Articles in Category:

These are articles that have been migrated from the old “” site but have NOT yet been cleaned up or otherwise updated. They’re here primarily as a reference. We’ll be updating the more important and popular ones over time.

Why can't I access Hotmail?

It’s apparently common to have trouble accessing Hotmail. Unfortunately, there is no clear reason why or even a clear direction to take.

Encrypting Using AxCrypt

AxCrypt is a utility which allows you to encrypt a single file with high-strength encryption, either in-place, as a copy, or as an executable.

Does keeping an unencrypted copy of encrypted data make sense?

It sounds counter-intuitive, but keeping an unencrypted copy of encrypted data not only makes sense, but it can protect it from certain types of loss.

Is there a way to get an internet connection for free?

Internet connectivity can get expensive. Unfortunately, low-cost or free alternatives are few or have strings attached.

What is Adobe AIR?

Adobe AIR may appear on your machine if you install software that requires it. AIR is another library of functionality used by several applications.

Encrypting Using LockNote

LockNote is a small, single-purpose utility that excels at encrypting text in a way that is easily shared with Windows users.

I clicked on a link that I shouldn’t have. What should I do now?

It happens to the best of us. You click a link and only then do you realize that you shouldn’t have. I’ll explore one scenario.

How do I securely delete email?

It’s easy to overlook important steps if you’re attempting to securely and permanently delete an email message. I’ll cover what’s required.

How do I stop legitimate email from going to my spam folder?

Legitimate mail ends up in the spam folder because somewhere, somehow, some spam filter thought it was spam. I’ll look at why, and what to do.

How do I access the Policy Editor in Windows 7 Home editions?

Windows 7 Home editions do not include the policy editor. We’ll look at what your options are in general, and then walk through one specific example.

Does blocking junk mail senders help?

Blocking spam based on the email address it comes from is pretty pointless. I’ll look at why and what you should do instead.

How do I get a Windows application to start automatically on login, and start minimized?

Windows has a convenient mechanism to set programs to start automatically when you login. We’ll look at that, as well as customizations like minimize.

How Do You Make Links?

We take links for granted, but they’re an important part of the web and email. We’ll look at what they mean and how they’re written.

How do I turn off thumbs.db in Windows 7?

Thumbs.db is created by Windows Explorer as a performance optimization. We can turn it off with a simple setting in Windows 7.

Does Google Read My Email?

Web ads often relate to the topic displayed on the page. If that’s your email, then the ads may well relate to the content of message you’re reading.

How Do I Change the Location of the Windows Temporary Files Folder – and Should I?

Windows places temporary files created by itself and by running programs in a temporary folder. On occasion it can be helpful to change that location.

Are celebrities dying at an alarming rate?

I look at a recent rash of spam / malware claiming that your favorite celebrities have died.

What happens when my anti-malware tool quarantines something?

Anti-malware tools, on identifying malicious software, will “quarantine” it. I’ll look at what that means, and if there’s any residual threat.

Is my FTP program secure?

Your FTP program may or may not be secure. The real insecurity comes from the FTP protocol itself. I’ll look at why, and what the alternatives are.

How do I stop Firefox from opening with two tabs?

Most people don’t realize that Firefox has the option to open multiple home pages at once. It’s possible some installed programs use this.

How do I get Hotmail to stop changing things?

Windows Live Hotmail has once again made changes to their web based email service, and once again some users are unhappy. Yet, Hotmail needs to change.

Have problems with SP3 been resolved and is it now safe to install XP SP3?

Windows XP SP3, like all service packs, caused problems on a small number of machines. We’ll look at where those came from and what to do.

Speeding up my CD/DVD-ROM: what are PIO and DMA, and how do I change the setting?

CD/DVD drives and even hard disks can suddenly slow down if the system elects to change a setting from DMA to PIO. I’ll look at why, and where.

How do I get 32-bit software to run on 64-bit Windows?

Most often the trick to running 32-bit software in Windows 64 is to simply run it. 64-bit Windows has broad 32-bit compatibility built in.

Literacy Grant Awards 2010

As part of 2010’s “Year of Helping” Ask Leo! is proud to announce recipients of cash grants for English and computer literacy

Should I Leave Windows 98 behind?

