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Survey Results & More – Ask Leo! Live

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Some of the take-aways from the survey:

  • 95% of respondents were 55 or older.
  • #1 theme: Windows Update problems or perceptions of problems
  • #2: Change and the pace or need thereof
  • #2b: Backing up remains a problem
  • #3: Networking still sucks
  • #4: Security is a concern for many if not most.

In addition to the breakout above, I also summarize it all as people wanting stability and predictability. When something goes wrong, they ask:

  • Is it me?
  • Is it the system?
  • Have I been hacked?
  • How do I fix it & move forward?


Edited from the full Ask Leo! Live Event video, available below.


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Full Ask Leo! Live Event

Download: (640×360 resolution): Survey Results & More – Ask Leo! Live (450MB)
All patrons: download or watch in HD

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2 comments on “Survey Results & More – Ask Leo! Live”

  1. There are a couple of reasons I believe networking should be easier. About 20 years ago I used a program called Network Magic by Cisco Systems. It made networking a snap until it was discontinued. What I can’t understand is that if Network Magic could make it work, why can’t Microsoft? Heck, they could have even paid Cisco to license it as an integral part of Windows. Cisco is definitely the king of networking.

    Next, I switched to TeamViewer which I use for file transfer as well as remote access between my computers. That worked perfectly for me but it’s not for everyone because it doesn’t allow you to control folder access. Now I use OneDrive (Dropbox works just as well) and reserve Teamviewer for remote repairs. All of my data is on OneDrive so it is essentially, my file server. I can control file and folder access and I can encrypt any files I want protected with BoxCryptor.

    I set up Dropbox for business as my daughter’s company’s file server and everyone who needs to can access the files from any device.

    You’d think that with a network as complex as the Internet which works so well, a company like Microsoft could come up with a solution to network a few home or small business computers locally.

  2. Leo mentioned FBP, Fluff Busting Purity (formerly known as Facebook Purity).
    It gets rid of lots of Facebook annoyances. One of my biggest annoyances is the Tag suggestions when you start typing what Facebook determines is part of someone’s name, and they pop up that name up as a tag suggestion. That can be turned off via FBP.


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