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Why does the URL change when I go to some pages?


Every time i put on my browser it changes to I can't access the
page. I've seen this trying to access other sites also. Why can't I access

It's on purpose. To be absolutely strict about it, there is no Just like there's no

But they both take you somewhere. On purpose.

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What you're seeing is called "redirection". The MSN Gaming Zone owns the
domain "", but all the content for that is underneath the ""
domain. So when you visit try to visit "", which is pretty easy to
remember, you are automatically redirected the correct location for its
content. In the Zone's case, that's a fairly long URL that's more difficult to

In fact, the page you land on may be different for different people. See
"/en/" in the resulting URL? That stands for "English". I'm guessing that if
you visit from an IP address that can be located in a country for
which the Zone has a native language site, you may get redirected to that site
instead, with a language code different that "en".

One short, easy to remember URL that takes you to "the right place",
whatever that might be.

"... redirection is simply another
tool in the web site designer's arsenal for managing their domains, their
sites, and their content."

I do the same thing. If you listen to my podcasts, for example, I refer to
my site as "",
because it's easier to remember and understand audibly. But if you actually go
to that URL, you'll quickly be redirected to "", the URL I've chosen to standardize on.

Similarly, the domain "" redirects you to my page of Hotmail related
articles. You'll never end up at a page that's actually at the
domain, because there are none.

There are several ways that webmasters can implement redirection including
special DNS entries, something called "URL rewriting", and even "meta refresh"
tags in the HTML of one page that say, effectively, "go display that page over
there, instead".

In all cases, when done properly of course, redirection is simply another
tool in the web site designer's arsenal for managing their domains, their
sites, and their content.

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1 thought on “Why does the URL change when I go to some pages?”

  1. Hi Leo,

    Can I ask a related question to the above? I have been told that the original domain name (so lets say from the above example) can be maintained in the browser address bar and in search engine entries – is this the case to your knowledge?

    The reason behind this is I’m looking at a resilient solution where:

    1. DNS of domain name we want to point to is in another’s control
    2. We want their domain name to point to our domain name not an IP (to allow us a quick DR solution if needed)
    3. We jointly want to maintain their domain name in all references on the web for the site.

    Could you advise your thoughts?

    Thanks in advance,


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