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Set Up Windows 11 With Only a Local Account

Still possible, just well hidden.

Setting up a Windows 11 machine without a Microsoft account is still possible, though it's not obvious.
A bright and photorealistic thumbnail showing a desktop computer screen. The desktop computer is modern and sleek, prominently positioned in the center of the image. The screen of the computer vividly displays Welcome to Windows with clear, legible textThe environment around the computer is minimal and professional, focusing the viewer's attention on the screen. The lighting is well-balanced, highlighting the details of Windows, and the overall image composition is designed to be eye-catching and engaging for viewers interested in learning about installing or setting up Windows.
(Image: DALL-E 3 &

Microsoft has been pushing us to use Microsoft accounts to sign in to our Windows computers for some time. In recent versions of Windows 11 setup, it appears as if there’s no choice.

While it may be well hidden and obscure, the choice is still there. And it’s not even that difficult.

I’ll show you how.

Update: July 2024: “Microsoft has been pushing” is an understatement. They’ve blocked the previous approach, so this is a different technique that should get you the same results.

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Windows 11 with only a local account

Set up a Windows 11 machine without a Microsoft account by using a command prompt trick during setup. Then disconnect from the internet, choose “limited setup,” and create a local account. This bypasses the Microsoft account requirement.

The magic incantation

Run Windows Setup (or Reset This PC) normally. At some point in the process, you’ll arrive at the following screen.

Windows 11 Setup Country Selection.
Windows 11 Setup Country Selection. Click for larger image. (Screenshot:


This is the point at which the “magic” happens.

On the keyboard, type SHIFT+F10. This will open a Command Prompt Window.

Windows 11 Setyup Command Prompt Trick
Windows 11 Setyup Command Prompt Trick (Screenshot:

Into that command prompt type:


(no spaces) followed by the Enter key.

The machine will reboot and return to the same country-selection screen.

Type SHIFT+F10 to open the Command Prompt window again.

Windows 11 Setup ipconfig run.
Windows 11 Setup ipconfig run. (Screenshot:

Into that command prompt type:

ipconfig /release

followed by the Enter key.

This will disconnect your machine from the network, including the internet. (Alternatively, you can disconnect the networking cable, but the ipconfig approach will self-repair once we reboot later in the process.)

You can close the Command Prompt window, and continue the setup process until you reach this screen.

Windows 11 Setup noticing there's no network.
Windows 11 Setup noticing there’s no network. Click for larger image. (Screenshot:

Click on I don’t have internet.

You’ll then be shown a screen that boils down to “Are you sure you don’t want to connect to the internet now?” At the bottom of that screen will be link to Continue with limited setup. Click that.

You’ll then be asked to enter the name of the person using the machine.

Windows 11 Setup Account ID.
Windows 11 Setup Account ID. Click for larger image. (Screenshot:

This is your local account’s username. While you can certainly enter your name, I prefer to enter a no-spaces common username I use elsewhere. (This can make some aspects of networking much easier later.) In the example above I’ve chosen my username to be “leon”.

Click Next.

Windows 11 Setup Password.
Windows 11 Setup Password. (Screenshot:

You’ll be asked to create a password for your local account. You’ll also be asked to confirm it by entering it a second time.

You’ll then be required to set up three “secret questions” for account recovery should you ever need it. This is one drawback of a local account: you cannot recover it using any online methods as you can with a Microsoft account. Be sure to choose questions and answers you’ll remember.

Complete Windows 11 setup. You’ll now have a Windows 11 machine using only a local account.

Signing in to Windows 11 with only a local account.
Signing in to Windows 11 with only a local account. Click for larger image. (Screenshot:

And, like any initial account on a fresh setup, it’ll be administrator-capable.

Why? Why not?

Why would you want a machine with only local accounts and no Microsoft accounts?

Most of the time, you probably don’t. Using a Microsoft account gets you access to several additional features, of course, but my favorite is that account recovery doesn’t require access to your machine. If you lose the password to your Microsoft account, you can reset it from any machine. Once reset, you can sign in to any PC on which you use that Microsoft account to sign in.

However, not everyone feels that way. Some feel that Microsoft is too intrusive and that using a Microsoft account gives them more access to your activities. Some feel that there’s just no reason to tie your machine to an online account of any sort just to use it. Some find local accounts simpler and easier to comprehend.

