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The link I want to use to post a picture on MySpace is too long, what can I do?


I’m trying to use your instructions to put a picture into a comment or put a picture into the caption of another picture but it
won’t let me. The link to my picture is apparently too long. What can I do?

You’ve stumbled onto a common problem. In fact, it’s typically the cause of
the “I only see two dots” complaint.

The good news is that there are services out there that make this
very easy to deal with.

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In order to post a picture into a MySpace comment or picture caption, you
need to actually type in HTML, the “language” of web pages. What you’re typing
in is the instructions that says “put that picture, here”.

It looks something like this:


The link we’re talking about, called a URL, is this part:

If that’s too long, then MySpace will not display the picture, and may
display something else, like the two dots, instead.

We need to create a shorter URL.

The easiest way to do that is to use a service like SnipURL. Visit and you’ll see this:


On the SnipURL site, enter the “long” version of the URL that you have.

Important: do not enter the actual file name – the
characters following the last slash! Only enter everything from the “http” to,
but not including, that last “/”.

So, using our current example, I would enter this:

Note how I left off the file name, “573024355_l.jpg”. We’ll get to that in a

Here’s what is looks like in SnipURL:

SnipURL with data

Now, press the SNIP URL button. The resulting page will
show you your now much smaller URL. In my case, I get:

Snip URL Results

Now we’ll put the new SnipURL together with the filename:

is now just a short version of:

Which you can now use anywhere you would have used the longer version.

So, to come full circle, in our MySpace “picture in a comment” example,
instead of:


after creating the SnipURL, we would use this instead:

src=”” />

As you can see, it’s much shorter.

Caution: in putting together this article, I attempted to use a
similar service called “TinyURL”. I’m not certain, but it appears that MySpace
is actively preventing TinyURL from being used in cases like this.

As a result, I’m not certain of the future for SnipURL. However, for the
moment, I was able to confirm that everything above, when followed
, works.

Do this

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118 comments on “The link I want to use to post a picture on MySpace is too long, what can I do?”

  1. I did this and all the other things you said to do for the picture in the caption box and it works, the only problem is that for some reason the caption picture will not center along with the first picture. I’ve repeated it over and over again and come up with the same un-centered picture.

  2. It seems as if MySpace is preventing this, as you said, so I really don’t know what to do. I’ve followed this page and the one with the comment box, and haven’t been able to make anything show up besides a broken image… And I know html pretty well, so I am assuming MySpace isn’t allowing it.

  3. ok so i did exactly like you said and it worked. but when i clicked on “view pics” it had my old caption. when i go back to add/edit photos, it has the icon for the capiton! grr i am mad. please help…

  4. i did what you said, using “flickr” as my uploader, however it came up with “image not available” maybe this was flickrs fault, i’m not sure

  5. I done what you said and it wont work i went to the sinp url thing and everything i doen it lyke 3 tymes and it wont work..PLEASE HELP ME!

  6. This doesn’t actually work. Any of it. I did it correctly 5 times with no success. I just want it to work…aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Thanks for the help though.

  7. Tinypic sucks.. Well not really cus u can get ur pic url quik BUT! i CAN NOT put the code in the Add caption thingy… I tried everything u said to do and NUTHING!!! ANd then when i used the “snip” Thing It kept on sayin to put a url that actually work..? I got the code from Tinypic… I dont understanddd……. :{ Get back at me please

  8. ive tried all of these. tinypic, photobucket, and this way! i keep getting 2 dots! even when i shorten the url it still does that! then my friend did it no prob the same way as this!! HELP!

  9. Ive tried everything that everyone has reccomended, my friend that has them on hers even tried it for me and it didnt work. Please get back to me, i really want these pictures. Thank you.

  10. i did the snipurl thing and the two dots still apprear when i press view caption.i’m confused now. is there anything you can do to help me?

  11. DUDE!!!!! i did everything with the snipURL thing and made it small and everything else…. and i still got two ..!!!!!!!!!! wtf ive been doing this everyday!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!~!!!!

  12. ok, easy instructions-

    1. Go to (you dont need to make an account)

    2. Upload the image you want to use from your computer.

    3. It will come up with the URL, mine was

    4. Forget about that code for a min, and go back to the original code that is used to put the url into.

    5. Where is sais ‘URLHERE’ in the code paste the URL for the image you uploaded off

    6. Paste the whole code into your image caption place, and it will work.

    (If there is any problems, or you want me to do the code, email me,

  13. is there a way of putting pictures in the caption that are saved on your computer?
    rather then on the internet?
    because i cant seem to get the hang of the url thing
    so can you use saved pictures?
    ive tried..failed..gave up…so im asking you for help
    please help!