Still running Windows 98? You’re at higher risk of problems with malware and diminishing support from software vendors. I’ll look at what to consider.

Can backups be infected? And if so, what good are they?

It’s possible for malware to become part of a backup if your machine is infected at the time of the backup. It’s not the end of the world.

How do I delete a folder in the new Windows Live Hotmail?

The “Manage Folders” link seems to have disappeared from the new Windows Live Hotmail. I’ll show you where it’s hiding.

How do I view full headers in Windows Live Hotmail?

The ability to view full headers in Windows Live Hotmail is on the Actions menu when viewing a message.

Does "Windows is checking for a solution…" actually do anything?

When a program is terminated by Windows it will check for a solution. If no solution is found … don’t wait for one.

My Yahoo account was stolen and recovered, but now I'm getting suspicious emails. What should I do?

If your account is stolen and later recovered, you need to carefully examine the account. It may also be advisable to stop using it altogether.

Is this "Account updates!!!!!" email legitimate?

“Account updates!!!!!” is a recent and frequent attempt at phishing. I’ll break down why it’s so obviously bogus, to show things to look for elsewhere.

How long should a hard drive last?

After experiencing another hard drive failure, I realize why you should be scared, and want to share yet more reasons that backups are so critical.

How should I make my files accessible via the internet?

The internet is everywhere and yet – using it to access your own files isn’t as obvious as you might like. I’ll look at some options.

How do I convert a PDF document into a Word document?

It’s not uncommon to want to take a PDF file and convert it to a more easily editable format like Word. Problem is, PDF wasn’t mean to do that.

Why won't services just email me my password instead of making me set a new one?

A service practicing proper security actually doesn’t know your password. I’ll cover how that works and why it’s very important.

Someone has created a fake social media profile with my name – how do I remove this fake account?

It’s trivial to create accounts on both free email and social media services impersonating someone else. Unfortunately, it’s not so trivial to clean up.

How do I get Hotmail to close my stolen account?

If your Hotmail account has been stolen your only recourse it to try to regain access. Only then can you close it. I’ll look at the recovery steps.

Why are reboots required on some system updates?

When Windows updates itself it’s subject to many of the same rules other software is. One rule: you can’t make changes to running software.

How do I back up my installed software?

Backing up installed software often happens with system backups, but it’s not enough. You need additional steps to properly backup installed software.

Kindle – Much more than an electronic portable book reader

The Kindle reader from Amazon is changing the way many people read. An overlooked capability makes Kindle much more than just a reading device.

With Microsoft providing Microsoft Security Essentials do I no longer need to purchase malware protection?

Microsoft Security Essentials provides basic anti-virus and anti-spyware scanning for free. It appears to be a reasonable anti-malware tool for many.

Why does my computer make the sound of a door slamming from time to time?

Unexpected sounds coming from your computer can be startling and disturbing. In many cases, however, there’s a simple explanation.

Does restoring a backup also reformat the hard drive?

Restoring a backup doesn’t technically reformat the drive, but the results are often similar. I’ll look at the differences and when they might matter.

What Are These Partitions on My Hard Drive?

Many manufacturers create separate recovery partitions on hard drives. I’ll discuss what they often are, and why I ignore or even eliminate them.

How can I tell what kind of WiFi encryption I'm using?

It’s easy to tell what kind of encryption is being used on available networks. Changing it, however, requires access to the wireless router.

Why won't my files open even after they've been transferred to my new PC?

Transferring files from one PC to another is an important part of moving to a new PC. Unfortunately, it’s not the only part.

How do I create a bootable Windows XP CD using BartPE?

Windows can’t just make a bootable CD but BartPE’s PE Builder will use your install disc to create a very useful, bootable, Windows utility CD.

How do I create a Windows XP SP3 "slipstream" disc?

I found myself in need of a real Windows XP + SP3 installation CD. I’ll walk you through the process to create one from a pre-SP3 installation CD.

Do I Need to Back Up My BIOS? What About Backwards Compatibility?

Your computer’s BIOS is not typically backed up. I’ll look at why, and whether you should be concerned about backwards compatibility when upgrading it.