Either approach is good. (Unless, of course, you’re Microsoft with an agenda to push Microsoft accounts.)

Do this

If I had a recommendation at all, it would be this:

  • Set up your machine using a Microsoft account.
  • Add a local user account that is also an administrator.

Use whichever makes the most sense for you for your day-to-day work, knowing you have the other as backup.

But if you want to set up a machine completely Microsoft account-free, now you can.

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10 comments on “Set Up Windows 11 With Only a Local Account”

  1. Theres an easier way to do a local account on Windows 11 Pro Just do setup for Work select Domain Setup then do Local Domain join under options that will force a local Account to be created first. without hammering the email address

  2. This is useful information to know. I set up the church computers with local accounts because multiple users will need to use the machine but they don’t need access to the church’s Microsoft account and everything else that comes with it.

    We’re still on Windows 10 and I’ve been able to set up these “Other Users” local accounts with no password to make it easy on those who need to get in and type a letter or browse the internet. Will Windows 11 allow a local account with no password?

  3. This is a new one on me, if it works I imagine Microsoft will soon cotton on and remove the loophole.

    I’ve found the easiest way is to just play along with them, make up a new MS account to set up the pc, then immediately switch to a local one and remove the online account completely.

  4. I have a username “RockFox” that I have used since Windows 95. I want to keep it. But Microsoft in their arrogance creates a username using part of your Microsoft email account. UGLY. I have found workarounds thru Windows 10 to keep my preferred username on a clean install. I want to do a clean install of Windows 11 and I was stumped on how to keep my preferred username. Thank you for this tip.

  5. This is the inelegant way to do it! There’s a ‘proper’ way, that’s even easier.

    At the Country screen, hit Shift & F10 to get a Command Prompt box.

    Enter oobe\bypassnro [no spaces] and the PC will reboot, start again and give you the ‘I don’t have Internet’ option that’s missing on a ‘standard’ install when you get to the ‘Let’s connect you to the Internet’…

  6. I use Linux Mint so I don’t have to generally deal with this. but thanks for the info as I do have Win11 Pro setup in a QEMU/KVM virtual machine on Linux (‘activated’ with a certain program with HWID method which the activation is tied to the UUID of the VM it seems given on clean installs it loses the automatic activation until I restore the previous UUID at which point it’s automatically activated with no further action required) as it emulates TPM v2.0 and on my 3rd gen i5 (which is not even a officially supported CPU but it works with official Win11 ISO with no further action needed for it to work) and I dislike online accounts for Windows as a general rule as there is no need if you ask me as we have went without them for ages so no real need to start now as it’s just more stuff tied to you they don’t need to know (which Leo already briefly mentioned).

    I generally don’t use Windows, but on that rare occasion/limited use (certain things ill occasionally use it for), it can be nice to have as a backup. but with this forced online account junk, all the more reason I am glad I dumped Windows for Linux Mint 5 years and 1 month ago now. there is a bit of a adjustment period when I changed, but after a while it feels normal as things tend to be snappier on Linux as Windows seems to load a lot of junk after boot up etc. but I realize this might not be a option for many people, especially if they have certain software that does not work on Linux through Wine etc.

    but that ‘no at thankyou’ stuff seems like a quicker way to do it as I was aware of what Julian Hicks said above as I think I did that when I setup Win11 on my VM a while ago but I had to disconnect internet from the VM temporarily for it to work if I recall correctly (like after the reboot from the ‘oobe etc’ stuff). but I might play around with Win11 in another VM just to see if I can get what John said working and Leo. but I can see why Leo mentioned his method since it seems a bit more straight forward than other methods people use.

  7. If you set up a PC with only a local account, will you then get on-screen pop-ups or other “reminders” to set up a Microsoft account on the machine?

  8. Small update: I was just playing with a fresh Win11 virtual machine on Linux through QEMU/KVM etc (which I talked about in my previous post) and this time I used Leo’s method and it worked exactly as shown. nice and easy as I am definitely sticking with this method as I can’t see something being quicker/easier than this.

    also, I heard the next version of Win11, which is 24H2, will apparently require the SSE4.2 CPU instruction to function as without that it appears Win11 won’t boot/function outright. but good news is the odds are your unsupported CPU will work as my i5-3550 is from the year 2012 and it has the SSE4.2 CPU instruction and I am pretty sure Intel CPU’s a fair amount older than mine still have that and I heard on the AMD side it goes back even further.


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