Articles tagged: processor speed

Speed Limit sign saying 25% with a Windows desktop as background.

Why Won’t My Program Use More than 25% of the CPU?

Multi-core processors add an additional layer of complexity to software design. Occasionally that can manifest as only a portion of the CPU being used.


Does CPU Speed Matter Any More?

CPU speed doesn't matter quite as much as it once did. I'll discuss why, and what you should also be looking at.

How Do I Find Out What Program Is Using All My CPU?

How Do I Find Out What Program Is Using All My CPU?

Occasionally, one program uses all of your computer's processing resources. Using Task Manager, it's easy to figure out which program that is.


What’s the difference between i3, i5, and i7 processors?

Intel's Core i3, i5, and i7 processors present a headache-inducing combination of characteristics. I'll look at what matters and then dig a little deeper.

4 Cores

Why is only one core on my multi-core processor being maxed out?

You may have a multi-core processor, but not all software can utilize more than one core.


Would it be worthwhile to upgrade my RAM?

When it comes to things like memory and RAM, more is always better. But you may not need additional RAM just yet.


Can I replace my processor with a faster one?

Replacing your computer's CPU will depend on your motherboard. But there is actually another option to get more speed.