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Where is the Run command on Windows Start Menu?


When I go to Start menu I have no Run option?

One of the "problems", if you want to call it that, with computer systems is
that almost nothing is standard. There are defaults, there are common settings,
and there are recommended tweaks and personalizations.

The net result is that often for something as "standard" as Windows XP, it's
very easy for one person's Start Menu to be quite different from another's.

And so it is with respect to the Run... command. Let's find and enable it
for you.

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Right click on the Start button and click on

Windows Start Menu Properties

Right away we can see that choice to be made: "Start Menu" or "Classic Start
Menu". The good news is that the one you're currently using will already be
selected, and I'm going to assume you don't want to change this right now.

"As you can see the Start menu is extremely

But, the options are a little different depending on which you're using, so
I'll show you both.

Classic Start Menu

Click the Customize button:

Classic Start Menu Customize Dialog, Featureing the Display Run setting

Make sure that the Display Run option is checked. (If you
don't see a Display Run option, then check out Why can't I enable the Run

OK your way back out, and the Run...
command should be visible on your start menu.

Start Menu

For the not-Classic version, once again click the Customize
button. Then click the Advanced tab, and in the Start
Menu Items
list, and scroll down until you see the item Run

Start Menu Customize Dialog, Featureing the Display Run setting

Make sure that's checked. (If you don't see a Run Command
option, then check out Why
can't I enable the Run command?

OK your way back out, and the Run...
command should be visible on your start menu.

As you can see the Start menu is extremely customizable. Go ahead and have a
look at the various options - it's one of the places that I actually spend a
few minutes each time I set up a new machine, customizing the start menu to my

Do this

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50 comments on “Where is the Run command on Windows Start Menu?”

  1. please slove my problem that is i hv done all the thing but i cannot restore my run command in start menu. plz help me!

  2. I also have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Howver when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp home edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated.

  3. i have both 2 problems,
    that is i hv done all the thing but i cannot restore my run command in start menu.also,I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Howver when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp home edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated.

  4. I also have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Howver when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp home edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated

  5. If anyone figures out why trying to use the RUN command on the startup window, doesn’t work. PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!

  6. I also have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. However when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp professional edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated

  7. I also have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. However when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp professional edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated

  8. hey all, am having the same problem i’ve got win Me and i can’t find Run neither in Task Bar And Start menu any body can please tell me what to do in this situation?

  9. I’m facing the same trouble. When I try to apply what are recommended above, “Display Run” option is not available on my “Customize Start Menu”.
    Other strange thing : I can not enable “System restore” feature in spite of advices I already followed.

  10. i also have a problem that i cant see the run option in taskbar and start menu/startmenu/customise/advance … soo help me out …

  11. Hi Leo,
    1) I can’t see the run menu in my start option… i’ve tried doing by right clicking the start option then properties and so on… but the display run option is not there in any of the menu….
    2) i am not been able to get my taskbar as it says that taskbar has been disabled by the administrator
    3) My home page has been stuck upto some stupid adult link… i’m not able 2 change it. i tried doing it by going to tools>internetoptions>advanced but the homepage option is locked… i can’t change it…
    Please help me out.

    Thank u very much in anticipation
    Best rgds

  12. i have both 2 problems,
    that is i hv done all the thing but i cannot restore my run command in start menu.also,I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. Also when I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Howver when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. I have window xp home edition. Your help will be deeply appreciated.

  13. Hi Leo,
    I have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu, and also to the Start Menu/Advance. When I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. What will i do? Thanks…

  14. Hi Leo,
    I am also facing the same problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu. However when I log on to other user on the same computer, everything works. Please help. Thanks…

    Hash: SHA1

    For everyone who doesn’t see the options to enable the run command, I’ve added
    a new article that hopefully addresses what you’re experiencing:


    Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


  16. Still i follow these steps but i can’t able to get the run command. When i try to open by pressing Win logo button + R it says it was disabled by system administrator. but i was logging as an administrator only please help…………………………. and give solution for me…. and one more thing even regedit was impossible to access…………..

