connection (out in the boonies). T-Mobile is rolling out 5G hotspots in some areas.
Starlink is available in some areas as they build up their satellite system and get things running. Very expensive ($500+100/month) but supposed to be very fast. The plan is to cover the entire earth with the system.
Options are few. You can quite probably do something using a cellular data plan. Check with your cell phone provider.
i have DSL in the next room…how do i pick up DSL signal in an adjacent room without the mess of cables? i need to know what hardware and/or software that is required for that.
Hi PSingh,
You need wifi repeaters. Check this links for this products: and
This article would be a start:
I am in a similar situation to the original poster, with a twist. I was connected to an ISP who had installed a directional antenna on my home and an Avaya Wireless USB card (802.11b) back in 2002. Well they went out of business this year and left the equipment, but even though I can see 10+ unsecured networks in the area, I can’t seem to get data through most of them. The strange thing is friends with laptops work just fine sitting in my home on the networks my epuipment doesn’t work with. Is the Avaya 802.11b too old to work with new providers, or is there some software setting that would fix the problem?
After some effort to solve my problem posted above, I learned the following:
Many of the unsecured networks were service providers(not public hot spots), and in order to connect to their site they needed to have your MAC address registered. The other thing of importance is that laptops put out a much stronger signal than desktops, so even though laptops connected right up, the wireless desktop adapters I bought (I tried external usb adapters and internal cards) could not get much of a signal and were unable to connect.
Wow I live in London and it is not heard of of being arrested for linking up to someone’s wireless hotspot.If you don’t want anyone connecting that way you secure it.Personally myself I asked my neighbour if I pay half her internet monthly bill could I share there password.They were only to pleased to help and all I pay is £20 a month £5 a week and I have my phone laptop tablet and tv all linked up to it .The moral behind this ask is don’t ask don’t get.My neighbor was happy as it halved there bill..I just wrote 4 letters to my closest neighbours as I live in a flat and waited for a knock at my door 3 out of four offerd.But it had to be first come first serve.I actually felt bad for the other two.Well hope this works for anyone else.Please out of curiosity let me no any outcomes good luck.xx
My son’s laptop picks up a wifi signal from a hotel next door. What i would like to know if i use just a linksys wrt54g router and my desk top pc would i be able to pickup the signal. I live about 20 yards away.
First, I’m going to assume that you have the hotel’s
permission. NOT having permission would potentially make
what you are suggesting illegal.
Short answer” no. You need to get a wireless card or other
wireless adapter for your desktop.
The best way to think of it is that your router “sends” the
signal, it cannot “receive” the signal from the hotel. There
are devices that receive, and those would be the wireless
adapters for your PC.
Hello, I have a wireless router (Dlink) and my desktop used to be conected directly to a modem and the router was for the other laptops in my apartment. At my new place I am not connected to a modem anymore and have to connect to my landlord’s internet. Can I use this Dlink router or would I have to get a wireless adaptor? I’m not sure if these are the same things, that’s why I am asking. I noticed another post had a similar question but my friend said I should be fine with the router..although we don’t know much about this, haha. Hope you can help me.
My son was able to pick up a wireless internet connection on his new lap top in my house. I have tried for years to get wireless and am told constantly by all the local providers it is not available. I then bought the ad in card adaptor to make my desktop wireless and POOF.. I am online with internet explorer at huge speed. I have no idea who’s signal I am catching, and I want to “pay” for the connection. How do I figure out where it is coming from to see if I can order it or what? I can get all of the information from the connection, meaning addresses that are like IP addresses. But it means nothing to me! Is there a place where I can find out WHO actually provides service by their internet address? I really want something other than my old dial up that gets me connected at 33bps. Thanks so much
This for those who use others “wi-fi” hotspots. Here where I live in Florida it is totally ILLEGAL to use someone elses hot spot. I personally do not have WiFi myself, but my laptop tries to connect ( and sometimes does ) to my neighbors. Recently they arrested a number of people who were doing this. It can be traced, and at least here. It can land you in the pokey!
i have a desktop and near a wi-fi modem .
i want connect wifi with bluetooth .
can i do?
