Articles in Category: Administration
Items related to Leo, Ask Leo! and overall website and related operations and administrivia.
What is Software Escrow?
Getting someone to write software for you can result in a wonderful, custom solution to your problem. It can also incur a significant amount of risk if things go wrong. Software escrow is one way of protecting you in certain types of projects when certain things go wrong.
Two years of Ask Leo!
Some thoughts on the second anniversary of Ask Leo!
Reflections on Two Years of Ask Leo!
On August 10, 2003 I posted the first answer on Ask Leo! – How do I keep the status bar from disappearing in Internet Explorer 6?. As of this writing there have been 577 articles posted to Ask Leo!, and another 671 quick responses posted to the Ask Leo! Mailbag. Add to that almost two … Read more
Full feeds, or not full feeds?
The debate on how much belongs in an RSS feed surfaces again.
Windows Defender
Windows Defender is a free, easy to use anti-spyware package that does a good job of protecting you, and includes several advanced tools as well.
Why does this error happen in one XP user account and not another?
That’s a toughie, because it’s really related to Avast and how Avast was set up.
How can I rejoin two files into one?
Not only is it possible to rejoin two files into one, you already have the tool on your machine to do so.
How should I set up my computer? (Part VII)
In this seventh and final article in a series of articles covering my new computer’s setup, we continue by making a few final adjustments.
How should I set up my computer? (Part I)
In previous articles I discussed the process I used to select a new computer for myself. Next, we’ll step through configuring my new machine.
Omniscient.exe is a form of adware and should be removed from your system.
What do I do when a program reports a DLL is missing?
DLLs can go missing for several reasons from accidental deletion to corruption or more. We’ll look at some of the common causes and steps to take.
What is a "subnet mask"?
A subnet mask is a way of telling your computer or router what network addresses it can consider local and which are remote.
Quick answers to a few questions…
Quick answers to a few questions… I get a fairly steady volume of questions here at Ask-Leo!. Unfortunately I can’t answer them all personally but here’s a batch of questions received over the past week and some quick answers. Why doesn’t the “Help & Support” Service stay disabled like I set it? Help! The print … Read more
How do I get Word documents on the web to show up in Word, rather than my browser?
By default Word and other documents are displayed within IE rather than in an instance of the application. It’s an easy setting to change, once found.
A spammer is using my cgiemail, what do I do?
Cgiemail is a program that many websites use to send email. Unfortunately certain versions can be abused by spammers, and you get the blame.
Where can I find Unix Tools for Windows?
Unix and Linux include a number of very useful programs. Windows has some that are similar, but you can also find actual Unix tools for Windows.
Protected: Ask Leo! Style Guide
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Do you accept guest posts?
Ask Leo! does not accept guest posts or sponsored posts at this time.
About Ask Leo! and Leo Notenboom … and Making Technology Work
I help you use technology more effectively, giving you the confidence to do more, be more, and explore more of the world that today’s technology makes available to us all.
Product Reviews, Recommendations and Affiliate Links Disclosure
I frequently mention specific products in various ways on Ask Leo! – this page is to clarify exactly what those various approaches may be, and any potential relationship or benefit I might derive from those references.
What Is “Spring Cleaning”?
Spring cleaning is all about removing people from mailing lists who aren’t reading it anyway, but with occasional collateral damage. Blame spammers.
What is Facebook Fan Friday?
On most Friday afternoons I’ll make a post on the Ask Leo! Facebook page along the lines of: It’s Facebook Fan Friday! For the next hour or so I’ll do my best to respond to every question asked in a comment to this post. What’s got you scratching your head today? And for the next … Read more
Ask Leo! – Terms, Conditions, Privacy Policies, and such
An overview of the various terms of service that you agree to and should be aware of when you use the Ask Leo! website and newsletter.
Can I republish your articles?
Copying entire articles is a violation of copyright and it’s illegal. I do have some alternatives, though.
How do I turn off those ads that look like links on your site?
Ask Leo! is free, but advertising supported. If those ads get in your way, here’s a way to turn them off.
Why Didn’t You Answer My Question?
I get a lot of questions every day. Here are some tips to increase your chances of finding the answer you need.
Link Disappeared
Unfortunately the destination of the link you clicked on has apparently changed or disappeared, and I don’t yet have an updated link or replacement. I apologize for the inconvenience, but in part it’s the way the internet works and changes over time. Thanks,
What’s your public key?
You can actually get my public key (for from several key PGP/GPG servers out there, but for the record, here ’tis:
Advertising on Ask Leo!
Direct advertising on Ask Leo! is now available. Please click this link to be directed to our third-party advertising service. Ask Leo! is not looking for another ad network, nor are we looking for ways to further optimize our ad delivery, inventory, or whatever else might be proposed. We do not respond to unsolicited partnership … Read more