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7 comments on “How Can I Delete an Old Account If I Can’t Log In?”

  1. Leo I Read your article and i know we can’t delete account if we can’t show our identity to google but in my case i give identity to google but it can’t find that’s account belong to me iam sick off to trying and read many methods and tricks to open my account to delete it. iam proving my identity through my nummber and other email which is iam using for commenting and i get codes on my recovery number and account and i put in and in last google says i can’t find this account belong to you. please help me to open my account then i deleted iam waiting for your response…. sorry for bad english iam not so good in english…

    • I can’t help. The only avenue you have are the recovery methods offered by Google. If they don’t work then you cannot delete the account. I’m sorry, but that’s the bottom line. Time to move on, perhaps.

  2. “You might get friends on the service to somehow confirm you are who you say you are and should be given access to the account, if the service supports that.”

    Unfortunately, Facebook is eliminating that option.

  3. How can I delete my TikTok account without phone number and email?
    However, if you don’t have the phone number, it’s impossible to delete the account. Without the phone number, email, or password,


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