I just bought a new laptop. My neighboors have a wireless network and my laptop can access it. Will I be charged any money if I connect to my neighboor’s internet network and use it?
I got a PIN number from my neighbors to use his Wi-Fi internet I went to the signals on my laptop and I put the 4 number pin in and it doesn’t do anything somebody please tell me how to do this and what do I need to ask her
I have WiFi installed on my Desktop My roommate wants to connect to my WiFi how do I do this ?
The WiFi is provided by your router, not your desktop. You would give them the router’s network name and the Network Security Key to log on to the network.
I have a airlink wirless usb adapter 802.11n I still cannot get connected to wifi do I need a router or an atenna I am not trying to connect other computers I am just trying to connect to wifi. Do i need any other equipment
Hi, i was wondering if a Xbox 360 Wireless Adaptor would work instead of buying a usb port, because it does have a usb plug on it?
I want to take my laptop on vacation with me. The hotel offers free internet access. What do I need for my computer to make this work ??
The same things described in this article, except you already have permission in this case.
I’ll buy you 2 LATTE’s if you help me out.
I have a 2-wire modem with AT&T 6 mb connection, i have a windows xp desktop connected hardwired to my modem, i have a macbook pro, connected wirelessly to the modem, however, whenever i am on, both at the same time, my internet gets disconnected, I play online games and i hate it when this happens. they have sent me (3) modems’ so I know its not the modem. do you know if they might be limiting my bandwidth?
i have a desktop computer and was wondering how do i get it to have wireless internet the same way as laptops do. i have a wireless adapter installed and still cant get internet. do i need a wifi wireless adapater or something. i tryin overall not to have to spend money on internet service.
My home computer is a desktop with a Broadband Modem thru Verizon. I also have a new laptop that has Wi Fi and I want to know what I need to buy so that I can share the connection that I already have with my home computer. Can I just buy a Wirless Router? Also my home computer has Windows XP and my laptop has Windows Vista. Will these be compatible, and can I make the 2 of them share the same connection? Any help you can provide me with would be most appreciated.
My neighbors have offered to let me use there Ver..n internet service and I am paying for half the bill so it’s all good. However, can they monitor or in anyway see what I am doing? Is there any possible way for them to request from Ver..n a report as to what sites I visit? If not 100% discreet please let me know.
If you have a Wifi card installed in a desktop, won’t the steel case affect its performance?
i have a desktop computer with windows xp. how do i get it to have wireless internet the same way as laptops do? i have a wireless adapter installed and still cant get internet.
Guys check your desktop if he has a wireless adapter if it does no worry you just need to turn on the wireless adapter connection then connect to a network but if you don’t you need to buy one at local computer store (i recommend) and connect it to your desktop then turn it on and connect to a network done
I recently bought a wireless adapter for my sons desktop. i have a netgear router connected to may main computer. I connected the adapter, got a signal and it says i am connected but when i try to pull up internet explorer it says the page cannot be displayed. help pls and ty.
So are you saying that if I buy the Compact Wireless-G USB Adapter from Linksys, I’ll be able to access wifi from the desktop. My laptop wifi works in the bedroom so I know I get wifi there.
You mentioned two things to connect to wifi hotspot, but I only see one thing (wireless adapter). Is there something else?
I have 2 laptops in my home which are both running off the same wireless adapter I have (I have a modem and router in one [motorola]). My brother just gave me his Dell PC (maybe 4 yrs old). How do I get this on my wireless connection like my other computers?[edited]
I purchased a linksys wireless network adapter card and installed it in my desktop. I can get the internet (public wifi) for free which is great. However, the connection is unbearably slow. How can I speed it up? My laptop connects to the same network with 4 bars and is fast enough. I have put them side by side and there is still a difference so location isn’t an issue. Please help!
will this adapter allow my desktop(XP) to share its active LAN with my daughters nearby laptop(VISTA), with internal wifi capabilility? More specifically, my desktop “transmitting” to my laptop.
