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21 comments on “How Can It Be Safe to Give My Information to Anyone?”

  1. A excellent article Leo. Although I don’t have the tech knowledge you do,I can relate to everything you say. I am a firm believer in technology and would not be without my computer. Having said that I still think we were born with the best computer. The one between our ears. It provides us with the common sense to make wise decisions about everything we do.Unfortunately it seems people are using technology as a replacement for our own brain and that is where the problem lies.
    I believe we should make rational decision about what we want and what we need,and most times we don’t need everything we want.We do need to apply common sense when using the internet as much as we do when using any electrical or mechanical tool. All great tool if used wisely. Only we can control that. Your articles gives another great tool to to help us use technology wisely. Thanks

  2. I’ve had fraudulent charges made to my credit card twice and 2 fraudulent checks made and cashed against my account. In each of those cases, the bank reversed those charges immediately after a 10 minute phone call. None of those breaches were caused by internet activity and I buy on the internet regularly. From that experience, I gather that bank has to take the loss for any data breaches, not the account holder.

  3. I suspect a lot of the hacking involves someone leaving the info unprotected. I share my passwords with my wife and no one else. Ben Franklin said it best when he said” if three people share a secret it’s safe if two of them are dead.:

  4. There is one situation which does concern me. I use QUICKEN. Now, I have accounts at quite a few mutual fund companies, brokerage accounts, etc. I enter transactions manually on Quicken. That is not the most efficient way to use it. Quicken Forum members have given me a hard time about this. I guess most users provide all the user codes and passwords to Quicken so it can get on my accounts and correctly download all my transactions. I just won’t do that because giving ALL my information to Quicken can subject me to MAJOR issues should a data breach occur. It would be far more than one credit card or one checking account. A thief would have access to my entire financial situation. AM I BEING OVERLY PARANOID ABOUT THIS. I would welcome some opinions/feedback here.


    • All I can say is that when I elect to trust an agency – like Quicken – I typically go all in. And companies like Intuit (the makers of Quicken and Quickbooks) have an incredible responsibility to keep things secure. Whether or not you’re overly paranoid, you’re at least an outlier – more people are using the online service than not, meaning more people are trusting Intuit with this information than are downloading things manually. If anything ever did happen I’d expect Intuit to deal with it, and related institutions to deal with it as well, in a way that would minimize the impact to affected users. Ultimately I’d probably trust Intuit to do it right. I don’t choose who to trust lightly so that when I trust I can feel comfortable trusting more-or-less completely.

    • I think your approach is smart, but not for the reasons you mentioned. By entering your transactions manually you are double checking the bank, account brokerage or whatever. If they make a mistake (and it does happen, although rarely), you will notice it when you numbers are different.

  5. Re: Sharing passwords with wife or family. The probem then is that if there’s a breach you don’t know if it was you or your wife that caused the breach. I want to be sure that it was me or the thief, not to suspect family, so no sharing my passwords.

  6. While I generally agree with your conclusion, I disagree with your argument.

    A story need not be unusual to get coverage. Routine things — like sports scores, business results, and weather — get daily coverage. It’s not logical to conclude that an event is rare because it merited coverage. Moreover, there is some evidence that many data breaches are not disclosed because entities don’t want to air their dirty linen in public.

    A symphony is more than the echo of a single musician. If multiple legitimate news outlets cover the same event, it is more than the same information being passed around. At the very least, it means multiple editors judged the information to be worth relating.

    “I pick and choose what companies and services I do business with, based on reputation….” How does a company get a reputation, other than through news coverage? So on one hand you are saying to dismiss news reports as overblown, while on the other hand you are saying to pay attention to reputation — which is in large part established by news reports.

  7. However rare the singularities in the universe of computing major hacks may be, it’s an incomprehensibly large universe, and if one happens to impinge on your personal turf you can get scorched awfully badly. Security be damned, if they want in they’ll get in – just be glad you didn’t have any holdings in that ultra-secure, ultra-protected, ultra-cautious bitcoin bank they broke into, bilked and bankrupted. Or that you didn’t have a Target account, or Winners, or buy a Lenovo computer with that embarrassing hole, or… There have been so many others.

    The fact is, even the the corporation is all goodwill and generosity (and being sued in a class-action lawsuit) you can be at best severely inconvenienced and at worst have your life totally destroyed in the wrong information gets into the wrong hands from the wrong place. It is a long chance but it’s there. Do you know how to take safe shelter in a lightning storm, and do you use the knowledge?

