There are many possible reasons.

First, to be clear: I’m not talking about a specific bug.
This is about folks who discover something that is a horrible, terrible problem to them, and they just can’t understand why it’s not fixed immediately.
The question above is a composite of questions, comments, and rants I’ve received. Every time, someone is convinced they’re dealing with what they consider the Most Important Bug ever, and Microsoft — no, Bill Gates himself — is ignoring them.
There’s usually no satisfying folks who’ve landed in this extreme position. I often suggest — and it’s an honest suggestion — that they might be better served by using Mac or Linux because they’re so dissatisfied with Microsoft and Windows.
For those who are interested, I’d like to discuss how companies decide which bugs get fixed and why a bug you consider important might not be one of them. I’ll also discuss why Bill Gates is not only not ignoring you but probably doesn’t know that you — or the bug you care about — even exists.
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The bugs that don't get fixed
Fixing even simple bugs is costly, risky, and time-consuming. Design decisions aren’t bugs no matter how much we dislike them. Other bugs lie with third-party software. While frustrating, workarounds or alternate solutions may be the best path forward for issues you can’t live with. Blaming Bill is pointless.
No excuses
This isn’t about making excuses for Microsoft. They do screw up and miss important things from time to time. More often than not, it’s a case of not clearly understanding the priorities of their users, but even that is no excuse; sometimes, they just get it wrong.
This is about understanding the process and the incredible complexity of fixing bugs. Hopefully, we can gain a little understanding of why a bug might not get resolved in a timely fashion (or at all).
I’m not only not making excuses for Microsoft; this information applies industry-wide. Even though I’ll use Microsoft in the discussion below, it applies equally to any of a hundred other software manufacturers.
I don’t want to minimize your experience
I also don’t want to minimize or gloss over the impact of whatever you’re experiencing. These problems can have a significant impact on how you use your computer every day. I am taking your experience seriously — as does Microsoft, believe it or not — but I also want to be pragmatic.
My goal is for you to understand the realistic chances of getting your issue addressed. Let’s look at how companies make decisions about how things work, how they prioritize fixing bugs, how difficult it is to fix bugs, and who we should blame.
Sometimes it’s not a bug
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it’s a bug. It may annoy the heck out of you, but that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong or accidental.
Microsoft does research (called usability studies) to determine the best way for things to work — lots of research. They update and refine their products based on feedback from real people who are using the proposed changes long before the change ever sees the light of day in public. Based on that feedback, many changes never make it into the product.
But there’s no pleasing everyone.
If 990 people really like a proposed user interface and 10 hate it, Microsoft will choose the one that pleases the most. If you’re one of the 10, you’re out of luck.
It’s not a bug; it’s a decision appealing to the majority of users — a majority of which you, unfortunately, are not a part.
How bugs get prioritized
I’m certain there are bugs in Windows that are decades old and will never be fixed.
Because the number of people affected by the bug, or the severity of the bug’s impact, is so small it’s just not important enough to fix.
Let’s say you find 1,000 people who agree with you on the bug that bugs you the most.
The number of Windows installations exceeded 1 billion machines sometime in 2014. It’s even higher now. Your 1,000 people represent 0.0001% of Windows users. The fact that 1,000 is a tiny fraction of Windows users isn’t enough to get the bug ignored, but it is one factor.
Data loss is a more significant factor. One classification assigned to problem reports is the concept of data loss: whether the bug could cause the user to lose data. That could be as simple as a crash that causes you to lose what you were working on just now, or a failure unexpectedly wiping out all or part of the data stored on your hard disk.
Data loss matters.1
If a part of the screen isn’t re-drawn as it should be, or a mouse pointer disappears, or an information window closes unexpectedly, those are all less serious than something that causes a user to lose data.
So even if thousands of people are experiencing the same problem, that might be tiny compared to all the users who are not. If the problem is mostly non-destructive, you can see that it might not get as highly prioritized as other issues, including future product and new feature development.
Sometimes it’s not Microsoft’s bug
One of Windows’ most interesting features is its ability to be extended by third-party hardware vendors. Today’s version of Windows can work with hardware that hasn’t even been dreamed of yet because when that hardware comes into existence, the manufacturer can write software (aka drivers) that integrates with Windows to support that new device.
The key phrase there? “The manufacturer can write software… that integrates with Windows”.
Microsoft doesn’t write and isn’t necessarily responsible for every bit of software used by Windows to run your machine. What that means is that some bugs users perceive as being in Windows aren’t in Windows at all. They are in the software added to Windows by other vendors.
Microsoft can and does pass along reports of issues with third-party software, but they always don’t control how, when, or even if those bugs get resolved. They, like you, are at the mercy of those third-party software authors.
This isn’t limited to drivers. There are third-party applications and add-ons often perceived as part of Windows even though they are not. Their failure is often reported as about Windows when the fault lies elsewhere.
