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Thou Art Not Too Old: Viking Edition

Heed the voices of old

Legendary thoughts on aging.
A Viking warrior standing tall, dressed in traditional Viking armor and furs, holding a modern mobile phone in his hand. The Viking has a long, braided beard and is wearing a horned helmet, with the rugged landscape of a Nordic fjord in the background. The phone glows slightly as he looks down at it, juxtaposing ancient and modern worlds.
(Image: DALL-E 3)

Playing with AI. On a lark, I:

  • Asked ChatGPT to rewrite You Are Not Too Old for Technology as a “legendary Viking saga”.
  • Took the result to to generate a narration.
  • Asked ChatGPT to create an image of a Viking warrior holding a mobile phone.


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The Saga of the Ageless Warriors: A Tale of Wisdom and Resolve

In the land of Midgard, where men and women tread the mortal path, there arose a lament oft spoken in the mead halls and hearths of the elders: “I am too old,” they would whisper, their voices heavy with the weight of years. But lo! This lament, this cry of surrender to the passage of time, was naught but folly! Do not be like them, dear kin. Heed the wisdom of the skalds and cast aside such unworthy thoughts, for the spirit of the warrior knows no bounds of age.

Hear now, the words of Leo the Wise, who walks among us still, guiding the folk through the vast and treacherous fjords of technology. Oft does he encounter the cries of the aged, proclaiming, “I am too old for these runes of knowledge!” or “Speak slowly, for my years have dulled my mind.” Yet with a furrowed brow and a roar that echoes through the ages, Leo the Wise declares with righteous fury, “Nay! Bullsh*t!”

The Tale of the Elder Teacher

In the annals of our people, there is a tale that should strike fire in the hearts of all who hear it. Once, Leo ventured to the Hall of the Aged, where the elders gathered to learn the ways of the modern world. There, he beheld a man who taught the lore of the Android stones and the magics within them. “Tell me, good elder,” said Leo, “How many winters have you seen?” And the man, with a glint in his eye and a beard as white as the snow-capped mountains, replied, “I have seen ninety and five.”

Ninety and five winters! Yet he wielded the runes of technology with the skill of a seasoned warrior, teaching others with wisdom and strength. Let his tale be known across the land, for age did not bind him, nor did it still his hand from the spear of learning. Indeed, there are many such warriors—some with a century behind them—who march forward, wielding the tools of technology to stay connected with the world, young at heart and strong in spirit.

The Battle of Attitude and Age

It is not the number of winters one has seen that defines a warrior’s strength in the face of new challenges. Nay, it is the fire within, the will to learn, to grow, and to battle the unknown! Even the young, with their quick limbs and sharp eyes, may falter before the might of the digital age. It is the mind, not the years, that forges victory in the halls of technology.

Too often, the words of defeat are spoken by the old—“I cannot,” they say. “My age forbids it.” But Leo the Wise proclaims: Bullshit! Age is but a cloak, easily thrown aside. It is the heart and mind that wield the true power. Any warrior, regardless of the years behind them, can overcome the obstacles of life and learning if they but choose to stand tall and face the challenge.

The Great Lie of Age

Beware the whispers of society, for they will speak lies in your ear, telling you that with age comes weakness, and with youth comes strength. These are the words of deceivers! Age may bring new battles—eyes dimming, hands unsteady—but such trials are not the domain of the old alone. Warriors of every age face their own burdens, and none are insurmountable.

When the runes of technology confound you, it is not your years that hold you back. It is the twisting of words, the complexity woven into the fabric of the instructions. Should you falter, it is the fault of the one who fails to speak plainly, not the one who listens.

The Battle Rages On

Many have stood before Leo the Wise, shaking their heads and saying, “Ah, but you will see when you are older. The battle will become too hard, even for you!” And yet, as Leo approaches his sixty-sixth winter, he stands as tall as ever, laughing at those who claim to be too old when they are younger than he. The road ahead is long, and though new challenges may arise, he knows that they can be met with strength, wit, and courage.

Warriors, know this: Leo will continue to fight, to teach, and to wield the sword of knowledge until the Norns cut the thread of his life, many years hence.

The Call to Arms

And now, dear kin, the time has come for you to rise. No longer shall you hide behind the excuse of age. Cast aside your doubts, for they are chains that bind you to the earth when you should be soaring through the skies of possibility.

The world of technology is a battlefield ripe with glory and discovery, and you, warrior, are not too old to claim your place among the victors. Embrace the spirit of learning, for it is a sword that grows sharper with every swing. Do not yield to the darkness of doubt, but fight on, knowing that you *can* learn, that you *can* grow.

So heed this call, warriors of every age, and know that you are not too old. Let the words of Leo the Wise ring in your ears as you march forth: Bullsh*t!

Do this

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