Movement can come from many places, benign and malicious.

The answer is: maybe.
Or perhaps: it depends.
There are several reasons cursors appear to move around the screen on their own. Some are malicious and some are not. In addition, many of the techniques used by hackers avoid moving the mouse anyway.
I think the real answer is: it’s complicated.
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Mystery mouse movement
Mouse pointers most often move on their own because of dirt on the mousing surface or dirt within the mouse itself. Sometimes the surface, even clean, can be ‘confusing’ to mouse electronics, which can manifest as autonomous movement. While malicious movement is possible through traditional remote-access software, bad actors more commonly take steps to hide what they’re doing, thus not moving the mouse pointer at all. As always, if you suspect malware, run up-to-date security scans.
Benign movement
Honestly, the most common reason I’ve run across mouse pointers going for a random walk around my screen has nothing to do with hackers or malicious software.
It’s dirt.
Either the mouse sensor is dirty, or the surface it’s on is dirty. That can easily confuse the mouse into thinking it’s being moved around, and as a result, the mouse pointer on the screen will move around as well.
Another more consistent cause: the surface your mouse is on is confusing the device. By that, I mean that your mouse and surface are clean, but the nature of the surface itself makes it difficult for the mouse’s movement sensor to get a clear reading. I’ve seen the mouse pointer move around randomly because the surface on which the mouse was placed just wasn’t compatible with the mouse.
The sensitivity of your specific mouse plays a large role in this, but step one in all these cases is to clean the underside of the mouse and the surface it’s on. Remove any dust and debris you find.
And try putting the mouse on a mousepad, or even just a sheet of paper, to rule out the surface as being the cause.
Malicious movement
If you’ve ever used a remote desktop program like LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Chrome Remote Desktop, or others, you’ve already seen the mouse moving under someone else’s control. Kind of spooky, isn’t it?
This is what most people think of when they see the mouse moving on its own. They assume someone is using a remote access tool to “drive” their computer.
It’s possible — just unlikely.
First, the mouse movement would not be “random”. If someone has malicious access to your machine that manifests in this manner, you’ll see the mouse moving deliberately. You’re more likely to notice programs start, windows open and close, and more. Malicious activity involves much more than jiggling the mouse a little.
Second, most of these types of tools require you to explicitly allow access to your machine. Since you’re asking the question, I’ll assume you haven’t done that.
So, no, mouse movement doesn’t generally imply malicious remote access. It can, but usually it does not.
Malicious non-movement
One of the reasons I’m so skeptical of mouse movement indicating something bad is that hackers try to avoid it in the first place.
Most malicious software installed on people’s machines that allows remote access is hidden, and would never appear as anything on your screen at all. Bots, RATs (Remote Access Trojans), and others all take steps to hide everything they’re doing from view.
The majority are likely to be similar to command-line windows that you’ll never, ever see.
A very quick test for remote access
If none of the explanations above convince you, or if you’re just still concerned, there’s a simple test.
Disconnect your machine from your network. Unplug the ethernet cable or turn off Wi-Fi.
If the mouse is still moving randomly, it can’t be due to remote access.
Movement or not, stay safe
Regardless of whether you see unexplained mouse movement or not, it’s always a good thing to make sure your security software is up to date and running properly. You might, if you like, use this as an opportunity to perform a full security scan to put your mind at ease.
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You forgot to check the battery. I’ve seen my wireless mouse and keyboard do weird things when the battery gets low. Usually it just stops working, but every once in a while there is strange behaviour.
The only other time occured when I left the wireless mouse and keyboard upstairs and I had the laptop downstairs. My wife was setting the table for supper and moved them/hit keys on the keyboard.
I tracked my mysteriously-wandering mouse down to my laptop fan causing vibration on my desk just enough for the mouse to detect but not enough for me to notice.
Many years ago I had a laptop with a Trackpoint (? – little red ‘joystick’ in the keyboard). Once the laptop was older, the trackpoint didn’t always automatically centre itself, and the pointer would wander around the screen. Eventually I turned it off, and just used an external mouse.
My wireless mouse freezes and jumps, but not with my laptop. I think it’s a transmission issue. I’ve never been able to fix it.
First, congratulations Leo on your 18 years of helping people.
Ken D, about your mouse. Location, location, location. Chances are that your laptop is located some place where there isn’t much interference compared to your desktop (assuming that’s the problem you’re describing). The surface on which you place the mouse is likely to be different and cause problems, especially if it’s an optical mouse. Another factor is the USB port to which you connect your transmitter/receiver, which may be faulty. Try different USB ports. Try connecting a wired mouse and see what happens – that’ll give you a clue. Another problem may be whatever programs that are running in the background on the two computers. If you’re typically on a web browser on the desktop that may be the problem (browsers suck up memory and CPU). Test it while running in Safe Mode and see what happens. There there is likely a driver difference between the two machines. Find out what driver the laptop has and put it on the desktop. Of course, the mouse sensitivity settings are different, so check those. If you have a heavy duty desktop, it may be that it is generating enough wireless interference to affect your mouse. Put the mouse transmitter/receiver on a USB extension cord, further away from the desktop. If all else fails, change the batteries and buy a new computer. But cheaper yet, buy a new mouse!
A suggestion about asking a question about a problem for which you expect to get help: You need to provide more information.
In fairness to Ken, I’m not sure that he was asking for help, but doubtless many people will find those tips useful anyway! My compliments to Leo too.
Hi, I first noticed this a couple of months ago first time ever, moving just as I had observed it moved when someone helped me by remote. Scared and not knowing what to do I shut down my laptop. When I reopened it, my startup pages and taskbar were all changed. Then nothing happened until…tonight (12-31-21) when it started again, this time just fighting me when I tried to move it where I needed. I’m sure as you say, Leo, it’s just dirt or some maladjustment, but it’s so scary! THANK YOU Leo for all your shared knowledge with us and I WISH YOU AND YOURS A HEALTHY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR AND BEYOND! :o)
It seems for the last 5 years or so, my laptop has done some weird things such as the cursor moving around while I am sitting there. I move the mouse and the cursor moves back but still. That is not normal. I let a guy use my laptop for a few hours looking for a job, so he said. I felt sorry for him and didn’t think anything. It was not but a week or so these things started happening. Didn’t think too much about it then or had any thoughts that guy had something to do with it. I moved and I seen this guy again and at this point it has been a year or so since I have seen him. I let him use it again to help him out and it started all over again. I got a new laptop so I know he had to had something to do with it. That or it is a complete coincidence . Unlikely but still. Never let anyone use your stuff.
I found a app which you can record your cursor moving, clicking and then you playback it! It’s called: