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3 comments on “Why Does My Microsoft Account Have Two Passwords?”

  1. Another tangentially related thing. Gmail allows periods (full stops for you Brits and others). Those periods mean nothing to Google to them is the same as BUT if you use to sign up for Microsoft, Bluesky, Facebook etc., those periods make a difference and can’t be used to log in to those accounts, although it can be used to log into on Google

  2. This is even more confusing if you have to sign in to Outlook, part of Microsoft 365, with your Microsoft account password, and then sign into your Gmail with the Gmail password. Then what do you do if you try to use your Gmail address as the recovery address for your Microsoft account. It was much easier when your Microsoft account forced you to use a Microsoft email address. Then you get an Android cellphone, and your shop offers to set it up for you. Often they will set up another email account to be used as the phone’s Google account, so you end up with two Google accounts. What a muddle.

  3. When I initially set up my Microsoft account, I used the email address from the ISP I used at that time. I later switched to a different ISP, so I decided to set up an outlook email account, and I changed the credentials on my Microsoft account to reflect the change, by adding the email address to my Microsoft account, and removing the email address from my previous ISP. I no longer remember the steps I had to take to make the change in credentials, but I do remember that they seemed rather convoluted/not intuitive, so it’s not anything I’d recommend if it can be avoided.



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