Hello, I read the entire article but haven’t found my exact situation. I have set up a wireless network using a Linksys WRT54G-BP router. I have permission to connect to my landlord’s WIFI. What I found is that I can only be connected to one or the other – either the WIFI or my wireless network. Is it possible to connect to both? Thanks!
Question about the last issue in the article… how do i secure my own information (computer)from being accessed or my information that is sent as well? I have used an open hot spot but have never had an issue as of yet (knock on wood). is there a program to protect myself from accessing the open hot spot?
hello, sir i have acer laptop which have wifi connection, i m getting signals of wireless connection but i cant configure to network, can you tell me how to configure it …plz help me ..
I have two computers. A laptop, and a Desktop. We need the desktop hooked up wireless. From our own connection. Im sick of having the cord going from one room to my own.
Hi, I have a weird question. I want to connect the PC (which doesnt have wifi) to a wifi network. Wat i have is a nokia 5800 phone which has wifi. I wanna connect PC to 5800 using USB, and hook onto the wifi therafter. how do i go about it?
i have a hitachi pentium4 laptop hifi enabled and i connect nokia n81 wifi ,but not to be connected ,please help me ,
Your reaction is excellent and enlightening especially to a novice like me. I
Yes, you can connect you desktop to a Wi-Fi connection, as my desktop has a built in adapter & internal antenna for it. In fact, I use it (through my legit wireless router that I pay for) as my main connection. But regarding connecting to a legal hotspot or a neighbor’s connection, you best ask permission, or possibly face legal action. I pay with my own money for my high speed (7mbps) connection, and no one had better slow my speed because they’re a freeloader. It’s not like when walking by a house, or your next door neighbor has an apple tree, and it hangs over into your yard, the fruit is yours for the picking. Slow down my connection w/o my permission, you better get an attorney, and fast. It’s called stealing, no matter how anyone tries to justify it. The same goes as far as wireless phones are concerned, there are federal laws that apply to these actions. Mooch off of a service that I pay for, you will pay a lot more in the end.
Charles….it’s not stealing if the connections are open. Everyone has the option of securing their connection with a ten digit WEP or WPA security code. If you elect to not do that then you are allowing it through implied consent….no crime. If you have a key and it gets stolen or hacked then the law has been broken.
Maybe you need a new laptop or get closer to the neighbor
You said “first the easy part”… what’s the second or third part if any?.
Charles, chill out. Making threats doesn’t make for friendly conversation.
If you don’t have a secure wifi connection, why?
If your unsecured wifi is leaking out all over the place, how will you know who is using it?
I, also, am not a lawyer, but I’d be willing to bet that comparing using someone’s wifi without permission to walking uninvited into your house won’t work out for you in court.
Just make sure you’re connection is secured. Save yourself from a lot of useless stress and useless lawyers.
I got a refurbished Dell laptop that was “Internet ready” for my ward, I am his payee, he is disabled. I took it to Seattle Laptop and got the max memory for it then took it home here to setup for him. I was surprised that it had no problem finding a lot of free Internet selections so I bought a Edimax wifi card for my Dell Dimension 8300 and an antenna for it. I could get Linksys on it but when I disconnected from Comcast I couldn’t connect. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
Actually i wanted an external usb wifi device,, so that i can attach the antenna to wall outside ma window, n get the connectivity inside ma room.. coz i get network outside ma room n not inside ma room.. can i get the usb cable i mean of a larger lenght for it?
how much a usb device will cost ?
We are next to a RV park at our lake house we visit a couple of days a month and the owner is a friends saying , Hey, I don’t care who uses it so we can do it with our laptop but was wondering if we might get more than one bar reception with our new desk top computer? Do you think it would pick up a stronger signal? Thanks so much
I have a wireless internet connection for my laptop already in my home. But I am getting a new desktop, How do I use the wireless connector, for my desktop? Do I have to buy a new modem? What do I have to do to connect to the internet?
I have internet in my house, from a service for my laptop. What new hardware do I need to connect my desktop?