    Convenience has its price, and you have to pay it. But does the store really need your phone number? Why? How to they guarantee to defence it from the phone spammers? In precise countries (many in Europe, and Canada) do they need all your postal code, which can be as precise as floors in a building?

    If you must give information, as is often the case, at least demand to know who will handle it, how soon and how thoroughly it will be encrypted, if they have an air-gapped network for confidential information storage, and who can access it under what restrictions. This will not win you any popularity contests, but when stores and financial institutions find they aren’t going to get your custom (or mine or Leo’s or anyone else’s) until they produce satisfactory answers, we will get them soon enough.

  8. I don’t know about the United States or any other country, but in Canada, you also have a right to know what information a company is collecting about you and what they do with the information. If the company doesn’t have a good reason for collecting a piece of data, they are not allowed to collect. Some companies still do, but you have the right to ask them if they need it and why. And if they can’t give you a good reason, you don’t have to give them the information; otherwise you can file a complaint with the Privacy Commission. In fact, somethings are legislated even further. For example, it is illegal to use an Ontario health card number for any other purpose except health services. Therefore, if a business wants your health card number, you can tell them no, unless they are providing a health service. In the same way, a social insurance number (like the US social security number) can only be used by banks, employers, and anyone else who pays you money. It’s amazing how many applications will ask for your SIN number when they have no business needing it.

    So while I agree with Leo in that if you’ve decided to trust the business with your business, you have to trust that they will protect your information, we do have the right to limit what information we give them, in case something does happen.

    That said, even the biggest businesses do fail at some time. For example, Home Depot had a credit card incident. I have never got a satisfactory answer from them why they need to keep my credit card number in their computer after they have settled the transaction with the bank. Does it make refunds quicker? Yes. But it only takes 5 seconds for me to pull out my credit card, insert it into the machine, and for the machine to issue a refund to my credit card. So it’s not much of a convenience for the risk of hundreds of credit card accounts.

  9. Hi Leo,
    I agree with you on your implication that security of self and safety of ones’ property depends much more on one’s discrimination than the data breaches you hear. To me, using Internet is no different from using any other facility such as a Vehicle, Power, Medication that always require my own discrimination and safe behaviour first than the ‘external’ factors. Sure, external factors do affect us sometimes. But, it is our own action/inaction/negligence that outstrips the ‘external factors’ role many times.

  10. So, when applying for jobs and if you accept a position, How do you know your personal information is secure with your Human Resources Department?

  11. I’ve taken the approach of locking things down so that in the event of a breach, there isn’t a lot that would get exposed that could be used elsewhere.
    I use a password manager, 2FA wherever it is available, and have placed a freeze on my credit reports. I can easily lift the freeze when necessary.
    I suggest to others to establish account log-ins with the credit bureaus, Social Security, IRS and any other sites that may be of concern, even if they don’t intend to use them. This should prevent someone else from establishing an account using stolen information.

  12. One of the most common breaches is handing your credit card at a gas station or server in a restaurant. That is changing as all gas pumps in the US have credit cards slots and more and more restaurants have portable credit card terminals where the server doesn’t touch your card. This isn’t the case in some countries.
    Be careful at gas stations as some thieves place credit card skimmers on the pumps. Pull hard on the reader to see if it comes out.

  13. Like Mark H. (above), I use a password manager and unique, long, strong passwords. I enable 2FA on all my Internet accounts where appropriate. When I check out an Internet service, and find that it doesn’t offer 2FA, I look for an alternative that does. My thinking is that if a service isn’t concerned enough about my security to offer 2FA, how can I trust them? There are exceptions, such as newsletter accounts, etc., but for sites where my credentials could be misused, such as email accounts, etc., or my data could be compromised, 2FA is a must.

    Finally, in addition to keeping my computer, and all installed software as up to date as possible, I employ what I describe as Cognitive Security. Essentially the concept involves no unearned trust, a very healthy dose of skepticism, and a strong sense awareness of my surroundings, especially when I’m on the Internet, or with regard to anything that comes from the Internet. In practice, that means never believe anything I can’t confirm from other sources, never click any hyperlink before checking that the URL corresponds with the label, and that the URL is comprehensible (doesn’t look like some cryptographic string of characters), and most of all, I think before I leap, always. I think this about sums up Cognitive Security, and what I do to remain safe on the Internet, as well as from scams and other malicious social engineering efforts, etc. in general. I hope this helps others,



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