50 comments on “Lost Gmail Account Recovery With No Phone or Alternate Email”

  1. Dear Leo,
    With publishing this article you have done the world a great service and deserve the highest praise!

    I don’t have a need for this advice but almost every day I see something that someone else does.

    Thank you!

  2. I was able to recover an account with a with a drivers license. But like shown above it takes a while to get to this place. I did the “try another way” several times. (5 or 6). Then when they did respond I missed it because I didn’t read my emails carefully. Finally found the email asking for my drivers license. But in the end I did get my account back. Whew. It was lucky for me that they kept responding. I kept forgetting I had asked. Duh.

  3. Wish to acces my old Youtube channel.
    Got my Gmail address right.
    Got the password right.
    The problem: Changed my phone number and email adress years ago. So SMS/voice call is not an option. What to do please ?

    Thanx in advance.
    Your kind help will be greatly appriciated Team Leo!!

  4. I had lost the account on my laptop.
    Unknowingly I had used my landline as a verification telephone number to receive texts.
    Tried everything you suggested but with no luck.

    Opened my tabletop computer and and was able to go into the account settings and change the telephone number/password.

    It’s all good.


  5. my email id is [email address removed],

    i have not any recovery email id with thiis account ,

    and i forgot passowrd ,

    now not able to recover my accout , Please help

  6. Just double-checking here, since I forgot to add a backup email or hookup an email address, my account is lost? I had hooked up most of my online accounts with this email, and I just want to double check. I’d changed my Wi-Fi while logged out of my account, and I couldn’t get back in. Thank you for the help anyways.

  7. Leo my Gmail account and Ll my other accounts including my online banking and even my phone have been hack using Lenox software combined with zendesk these has hackers have stolen my life and I want it back can u help?

  8. I was in the hospital for quite sometime,I remember my 2 emails but not the password, and of course I don’t have a phone yet

  9. I am sorrry, I gave you the email that I can not remember the password, {email address removed}, my new email is {email address removed}

  10. I can’t recover my Gmail account and email address Someone else is using and changed the password but the cellphone number is still there in Gmail and email. can you help me?
    This is the Gmail and email that I own.
    {email address removed}
    I hope you can help me, thank you

    • NEVER post your email address like that publicly. It’ll start getting even more spam.

      (Sorry for the form response, but I get this question A LOT.)

      Please review the account recovery options as outlined in this article: https://askleo.com/access-gmail-without-phone-verification/

      If Google’s recovery process doesn’t work for you — maybe you don’t have the recovery email or phone — MAKE SURE to follow Google’s instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY.

      If the recovery process can’t be made to work, I know of no way to recover the account. If that’s your situation I’m very sorry.

      If you DO recover your account you’ll want to check the steps in this article to prevent losing it again (it discusses Facebook, but the steps apply to Google as well): https://askleo.com/facebook-hacked/

  11. I don’t remember my password and don’t have access to my phone. Somehow, 2 days ago, I somehow got into my account, by the grace of God. I tried to locate the password, but was knocked out of my account, before I could get it. Since then, I have been trying to get into my Google account with no luck. When i click on “Try another Way” i have the option of only 2 things to try. Use a 8 digit backup code, or try another way to sign in. I have no idea where my 8 digit backup codes are located, and when i click on try another way, it either says “Too many failed attempts” or “Couldn’t sign you in. Google can’t sign me in because i can’t provide enough information”. I desperately need this account because I have important emails that i need to see. Please help me, Leo. Thank you.

    • (Sorry for the form response, but I get this question A LOT.)

      Please review the account recovery options as outlined in this article: https://askleo.com/access-gmail-without-phone-verification/

      If Google’s recovery process doesn’t work for you — maybe you don’t have the recovery email or phone — MAKE SURE to follow Google’s instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY.

      If the recovery process can’t be made to work, I know of no way to recover the account. If that’s your situation I’m very sorry.