We already have the wireless router. But I wanna connect it to my desktop. I’ve tried to read the instruction. And it’s no use. What should I do???
pls kindly help me on how to connect desktop to the internet for free.i want abroadband connection of about 400MB/sec over long distances.pls help i have spent money and i aint gat solutions.
sir how can i use wi-fi in my dextop. and i m having wi-fi of broadband. but im not useing.
So, I did what you said: i got a usb wi fi adaptor. but after running all the activation setup steps…nothing happens. i can select a “unsecured” connection but when i go to log onto the internet, it says i explorer cant open the website(any of them). What do i try next? please help
Sir, I have my loptop with modil 5100 Dill so i have a blackberry modil 9100 i want to use the remoe controll.
My mobile has an option that i have to establish a WiFi connection then i can use the remote controll.
Now i want to help me how can i find and use that ?
Thank You.
are usb longrange adapters any better thanthe built in acer Nplify802.11b/g/n or a waste of money.
hello sir , im venky & im having hp compaq nx6310, laptop & i want to know , how to connect wlan internet to laptop.
right now i am having motoraker e6 mobil & i connected net through airtel g p r s via bluetooth.
need a long range usb wifi adaptors!
HI, I have a lenova laptop and samsung wifi enabled mobile. i want to connect to internet using my laptop through my wifi internet on mobile. How can i do that …I tried to but not able to connect..
you will realise that it was very easy if you had a laptop.wy dont you get yourself one?
anyway here is how:
simply get a wireless network adapter for less than $10 and simply mount it on the pci slot!
and there is that message:new hardware detected.
Drive it and you are good to go.
The links only take me to the cisco website. I don’t know what I’m looking for so from there I’m a little stumped. Could you update the links?
The answers are just so good, thanks
In the article you started with “You need two things to connect to that local hotspot – one you can probably buy at any computer store, but the other might be harder to come by.” I get the USB plug in but I guess I’m blind and can’t find the other thing mentioned. What was the second thing? A router?
You’re right, it does look a little unclear. The second thing is being within range of the WiFi signal.
Good information. Thanks a lot.
hey thanks its was very helpfull 🙂
hotspot here i am 😉
an advise get a pci wireless card with extended antenna
I need to conect my computer to the internet & have wireless in the house at the same time.
How can I have both at the same time with only one internet box fr the cable company?
Hey Can You TEll my THat
i have Desktop i want to UsHEy HI I want TO ASk You that
Can YOu
Help ME ?
Can u tell Can this Work for me or not and which hardwear i need to Install on my desktop to use my wired cable net i.e Pacenet i have a wired net (pacenet) in my desktop i want to share this net on my wifi enable phone so how to configure my desktop to use the pc’s net in my mobile ?
i have Windows Xp sp 3 on desktop
and which wifi chip i needed to install externally in my desktop so i can use it is wifi hotspot ??
please reply as Early as Possible
I have a question…I have two desktop computers, one is in my livingroom and it has the modem and a wireless router hooked up to it, for my kids ipods etc…my daughter also has a desktop in her room, I want her computer hooked up to the internet as well but don’t want any cords running across my floors…what do I need to do to her computer to have that? Thanks
You’ll need a wireless adaptor of some sort on your daughter’s desktop. Leo explains it just under “You can add a wireless adapter to your system” in this article.
I have a virgin mobile broadband mobile hotspot thst I am trying to use with my desktop it’s not connecting do I neef an adapter for the desktop ‘
Most desktops don’t come with a wireless adapter. You can purchase a USB or built-in wireless adapter for as low as $10-$20 on NewEgg or Amazon
I’m want to hookup desktop to recieve wifi.can you tell me if all i’ll need is a usb wireless adapter and a signal?wanting to use mobile hotspot for signal from my smartphone.thx
I think you could also just use the connector from your phone and plug straight into a USB port to get online. I can do that with my smart phone at least. Try that first. Otherwise a USB wireless adapter will do the trick.
If you don’t have a laptop available to test the signal strength, you can use a smartphone or a tablet
Thanks for helping….
I just want to know that, with turned off computer m I able to use this wireless internet services on my cell phone through usb wireless network adapter ?? (Like wired router)
If the USBN Wireless Network Adapter is connected to you computer, then no.
