Articles in Category: Administration
Items related to Leo, Ask Leo! and overall website and related operations and administrivia.
What's the difference between system restore discs and system repair discs?
Manufacturers don’t like to ship full Window’s installation media, so many
of them offer a way for you to make your own restore or repair disc. But these
restore discs might not be as useful as you think.
Aren’t Incremental Backups Just as Important as a System Backup?
The different terms used for backups can sometimes make the process seem more
difficult than it is. I clarify some backup terminology and help sort it out.
Why does my laptop suddenly shut down while playing games?
Games are processor heavy and could be generating a lot of heat. This is the
first thing to look at with sudden shut-downs.
Does storing documents on my computer's desktop slow it down?
Your desktop is really just another directory in your computer. It’s more a
matter of organization than speed.
Why can't I log into Hotmail even though I remember my password?
Typically, if someone has attempted to log into your account numerous times,
Hotmail might lock your account. So how do you regain access?
Why can't I make changes to my host file when I am the administrator on this computer?
The host file is a good tool to use to block IP addresses to keep your
computer safe from porn and more. You must have administrative privileges to
make changes. I’ll show how to set those privileges.
Why do I get an error that my computer is protected by a password authentication system?
This looks like a BIOS password, which is going to be difficult to get past.
The big question is: how did that happen?
How do I make a small photo larger?
It’s not at all uncommon to come across a photo on the web and want to make it larger. It’s possible, but the results can be blurry, at best.
How do I make my cursor larger so I can see it?
Cursor size is not determined by the kind of computer that you buy; it is set by
your monitor and the software in your computer. It can easily be adjusted.
How do I recover my lost password on my Windows XP computer?
It’s simple to recover an XP password using an available utility, but the
security ramifications of this need to be explored.
Why have libraries stopped offering ebooks for Kindle?
At the time of this writing, we are in an early acceptance phase for ebooks,
such as Kindle. Libraries are caught in this change, but there may be positive
ways forward.
How can I run old XP programs on a Windows 7 machine?
An XP program may be run in a virtual machine on a Windows 7 computer, if it
is set up correctly.
Can you disguise an IP address?
IP addresses are fundamental to the way that the internet works. Spammers use botnets to send from hijacked machines and thus from their IP addresses.
How do I manage a large number of client workstations?
Managing the configuration of a large number of computers can be daunting. There are solutions for management but it’s not something I’m familiar with.
How did my friend's phone number get posted on a porn site?
It’s not unheard of for kids or not-such-good-friends to post someone’s
number as a prank or perhaps it was just a mistake: but what can you do?
Can my ISP help me prove I didn't post comments to a forum after I was hacked?
Getting an ISP to help in tracking internet activity is difficult, as
internet providers adhere to strict privacy guidelines. There may be other
Do all wireless routers require a cable connection to a modem for internet service?
Do you have to have wires to get the internet? Or more commonly: can you
just get the internet from the air? With new services, it may be possible.
How do I get a Hotmail or MSN email for another country?
If you are not in the country specified by the email address ending (such as
.com,, etc), you will likely be locked into the ending specified for
your country.
My friend says I have a virus in my Hotmail email, what should I do?
When a Hotmail account shows a virus, it’s a good sign that your account has
been hacked. You’ll need to change all of your security information to regain
Is there a way to move an .exe file from an old drive?
Your operating system typically requires more than just an .exe file to
run a program; it needs to be installed correctly. Installing programs
correctly may also provide necessary updates.
Will someone provide security updates for Windows XP after Microsoft stops supporting it?
Windows XP, at the time of this writing, has a large install base, but no
one has stepped up to support this market as it is getting smaller. Should you
keep using it?
What processor do I need for a 17-inch laptop?
When picking out a new computer, the way that you are going to use it is more
important than it’s size. Sometimes, it is a compromise between budget and
How do I stop false positives in spam and malware reports?
Malware and virus detectors can show false positives for good products. Both
software manufacturers and consumers need to know why and how this happens.
Where are canceled or failed downloads stored?
