Articles tagged: POP3
What is IMAP and How Can It Help Me Manage My Email?
IMAP is a protocol that makes dealing with email on multiple devices much easier.
What Does “Over Quota” Mean? What’s a Quota?
Being over quota means you’ve received or kept too much email. To deal with it, you need to understand where that email is being kept.
Why Are My Mail Folders Not Showing In Outlook?
You’ve got your online email nicely organized into folders. Then you move to a desktop program, and none of the folders come with you. What now?
What are POP3, IMAP, and SMTP?
POP, POP3, IMAP, and SMTP are all acronyms used in configuring email. We’ll look at what they mean and how they relate.
How Do I Deal with One Email Account on Two Machines?
There are various options to access one email account from multiple computers, and there are pros and cons to each.
Can I access the mail on my desktop from a networked machine?
There are several ways to share email accounts across computers. The best ones have to be set up before you need them.
What Are’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Settings?
Microsoft has enabled POP3, IMAP, and SMTP access to, and thus to Hotmail accounts. I’ll walk you through the settings.
What are Yahoo’s IMAP, POP3, and SMTP settings?
Yahoo! now supports accessing your Yahoo! Mail account using POP3 and IMAP on your desktop email program or other device.
Can I Access One Email Account from Another?
It is often quite simple to set up one email address as your main address that picks up all your other email – depending on the services you use on various accounts. The trick is deciding which way you want to go.