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Why Are There So Many Copies of the Visual C++ Runtime?

Because one version isn’t confusing enough!

There are usually many copies of the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library on a Windows computer. Here's why.
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A photorealistic image of a computer screen displaying multiple instances of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installations in the 'Programs and Features' section of Windows. The background shows a cluttered desktop with typical developer tools, coding books, and a cup of coffee
(Image: DALL-E 3)
Question: Do I really need all the Microsoft visual C++ redistributable downloads? Can I delete some?

Yes, I’m sorry to say, you probably do, and no, you should not delete any of them.

This is a symptom of a problem faced by software vendors that is unsolvable in any pragmatic sense. The problem even has a name: DLL Hell.

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So many copies of the Visual C++ runtime

Yes, you do need all the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable downloads, and you shouldn’t delete any of them. These libraries ensure the proper functioning of various programs, preventing failures caused by missing dependencies. Deleting them can cause software issues due to version-specific requirements. This is why there are so many on your computer.

Don’t reinvent the wheel

The origin of the problem is programmers trying not to duplicate work that’s already been done.

For example, let’s say as I’m working on a program, I write a little bit of code that does something moderately useful; perhaps it’s a simple function to convert all alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase.1 It takes a string of characters like “Ask Leo!” and converts it to “ask leo!”

Lots of programs require that feature. So rather than writing or including a case-conversion function into every program, we package it into a library. Any program that wants to convert a string of characters to lowercase can use this library function. Software developers don’t have to write, test, and include their own version of that function.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime is nothing more than a big library of those kinds of functions. Most are not as simple as changing the case of characters in a string, but they are all things that are common to programs written in Microsoft Visual C++, a programming language specifically for Windows.

By providing all this functionality in one package, programs are easier and faster to write.

And that much, at least, is mostly true.

Progress versus compatibility

As time goes on, several things happen.

  • Programs change and improve in response to customer and market demand.
  • The software those programs are built on — like Microsoft Visual C++ — also changes and improves to provide the functionality required to make those customers and the market happy.
  • Bugs (errors) are created and bugs are fixed.
  • New versions are released.
My six copies of the VC++ Redistributable Library.
My six copies of the VC++ redistributable library. Click for larger image. (Screenshot:

In the example above, I have six copies representing three versions of the redistributable library (each version comes in two flavors: 32bit and 64bit).

In an ideal world, a program relying on the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable would be equally served by the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 x64 Redistributable. It’s just a newer version, after all.

We don’t live in an ideal world. Depending on how it’s written, a program written to use the 2010 version might experience failures if it tried to use the 2013 version as a replacement. That program requires the 2010 version, no matter how many subsequent versions are installed.

The uninstall problem

Consider this scenario: you install program A. It uses library version 2010. You then install program B. It also uses library version 2010, so the library is not installed again; Program B can use the copy that’s already there courtesy of program A.

Now you uninstall program A. Three things can happen.

  • It uninstalls the library because it installed it and it should clean up after itself, not realizing that another program relies on the library. Program B breaks.
  • It never uninstalls the library because another program might use it. As a result, libraries check in but they never leave.
  • We devise some method of tracking how many installed programs are using the library and only remove it when the last one is uninstalled. Unfortunately, any single program’s failure — be it a programming error or a failure to install or uninstall properly — breaks this technique. At best, you’re left with copies of the library you no longer need, and at worst, uninstalling one program can cause one or more unrelated programs to fail.

It’s a mess. In fact, it’s such a mess that many programs don’t bother to use it at all.

Versions upon versions

One of the most entertaining2 scenarios of this problem is that of large application suites such as Microsoft Office. It’s not at all uncommon for two things to be true:

  • Even if most of the suite is written for a 64-bit platform, there may still be 32-bit utilities included (which run just fine on 64-bit operating systems). This means both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the runtime libraries need to be included.
  • Even if most of the suite is written for version X of the runtime library, there may still be portions that rely on version Y or even version Z. So both or all three must be included, possibly in both 32- and 64-bit flavors.

It could be better, but it’s not

I’m certain there are ways that this problem could have been approached differently from the start. This isn’t nearly as big a deal on non-Windows platforms. Those platforms either didn’t attempt this type of code sharing or do it in less interdependent ways.3

And while developers still benefit from not needing to re-invent the wheel each time they need it, they end up shipping and installing a lot of wheels with every program that needs it. They save some work by not starting from scratch each time, but your system becomes littered with different versions of (essentially) the same thing.

Do this

Just like those install and uninstall programs, we don’t know what’s safe to delete.

The safest approach by far is to leave well enough alone and delete nothing.

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Footnotes & References

1: Programmers, please rest assured that I know about things like lcase() and strtolower() and the existing functions to do exactly this. I’m choosing a simple example to make my point.