Windows deletes partial files from failed downloads, but it may not be
entirely erased from your system. If that is a concern, you will need to take
an extra step.
What is the security related information I need to change to secure an email account?
Security-related information in your email account is used to recover your
account. But what if the hacker now has access to all that?
Where did all these Windows Photo Gallery pictures come from?
When your own photos are all mixed up with internet images, it’s time to do
some organizing on your computer. Typically, ‘My Pictures’ is the place to store
How do I install programs on an alternate drive?
There is no safe way to move program files to another drive without
reinstalling; but it may be possible to free up some drive space in another
How do you burn a CD?
Burning a CD or DVD is complicated by the fact that there are three distinct types of thing you might want to burn. I’ll look at what that means.
How can I fix my computer from going to blue screen?
A sudden blue screen does not always mean that your computer is dying. It may be an easily fixable problem.
Where can I get a downloadable version of Windows Vista?
Providing legitimate sources of Window’s software can be a problem for
computer technicians, especially as fewer manufacturers provide replacement
disks to their customers.
Why does my monitor sometimes turn purple?
When a monitor turns purple, the first thing to look at is the hardware. The good news is that you can test for hardware problems without spending a lot of money.
What incremental backup images should I delete?
Incremental backups create a lot of files. It is important to manage them properly when restoring and starting a new cycle of backups.
Can I use my IP address to connect to my computer without remote desktop?
Remote Desktop is configured to keep your home computer secure while you connect to it from a remote machine. Doing this correctly requires the right software and permissions.
Why do I end up in the wrong place when I click on a link?
Redirects can be caused by various forms of malware and adware. There are also many legitimate reasons why a webpage may be redirected in the browser.
Does turning off my computer equipment break my internet connection?
Computer and Internet equipment is engineered to be left on, but turning it off should have little to no effect on your performance and internet connection.
Do I need all these Java QuickStarter and Consol add-ons in Firefox?
Consol and QuickStarter add-ons in Firefox perform different tasks – but it might not be necessary to run them all the time.
Can USB ports go bad?
USB connection problems can be due to many things, including bad ports, bad software, or bad devices. I’ll discuss the difficulty in telling which is which.
How can I report a phishing email address?
Spam and phishing attempts are quite an annoyance, but does reporting them
Can I schedule CHKDSK to run before my automatic backup?
CHKDSK can be run with your Task Scheduler. The trick is getting it to run
at the right time before your automatic backup.
Is the internet shutting down?
Urban legends and hoaxes can spread like fire on the internet. Here are some
clues that you might follow to determine if the email you received is true or
Can you help me spy on someone?
Ask Leo! is not for spy or hacker advice, so don’t wonder if that kind of
question goes unanswered.
How do I reinstall Windows without a CD drive?
Recovering a laptop with no CD drive or installation media is tricky, but
not impossible. I explore several options to get that laptop up and running
What's an inexpensive way to set up a backup system?
The important thing is to get a backup system running on your computer. I’ll discuss an option that that will get you going.
Why does virus software expire?
Software designed to help in the battle against spam may take its expiration date seriously. Perhaps you should to.
Can I encode video faster with quad core processors?
Quad core processors might process a video faster… but let’s look at the software that you’re using and see how it uses multiple processors.
My files turned green and are encrypted. What do I do?
When Windows file system encrypts a file, it will show as green in Windows Explorer. You need the right permissions to unencrypt it.
Help! Youtube is crashing my computer!
Video uses a fair amount of processing power on a computer – that load could be overheating your computer.
Should I wait for Windows 8?
With the release of Windows 8 Preview some folks are wondering if Windows 7 is soon to disappear. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Why does my PC restart itself when trying to boot off of a Linux Ubuntu CD?
The Ubuntu distribution Linux is a capable and popular operating system that supports many hardware configurations. Many, though, may not mean all.
How do I clear up these lingering problems after a malware infection?
Once your machine is infected, it’s impossible to know that it’s been completely cleaned. I’ll look at the options, both ideal and practical.