      If you DO recover your account you’ll want to check the steps in this article to prevent losing it again (it discusses Facebook, but the steps apply to Google as well): https://askleo.com/facebook-hacked/

  12. Hi Leo:
    I have 2 Google accounts and they are {removed}g@gmail.com and {removed}@ gmail.com. They are both listed under my Personal Info and my Contact Info. The {removed}@gmail.com is my primary email address. That is where I get all of my important emails. Now I never changed my password at all. 2 days ago, I was able to get into my primary account. Thursday morning, I was knocked offline, and have tried to get into my primary account, but can not. Can you help me, please? I can not use my phone because Verizon cut off my service, due to non-payment, so I can not receive texts or emails. When I try to recover my primary email account, Google sends a email message on my laptop to {removed}@gmail.com, but I can’t get to it. Email texts are sent to my phone, but I don’t get them. When I had access to my primary account 2 days ago, I was able to read all of my emails, and go wherever I wanted to. Now remember, I never changed passwords, and my primary account is listed under my Personal and Contact Info. You can reach me at my secondary email of {removed}@gmail.com. Thank you very much.

    Neal Peavy

    • NEVER post your email address publicly like this. I nearly just deleted the comment because of it.
      What follows is my stock answer to this type of problem:

      (Sorry for the form response, but I get this question A LOT.)

      Please review the account recovery options as outlined in this article: https://askleo.com/access-gmail-without-phone-verification/

      If Google’s recovery process doesn’t work for you — maybe you don’t have the recovery email or phone — MAKE SURE to follow Google’s instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY.

      If the recovery process can’t be made to work, I know of no way to recover the account. If that’s your situation I’m very sorry.

      If you DO recover your account you’ll want to check the steps in this article to prevent losing it again (it discusses Facebook, but the steps apply to Google as well): https://askleo.com/facebook-hacked/

  13. The article heading: “Lost Gmail Account Recovery With No Phone or Alternate Email”

    The article’s advice: “You must enter a phone number or recovery email address associated with the account. If you do not have one, you can’t proceed.”

    How is this any more helpful than Google?

  14. I still have the right password, I have the recovery account correctly setup and working, and STILL Google refuse to let me access my account.
    And it seems that I have no option.
    F*ck Google!

  15. I know the email address and the password. However, it wants to do 2FA with an old phone number. I don’t have an alternate email or phone number. It won’t let me in since I don’t have that old phone number. I find it a bit crazy that I can’t sign in.

  16. Great YT and webpage, mind if I quote it in my Canned Response when helping people in the Google Account forum? (Handle jp88.)

    So many people seem to have the “it will never happen to me” syndrome, and when it does, due to lack of updated recovery options, of course complete disaster.

    BTW Google now seem to be placing greater than previous emphasis on a recovery mobile number. Just a recovery email no longer appears to be enough. But of Google keep his stuff close to their chest, just anecdotal evidence there.

  17. Hey there, I am trying to recover my email. I can’t use my phone number or the eight digit backup code and I need that email to have access to everything that I have on my phone.

  18. Sir I have reset my phone today’s afternoon.
    So my account was Removed from my phone
    I remembered the password but when I entered it while singing in then it showed that you have changed your password 5 months ago.
    So I tried doing forgot password but I failed because I didn’t attached any recovery email address to it but I have attached 2 recovery mobile numbers to my account.
    Sir please help me so that I can recover my account because it was very important to me.

    I know for security reasons Google is doing that but what is the use of locking my house if I only can’t enter it.


    1. My both recovery phone numbers.
    2. I remember my last password.
    3. I always sign in from same location, ie My home.

    Please please please consider it before simply replying that “Your account is lost”.

    I am counting on Google for this.

  19. I forgot my password. I created the account for school purposes. I did try the “forgot password” thing, and it led me to enter the number that was linked to that account, which I still have. I passed that one, but the next step requires me to access that same Google account that I am trying to recover. I have ample evidence that proves that I own the account. I’m just wondering how I can contact Google support directly.

  20. Hi,

    We hope we can rely on your expertise to resolve a critical issue with our Gmail account.

    When we initially created our Gmail account, Google requested both a recovery email and a recovery phone number. We provided a recovery email and a cell phone number. However, the cell number we provided does not support SMS or text messages. Verification through our recovery email worked smoothly until a few months ago, when Google put our account on hold.

    To reinstate the account, Google insisted on sending a verification code to our recovery phone number. Since that number cannot receive SMS or text messages, we attempted to use a different phone number with SMS capabilities but were met with various refusals.

