Articles tagged: hard drive error

Looking at a Hard Disk.

Can CHKDSK Corrupt Files?

If CHKDSK freezes when you run it, you may have a problem with your files or hard disk, but CHKDSK didn't cause them.


“Chkdsk Cannot Run Because the Volume Is in Use by Another Process”

Chkdsk checks your disk for errors at a low level, requiring exclusive access to the disk to do so. "Chkdsk cannot run..." means it doesn't have the exclusive access it needs.

Hard disk under a stethoscope

Is My Hard Disk About to Die?

There are signs we can use to determine if a hard drive is about to fail, but it's also common for a drive to fail without any indication at all.

Your Disk is on Fire!

How do I replace my system hard drive without installation media?

It sounds like your hard drive is dead. You are going to have to dig deep to get the computer going again.

External Backup Drive

How do I protect the files on a portable hard drive?

The answer to this is simple. If it's only in one place... it's not backed up!

Your Disk is on Fire!

Why does my computer make a grinding noise when starting up?

A grinding noise and slow computer probably indicate the worse. Stop everything right now and back up!

My External Drive Is No Longer Visible. How Can I Get Its Contents?

If you're backed up, this isn't going to be a problem. Otherwise, there are only a few steps we can take to help us retrieve your data.

Will a failing hard drive have warning symptoms?

Hard drive failures happen. Everyone needs to realize that. You can probably guess my recommendation for staying safe.

An Active Hard DIsk

How Do I Fix Errors on My Hard Disk?

Hard disk errors come from several different sources, and as a result there are several different approaches to resolving them.