Articles tagged: websites

Logos of some ot the technology behind Ask Leo!

The Technology Behind Ask Leo!

Over the years, the technology that runs Ask Leo! has changed a little. I’ll give you an overview of the current state of affairs.

Website Construction concept

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a programming language that operates important features on many websites.

Ask Leo! in 2003

How Do I Get an Old Version of a Webpage?

It’s generally not possible to recover an older version of a webpage, but we’ll look at a couple of straws to grasp at.

Missing an Image?

Why Don’t Pictures Show When I Visit Some Websites?

There are many reasons pictures don’t show on websites. Some you can control, but others are problems with the websites themselves.

How Do I Remove Myself from the Search Engines?

How Do I Remove Myself from the Search Engines?

The internet has a very long memory. Removal from search engines is practically and perhaps literally impossible.

MSN marketting

How do I get the old homepage back?

It appears that the look and feel of is changing yet again. To many that have as their home page, this change may or may not be welcome.

Does visiting a search-engine cached page prevent the original site from noting my visit?

Even a cached version of a website could send information about you back to the original server. The thing is that we just don’t (and can’t) know.

Webpage Not Available??!!

My webmaster left. What do I do?

If your webmaster leaves unexpectedly, you can have a lot of trouble getting access to your own website. I’ll review some of the things that you need to do to prepare – just in case.

Access Denied!

How Do I Bypass this Web Blocking?

Can you get around web blocking software? Here are a few steps to figure it out.

Computer Frustration

Is There a Way to Determine which Browser Tab is Playing Sound?

Websites that automatically play sound are evil, pure and simple. And there is only one way to quickly get rid of the intrusive sounds.

A Sharing Widget

How do I get rid of this annoying Facebook share pop-up?

Facebook popups asking you to share content can be annoying. There’s a reason websites do it, but the best practice is to be unobtrusive. So what can you do to get rid of those annoying popups?


How do I check a website for malware without infecting my own machine?

This is a difficult problem to solve. Steps to protect yourself from a malicious website could mask the problem so you never see it. I can give you a few suggestions.

Why Did this Site Go Away? And How Do I Contact the Owner?

The site you’re used to visiting has simply gone away. Tracking down the owner might not be easy to do.

Email Envelope

What if the forwarding service goes away?

There is little that you or I can do when a website goes away except to use online tools to try to trace it, or find some other way to replicate the service.

Internet Browsers

Can I Use More than One Browser?

You can install as many browsers as you like. Personally, I usually install at least two, if not three. However, there can be only one default.

How do I remove myself from a website I didn’t ask to be on?

What you did in this situation is exactly what I would have done: start by contacting the website and asking to be removed.

How Can I Find a Good Web Host?

Where to host your website depends on what kind of a website it is. Options range from free to expensive based on your needs.

Why Won’t Flash Work, Even Though It’s Installed?

Adobe Flash is a nearly ubiquitous tool for displaying video on the web. You must install it, of course, but often that’s not enough.