    To resolve the issue, we changed our VPN to a US location and obtained a US cell phone number with SMS access, which allowed us to reopen our account. However, when we tried to enhance our security by adding Authenticator, 2-Step Verification, and Backup Codes, we were blocked. Google still requires us to verify through the original cell phone number, which, as mentioned, does not support SMS or text messages.

    Thanks to your recovery link, we managed to update our original recovery phone number to one that supports SMS. Despite this, we still cannot add security features like Authenticator, 2-Step Verification, or Backup Codes without verification through the original number.

    Could you advise us on how to resolve this issue and successfully set up additional security features?

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Best regards,

  21. I have a unique situation.
    -I have access to my gmail account and have no issues logging-in.
    -I have multiple 2FA options setup and working.
    -I had google authenticator set up on my old phone which I factory reset and sold. I forgot to backup the google authenticator.
    -Unable to make security settings changes (2FA/Authenticator/SMS/Phone/Backup emails etc) because the only option to verify myself is with the now deleted google authenticator.

    I am not able to change or update any security settings in this google account. When I attempt to make security settings changes (remove google authenticator/add new authenticator device/add another phone number etc) I am asked to verify myself via a password (no issues there) and 2FA… the only option for 2FA it gives me is my google authenticator (even though i have 4 other 2FA setup). I click on use alternative 2FA option but all it lists is the google authenticator. I have tried the account recovery, but all it does it log me in (username + password + sms 2FA) and I’m back to the same issue where it only allows me to use the google authenticator for 2FA to make security settings changes. Any help would be appreciated!

  22. I have reset my phone , but I forgot the password when I tried to enter my Google account. I had added recovery phone, so I tried to reset the password. I get otp and I enter it but google sends a second otp to same account whose password I forgot and trying to recover. Kindly help me and that Gmail account was not signed in on any device. Kindly help me in anyway

  23. i use same device and location but i made factory reset for my device and my mail cant recognize it but i use same location

  24. please please please answer my question help me
    First you must read my account condition

    My Google account created with a single phone number and on two step verification with a single phone number
    (Gmail created phone number and two step verification phone number is the same number)
    (I never add any email/mail to my Google account)
    That’s all about my account condition

    Now my problem:-
    I factory reset my Android phone and then I realise I forget my password
    that’s why I am using Google account recovery option

    Google account recovery link
    Inter email box I full with email
    password box
    Try another way
    Two step verification phone number I click on that and select the country and fulfill the number then
    Number verification complete

    (And now the problem comes!)
    Google is sending OTP to my email that I am trying to recover
    Same email OTP problem

    Try another way
    Couldn’t sign you in

    Is there any solution for me

    I am a student
    My admit card come from that gmail
    And my admission registration with that Gmail
    If I can’t recover that Google account my student life 2/3 years will be completely
    So please speak the truth
    Is possible to recover my Gmail account?
    After factory reset my Android phone
    I tried to recover my account
    With same device Same location same phone number.

    I know my old password but Google doesn’t showing that to me inter old password

    • (Sorry for the form response, but I get this question A LOT.)

      Please review the account recovery options as outlined in this article: https://askleo.com/access-gmail-without-phone-verification/ (The article on which you commented.)

      If Google’s recovery process doesn’t work for you — maybe you don’t have the recovery email or phone — MAKE SURE to follow Google’s instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY.

      If the recovery process can’t be made to work, I know of no way to recover the account. If that’s your situation I’m very sorry.

      If you DO recover your account you’ll want to check the steps in this article to prevent losing it again: https://askleo.com/google-account-hacked/
      Good luck!

  25. I have forgotten my password to this gmail {email address removed} and I have did forget password but it says something bout recovery . I don’t have mo recovery

    • NEVER post your email address in a public forum.

      (Sorry for the form response, but I get this question A LOT.)

      Please review the account recovery options as outlined in this article: https://askleo.com/access-gmail-without-phone-verification/

      If Google’s recovery process doesn’t work for you — maybe you don’t have the recovery email or phone — MAKE SURE to follow Google’s instructions CAREFULLY and COMPLETELY.

      If the recovery process can’t be made to work, I know of no way to recover the account. If that’s your situation I’m very sorry.

      If you DO recover your account you’ll want to check the steps in this article to prevent losing it again: https://askleo.com/google-account-hacked/
      Good luck!

  26. Please help me to recover my email account
    {email address removed} I forgot my previous phone number and lost my smart phone as well as all data


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