Fixing bugs is risky and expensive
Fixing a bug — even a simple one — is neither simple nor cheap.
Because of the unimaginable complexity of the systems that we take for granted these days, the ramifications of even the smallest bug fix are often impossible to predict. It’s not at all uncommon for a bug fix here to break something else over there.
Hence, a good software vendor tests even the smallest fix thoroughly. What that means is that the software needs to be run through a complete testing cycle to make sure the fix broke nothing.
Imagine what it means to test every single feature in Windows. Now imagine doing that for every different edition of Windows (Home, Pro, whatever). Now imagine doing that again for every edition in every language.
Now imagine trying to do all of that quickly.
The upshot is that the cost of even the simplest of fixes is surprisingly high.
And yet all software has bugs
There’s an old software engineering maxim that says:
- A bug found by the customer is 10 times as expensive as one found by pre-ship testing;
- A bug found by pre-ship testing is 10 times as expensive as a bug found by the engineer writing the software;
- A bug found by the engineer is 10 times as expensive as a bug found in the design before the software is even written.
The earlier bugs are found, the less expensive they are to fix.
So you can imagine that there’s a lot of pressure to fix bugs as early in the development cycle as possible. There are untold thousands upon thousands of bugs that get fixed before the product is ever released.
And yet some make it through regardless. That is the nature of software development. There’s no such thing as bug-free software. Period.2
It’s also the nature of the complexity of the system. There are days when I’m amazed that it works at all.
We want it perfect, and we want it now
This puts software vendors in a no-win situation.
We complain about software that takes forever to arrive, and then we complain that the software has bugs.
In the real world, those two things are directly at odds with each other.
It takes time and discipline to write and test software so it has as few bugs as possible. Conversely, software that is rushed to market because people are clamoring for it (or because the press is pointing fingers) is likely to have more than the average number of bugs.
We can’t have it both ways.
Every software release — every software release, I don’t care who it’s from — is a compromise. Engineers plead for just a few more days to fix a few more bugs3 and marketing and salespeople complain that every delay results in massive market share or revenue loss.
The reality is somewhere in between. Some releases strike the right balance; others do not.
Where does that leave you?
I’m not trying to say that bugs never get fixed. Bugs do get fixed; just not all of them.
If you encounter something that isn’t working as you expect, look for solutions. There’s a tremendous amount of information and resources available on the internet (I hope Ask Leo! is one). If there are no solutions to be found, report the problem.
Just don’t get overly frustrated if no fix is forthcoming. And don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that your feedback is being ignored — that’s highly unlikely.
Instead, focus on finding workarounds or ways to avoid the problem. If it really is a bug that is terribly impactful to you, that might mean switching to different software from some other vendor.
Oh, and about Bill…
I scratch my head when people rail against Bill Gates for perceived issues with Microsoft or its products. I’m not sure what it is about Microsoft that causes people to blame Bill personally for all its faults and failings.
Bill hasn’t worked directly at Microsoft since 2008, and he left the board of directors in 2020. While he may still be advising folks at Microsoft, it’s most certainly not at the level of individual features and bugs.
In other words, Bill Gates is not (and never was) personally responsible for the features you don’t like or the bugs you encounter.
Your ire at him is completely wasted.
Do this
Be pragmatic about the bugs you encounter or the behaviors you don’t like. I’m certainly not saying to accept everything, but be realistic about what is likely to be fixed or changed to your liking. If you can’t or don’t like what you’re dealing with, look for alternate solutions that work better for you.
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Footnotes & References
1: Unless you’re the OneDrive backup “feature”, apparently.
2: For some reason, someone always pushes back on this statement. I stand by it for even the simplest of meaningful programs.
3: I have been that developer in the past.
Suggesting people move to Mac or Linux is just a delaying tactic – eventually, they will be in this exact same “Why is Steve Jobs/Linus Torvalds/whoever ignoring this INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT problem?” situation.
Your statement about there being no bug-free software is completely true – and it should be emphasized that it is just as true for the alternative operating systems you suggest.
*P.S. I know Steve Jobs DEFINITELY doesn’t work at Apple any more, but I’ve nevertheless heard people blame him for modern design choices – the iPhone 6 bending, the camera not being flush with the frame, etc.
A couple of years ago, I gave in to my brother’s incessant bragging that Apple computers were the only ones worth SERIOUS consideration. I bit the “bullet”, scraped up enough to buy three PCs, & bought my first Apple from Best Buy. When my hard drive crashed, 6-8 months down the road (something I’d never experienced that early in the lifespans of any of my PCs), I discovered that the nearest Apple store was 40-50 miles away. I mentioned I’d backed up to an external hard drive (Thanks, Leo!) & they told me to bring it along, so they could install my backup in my new hard drive. I arrived at my 1st- ever Apple store to find it jam-packed with millennials & a noise level approaching that of a rock concert (I’m 62). Of course, the service area was at the back wall, but there was absolutely nothing to indicate that & no one approached me as I jostled my way back. I was told to add my name to “the list” & they’d announce my turn over the PA. 45 minutes later, I checked my status & was told, “Oh, it looks like we completely overlooked you!” Two hours later, I picked up the computer & external hard drive, drove home, & found out they never touched the backup! I made enough noise that Apple took the computer back & refunded my money, even though I didn’t buy it there. I returned to Best Buy; used my refund to purchase a nicer PC than I otherwise would have PLUS a Google TV, antenna, & service contract; & vowed, “Never again!”