  17. Hi,
    i have a similar problem, however when i open start,help and support is missing,even though it is ticked in the advanced tab of start properties,and when i click on start/run the following message appears “windows cannot create a shortcut you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?” i have tried everything,please help! thanks a lot in advance!

  18. hey guys!….the simplest way to repair this RUN command and TASK MANAGER thingy is to create a new user and copy all your files from the Doc&Sett into the new users Doc&Sett folder. Worked fine for me:)).

  19. Hi,
    I have tried to late run on the customise startup as well as customise classic however, the option to activate “run” is not in the list. What do you suggest i should do to get it back


  20. My administrator has locked registry editors,in start menu run option, properties of task bar and start menu, add remove programme option. how to enabled this? what is the problem? pl reply me i m very confused

  21. Still i follow these steps but i can’t able to get the run command. When i try to open by pressing Win logo button + R it says it was disabled by system administrator. but i was logging as an administrator only please help…and give solution for me…. and one more thing even regedit was impossible to access

  22. I have this problem. I do not see “display run” in customize classic start menu, and also to the Start Menu/Advance. When I press Window and R key together, run does not come. Instead it tells me “this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. What will i do? Thanks…

  23. Thanks Leo, i thought theres no way to fix since i have religiously followed the instruction and it doesnt work, but when i tried it out again, its really working.. Leo is such a great fixer.. thanks man!

  24. In either the “start menu” or the ” classic start menu” when i tried what you had suggested i do not see the ” run command” when i click on the customize button…

  25. I see the run command checked in customized menu but it does not show when i right click on start. Can you tell me how i use it if it is now visible?

  26. I have missing “folder options” and run command in windows xp. And 2nd thing is that when I tried to open regedit.exe,it just flashes for few seconds,and disappeared, Also when I tried to go to administrator tools, its windso also flashes and disappeared after fiew secondos.

  27. yes i follow your instruction but when i reach to the advance tab there is no such display run, i really dont get it..can anyone help me with this?please?

  28. Hey Leo, I have no option for Run or Seach window in the customise start menu option. So I can’t use the run option and the search box.Please give me a feedback.

  29. I can’t see the run command in the customize window on start menu. i tried the windows button and R…this is what popping out when i press windows button and R at the same time.
    “This operation has been cancelled due to restritions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator”

  30. Right click on start menu ->click on “Command Prompt Here” -> enter the command “unlock” in the command mode.

    Run button will be shown in Start menu.

  31. Where can I find the run command on windows 7? I have an emachine brand. I have looked in the start menu, and I can’t find it.

    Right click on the Start button, click on Properties, the Start Menu tab, the Customize button and then in the resulting list look for the “Run” option, and make sure it’s checked.

    Easier, perhaps, is simply to type the Windows Key + R.


  32. Thanks Leo, for all the help you give. Whenever I search a problem I’m having with my computer, I often see your site come up at the top of my search page. And I almost always use your help. The steps are easy to follow and they work. Thanks again for all your great help!

  33. Sir,
    I cant access the run command and there is no option in the customize start menu to enable the run command.What can I do for this?

  34. Hi, The option of ‘run command’ is not there in my system. That is probably because the IT has disabled it. Can you please tell me the way to crack it?

    Nope. You need to speak with your IT department.

  35. Thanks, your solution was fast and accurate…no messing around, just straight to the fix. I looked at numerous other sites (that were needlessly complicated) before I came across your solution. Thanks again.

  36. Thank you for you info on fixing a problem after uninstalling chrome. Simple instruction that I could even follow–adding you to my favorites

  37. Thank you, Leo. It was nice to read something that was straight forward and precise, without lots of techie nonsense. I have used XP for nines years and did not know that these switches were there. I was looking for solutions on fixing worthless Microsoft 7. I will see if this info will work on it, as well, since Run Command is no where to be found on Desk Top. While exploring the options on XP, I was able to make another change that I had been wanting to do. Thanks.


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