Articles tagged: RAM

A black-and-white image of an older desktop computer styled like a 1900's newspaper photograph. The computer has a large, boxy monitor with a thick bezel, a chunky keyboard, and a wired mouse.

Five Options to Speed Up Your Older Computer

Here are five common options to speed up and extend the life of an older computer.

Disk Drives, Flash Drives, and RAM

What’s the Difference Between Memory and Disk Space?

The difference between the various things we could call “memory” is a fundamental computing concept. I’ll review the basics.

RAM & Disk

What is Virtual Memory?

Virtual memory is conceptually somewhere between RAM and hard disk space. It’s disk space used to maximize the amount of RAM available to programs.

A Computer System

What’s the Best Upgrade for an Older Machine?

Upgrading a computer can be a lot of work, is going to cost some money, and depends on your needs. I’ll show you where to start.

Computer Slow? You Might Not Have Enough RAM for Windows

Computer Slow? You Might Not Have Enough RAM for Windows

Windows loves RAM. Not having enough can, over time, cause your computer to slow down.

New system basics

Designing My New Desktop

Looking carefully at how I use my computer, and with help from my chosen manufacturer, I’ve configured my new desktop machine.

We All Get Bigger Over Time

Why is Windows 10 Using More and More RAM?

Software programs, like people, tend to get larger over time. I’ll look at how that happens and a few things you can do to compensate.

Windows System Properties showing 32GB of RAM

The Journey to My New Computer: RAM Upgrade

I decided my new laptop needed more RAM. I’ll walk you through the replacement process.

Task Manager, Performance, Memory display. (Screenshot:

How Do I Tell Which Program Is Using So Much Memory?

When Windows tells you it’s out of memory, what does it mean and what can you do about it?


Would it be worthwhile to upgrade my RAM?

When it comes to things like memory and RAM, more is always better. But you may not need additional RAM just yet.

An Active Hard DIsk

Can I stop an “idle” computer from hitting the hard disk at all?

I’ll show you how to reduce the last little bit of disk activity happening on your computer, but is that really going to help?