The iron triangle of project management – You have 3 options: Fast, Good, and Cheap, and you can only pick 2. Cheap is usually one of the 2 options picked.
Ah, the bane of systems engineers everywhere. Our bottom line was “Does the software do what it was intended to do?” If no, then we have a problem we need to fix. If yes, then the problem is probably cosmetic. For instance, I despise the Gmail design for Android phones. It looks like something designed by an anime devotee. However, Gmail is still the best email package I’ve found. It does what it was intended to do. While I really would like them to fix the group addressee problem for smartphones as it does it does affect my business communications (Ads, flash sales, new products, etc.), I think I clearly fall into the .0001% of users who want this fix. I just wish they would a) respond to emails, and/or 2) come up with a work around.
This may not be for publication – but I think I did have a piece of software that Bill wrote personally. I had an S-100 bus micro computer with a Basic Interpreter from -yes – Microsoft. This was even before the Radio Shack TRS-80 for which Microsoft’s Basic Interpreter blew the socks off everything else on the market (faster by a factor of 10x I believe.) And of course that was before the IBM-PC and MS-DOS. The S-100 bus software came on a tape cassette. Boy do I wish I had bought Microsoft stock then.
Well, to be fair, Bill did work on software back in the day – it’s how Microsoft started after all. But by the time Windows was around he was busy running the company, not making little design decisions. Trivia: in my early days there I did inherit and work on code that he had written – the Basic Interpreter that was on every IBM PC. All in 8086 assembly.
I have a Toshiba external “I believe 1 terabyte” hard drive that I (I don’t know why I did it) I put in “System Reserve” and consequently lost possession of my external hard drive. I was told that I have to”take possession of it by jumping through loops”. My fault for my self-inflicted wound. I don’t understand why I have to take possession of my own external hard drive. Is there an easier way for me to get back the use of my hard drive? I have tried and tried to find a way to get to use it but I can’t get possession of it. The notice I get tells me I don’t have access to it. Please let me know what I can do about this matter. Exasperated Georgia Maples.
I don’t know what it means to put in “system reserve” so I don’t know exactly what you did – that means I don’t know how to undo it. 🙁
I’d start with Disk Manager – perhaps this article:
Hey Leo, I really like your site and I look forward to your informative newsletters, but just recently I retired my last Windows machine. It wasn’t intentional, but Android and Chrome seduced me away. And yes, I do have a few recurring issues that never seem to get fixed with the Chrome browser especially. I anticipate giving Windows another chance by the end of the year when I will need to buy a gaming computer to use one of the new Virtual Reality products that are supposed to be available by then. While I’m sure that Windows 10 will be hugely better and more stable than the last, like it has been each generation, I’ll count on you to be there for the inevitable issues that will crop up. Thanks for the good work.
Very well expressed, Leo.
I think very few realise the complexities of any of PCs etc.
Many of my non-programming colleagues could not comprehend that in the vast majority of cases, devising Test Strategies for new programs and Updated/Modified programs was a much more brain-stretching procedure, than writing the fundamental programs.
Most helpful article indeed. Due to ISP issues, I have temporarily had to abandon my desktop computer in favor of my tablet, but I certainly have struggled with such issues many, many times while using Windows. Same with Word incidentally, LOL. But if there are many online complaints about an issue, perhaps they could publish a workaround or at least explain that no fix is contemplated or possible, saving users a lot of time, and, perhaps avoiding some negative PR.
Great article Leo!
And thank you for a very kind and considered wording of it.
It’s so easy to get rude when writing. You always avoid that. Thank you.
Interesting that almost 10 years after this original article was written, we can see that Microsoft (and other vendors) have gotten worse, not better. But since we are talking about Microsoft, they have bugs (and I do mean bugs) to this day that were known issues when the article was written.
So the very legitimate question remains. Why doesn’t Microsoft fix their bugs. There really is no excuse to release multiple major releases, dragging the same old known bugs along with every new release. Especially when those bugs are small and relatively easy to fix.
I think the real answer is vendors don’t care about small bugs, unless they think the bug will hurt sales. Their product team is all about new features, and trying to “get ahead” of the competition. So instead of production solid products, they rust out half-baked products before moving onto “the next big thing”. Some of the bugs — at least the big ones — get fixed along the way. But the rest are essentially ignored.