I have a desk top computer connected to the internet and I just purchased a I pad how do I connect the wireless router to my computer
You don’t. You connect the router to the internet following the instructions which came with the router. Then you connect your computer and iPad to the router either wirelessly using the router name and password on the router’s case or documents which came with the router, or you can plug the computer into the router with ethernet cables and it should simply work. It’s also a good idea to change the router’s password. Instructions for that should also come with the router.
I don’t wanna buy a WiFi adapter
Cant I use my phone as a modem ???
I’m getting satisfactory signal too …
Many smartphones have that capability. Check the settings and see if it can.
If you mean your mobile phone, you need to contact your mobile provider.
I bought a used windows xp and I have hotspot on my phone and I bought a wireless adapter but I cant figure out how to get it off dial up. I guess thats how previous owner used it..thank u in advance if u can help me
Leo, I’ve just moved to a new state. In my former home, my desktop computer was DSL connected to the internet. I also had WiFi for my laptop, cell phone, etc. In my new home, I have broadband WiFi and my cell phone and laptop are happily humming along using the broadband WiFi. I now want to connect my desk top computer (uses Windows 7) to the wireless features in my new home, to minimize cords, etc. After reading your helpful responses, I think I need to install a wireless adapter USB plug-in or an expansion card…. Because the desktop wasn’t designed to function as a wireless computer. I’m not tech savvy, but that’s my understanding of the problem. Is that correct? And where do I purchase an expansion card or the wireless adapter USB? The USB would be the easiest for me to use. I’m apprehensive about a card and figuring that out, unless it slips into the front of the tower like my photo card does. Thanks so much for your excellent help!
The desktop doesn’t have to be :”designed” to be wireless. It just sees a network connection. That it happens to be wireless instead of wired is actually irrelevant, other than making sure the appropriate device is installed an has its drivers installed as well.
There’s tons of options. It could be as small and simple as this: if you’re close to the access point, or something along these lines: if a bigger/better antenna could help.
I had cricket broadband hook to my PC for the last 6 years, now we just got a ZTE Z288L Mobile Hotspot from Straight Talk. Do I need something between the PC and the Hotspot? Thanks!
I live in a building that has wifly how can I get that in my room on the 13th floor. I have their permission to do so.
It depends on how many floors down the wireless router is located. It probably wouldn’t work if it’s much more than a couple of stories away. You can use wireless or wired extenders, but you’d have get some extra permissions for that. A wireless extender would only gain you a couple more floors of coverage.
Hello sir…I am using my neighbor wifi with my phone .but I want to connect it with my PC.which type of latest device I have to use for secure network…
Assuming you have your neighbors permission of course: there are Wi-Fi adapters you can get for a PC. Typically a USB Wi-Fi adapter is the easiest to deal with.
What if I have a hot spot from my cell phone? If I buy an adapter can it connect from my cell? We just moved and are a week without I found an adapter for 10 dollars I bought my daughter a game that can be pled offline but not downloaded offline.
I see you somewhat answered but doe brand & price make a difference when trying to connect through mobile? Will it work exactly like a tablet or lap top
I have bought a wireless adapter but when I put it in to connect It keeps saying detecting apapter .Do I need to do more than install the adapters cd. Any heelp appreciated newbie.
I can use computer,cell and laptop in the other rooms of the house. But my room will not pick up anything. What can I use in here?
You can use a Wireless Access Point to extend the range of a network.
Hi Sr. Thanks for all your help . I want to cancel the service from the internet company . I have hotspot in my cell and I want to cancel the service from the internet company . My question is: can I used my cell to get internet to my laptop ? and what do I need to do it . Thanks again for your help
A laptop can access the internet through a smartphone via USB cable by a process called tethering. Most smartphones also alow internet access via WiFi. Some carriers block that feature unless you pay more. You can google tethering along with your phone and carrier name to see if and how that can be accomplished.
How can I use ther Wi Fi of a business aboutg 100 yards from my house? I use Windows 7
Step one would be to ask their permission, of course. With that then the next step depends on what kind of computer setup you have.