2: I chose entertaining over depressing.

3:  In other operating systems, the duplication of the content of those files remains; it’s just more commonly carried around within the applications themselves.

22 comments on “Why Are There So Many Copies of the Visual C++ Runtime?”

  1. Great article and as usual very informative.

    I have seen all these replicated files on my computer, especially the runtime and net framework files and just like your questioner wondered why all the different versions were there. Is there not a case – now that HDDs are getting physically smaller and smaller – and cheaper – while giving massively larger memory – to have a dedicated drive for storing all these libraries. I’m sure a small modern day drive could handle all this stuff for many many years with a built in piece of software that would only remove stuff that hadn’t been used for say 10 or more years or was known never to be needed again. I’m sure the software vendors between them could put that together quite easily.

    I also realise that everything I have said may be totally naïve and not at all workable, it was just a thought.

    • It requires a massive amount of coordination that’s not likely to happen. :-) Also, there’s no need for a separate drive – the single drive in most computers has more than enough space in most cases.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I too have been asking myself the same question, Too bad about the answer.
    Your avid reader ( and book buyer),

  3. This is another thing I’ve always hated about Microsoft is their shared libraries and their ineptness at managing them. A case could be made for sharing code like this back when storage was expensive and keeping program size to a minimum was necessary, but now that is not a problem and programs should be self-contained (what’s called “portable” nowadays). The developers could keep their own libraries of common code if they want, and just include a copy of the actual code from the library into the program they produce instead of a link to an external library. IOW, the program should not need to depend on anything but the OS it’s installed on.

    • Ultimately what I described is exactly what you described – tools are becoming more and self-sufficient. (“Portable” isn’t actually so much about not sharing code – it has more to do with where state information like settings and such are kept.)

  4. I tune-up computers for residential clients and run into this all the time. I’ve known about the problem and why it exists for at least a dozen years now. Thanks for explaining it in terms my clients will understand. Now when I get the question during a tune-up I can point them toward this article.

    I’m interested to know how the Chromebook is handling the common library problem. I haven’t used one yet, but imagine it’s more like a tablet than a PC. Google pushes updates to the Chrome browser when you ask it’s status, and I imagine their OS does the same. Anyone?

  5. Isn’t the .NET framework better at this? It seems to me I’ve only seen multiple versions (1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4) on my computer but not multiple copies of those versions, unlike seeing multiple copies of multiple versions of the C++ runtime.

  6. I have some exact same copies C++ 2008 redistributable so what should I do because obviously less programs means faster overall speed of any computer. So my question is if the programs are EXACTLY the same (apart from the program size) is it ok to delete 1 of them

  7. I HAVE erased duplicated files when I can see it’s a text file I no longer want, but I’ve been told to never delete anything that has to do with Microsoft.

    By deleting my own text files, will that harm my computer.

  8. At last someone I can trust. Thanks for your no bull advice and knowledge Leo. There are way too many charlatans out there.

    I came here looking for advice on Microsoft C + +, and found what I was looking for.

    Cheers, oh and Happy New Year 2017

  9. I have 2005, 2008 and 2015 redistributables in my 64 bit windows 7 but when trying to install xampp i get the message that api-ms-win-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing in my computer. How can i solve this problem

  10. Better than “developers could keep their own libraries of common code” is for developers to use common SOURCE libraries for routines to do common tasks. Rather than calling a runtime version of the routine, they would copy this source into their own installation package.

    By using published source code, this would be reliable & tested code that has been used by many other developers over the years. Such code tends to have few bugs, due to being reviewed & tested by many developers for a long time. But this requires companies like Microsoft to publish source code rather than just a runtime module for common tasks — “Open Source” at a library level.

    This would make their application more self-contained, not dependent on other runtime libraries, at the cost of a slightly larger application package (hardly matters, given the size of current storage).

    P.S. The COBOL language included this feature in the COPY statement. It was 65 years ago Saturday, August 17, 1960 that the first COBOL program compiled and ran on a computer.

  11. I too have wondered about these. CCleaner has been telling me for some time that one or more of these need to be updated (displays the current installed version and the new version numbers). Are these not always included in a Windows update? Allow CCleaner to update them? Thanks!

  12. Programs written in C, or C++, have access to a variety of commonly used functional libraries. When these libraries are used, their code is imported into, and included as part of the application. If Rust employs a similar feature of using/including code libraries, It’s probably a good replacement for these languages (I haven’t used Rust yet). The advantage of such languages is that they’re platform independent, so their source code can be compiled to run on a variety of platforms with little/no modification. This is yet another reason to love open source software (OSS); programs written to run on GNU/Linux can usually be easily converted/compiled to run on Windows/Mac systems too. LibreOffice, Firefox, and Thunderbird are excellent examples of this.

    Ernie (Oldster)


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