  14. i did that thing sam said
    but the URL is to long
    and it doesnt work on snipurl
    because it isnt a url off the internet or something
    what can i do?
    help please!

  15. Thank you very much, it took we atleast 7 times reading closer and closer at what you said and i finally got it. Its a little dog!
    Let me see if i cant help anyone
    Step one: Go to any uploading website, for example and upload a photo (Anysize)
    Look at URL example:
    Step three: Go to snipurl and get a shorter one.
    Add them together with his directions way above

  16. ok.

    honestly, this is getting to me.
    i did everyting it said… went over the html about 3 times. and i know heaps about html already, i dont understand how its not working. i uploaded it in imageshack and there wast even a “.net” in my thing..

    honestly can somebody get the correct way to do it so everyone can stress less?

  17. THANX!!
    it worked great! but one last there anyway 2 make the pic in the caption bigger? i tried to get the propertie’s URL on photobucket but it didnt work so i just used theirs. problem is i would prefer the picture to be bigger. possible?

  18. Yes, finally got it to work.
    It wasn’t working; and I was about to give up and then I was like let me read carefully through the directions one more time. I realized I was forgetting to add the rest of the filename!

    Lu. ♥

  19. i did EVERYTHING you said to and it just shows up as a little box with a paper lookin thing thats cut in half. iunnoo but i just want a freakin picture in it!!!

    Helpppp? ?

  20. i did EVERYTHING EXACTLY like it says and all i get is a little page looking thing thats been ripped in half…

    like wtf?

  21. I tried this, over and over. I get two dots, that is it, ive been to every website and tried to look it up, it all says the same thing, and its not working, since myspace has changed the way pictures upload and things [like the albums] it wont work anymore.
    plz and thank you

  22. I did it all.

    That’s what I finally came out with.
    But it shows up as a paper cut in half.
    Please message me on myspace to help.
    (If you can)


  23. okay so i tried this and it keeps telling me there is something wrong with tne nickname????????? wtf! what nick name!? i’m retty confused and rather annoyed since this seems to be working for everyone but me. i tried rereading your instructions as i went through this recopied the url to see if i made mistakes there and still can’t seem to figure this out. ridiculous. =( help!

  24. I got the two dots, too. I know what your problem is. When you look in the ‘properties’ box for the picture, if the filename is very long, the first HALF of the URL, starting with ‘http’ is in the middle of the box. The last half of the URL, ending in ‘.jpg’ is completed at the top of the box. You must first copy the first half of the URL, then paste it in myspace, then copy the second half, and paste it in. NOTE!!! Some of the characters in the MIDDLE of the URL may be repeated! In other words, some of the last letters/numbers at the end of the first URL may be repeated in the second half. Be sure you do NOT repeat those characters!!! Example: Middle: http:blablabla/images/abcdef567 Top: 567stuvw.jpg Only use the ‘567’ once! It should end up as http:blablabla/images/abcdef567stuvw.jpg Hope this helps. -J

  25. OK so i have had it working for a long time now. BUt now all i have is a red box in my captions AND when i try to snip the url it goes on about a nickname whats going on why is it not working any more???????

  26. ok ive done this like a bunch of times. and when i put it on the caption and i save it it has a little box with an x on it. like it hasnt loaded.??? what the crap. plzzz help me.!

  27. this is the method i have been using
    it has worked perfectly up until now.
    all i am getting is a bow with a red x in the middle
    i would appreciate some help

  28. I have done everything that this article says to do but when i copy and paste in the html all i get for a comment is the html and no pic. i have done it several different times and ways and i get the same thing. Why?

  29. i am using photobucket and there are 2 url areas…but everytime i use each one seperately they do not work. why??
    how do i use myspace to get a url for a picture?

  30. i DONT get it….im trying to put picture captions up and i have tried all u said but it doesnt work or im doing it wrong…um so yea i need some help

  31. I tried both methods using the url and having it sniped and then adding the file name. I always get a picture icon which is torn in half. I couldn’t figure out how to fix a corrupted picture and dont know if that is the problem please help.

  32. well okay.
    i go to the website and
    the website says this.
    “System undergoing maintenance. All your snips will be active (you can click on them) but you cannot snip new ones for now.”


    i hate thsi
    all i want is a pikkture as a pikkture comment
    please help.

  33. i did everything this said but it still is too long. is there any other way to shorten it more? and do you actually use the ” ” around the url?

  34. Hi..I tried this several would think I would know better seeing I did a cert 4 in I.T. last year(dont tell my teachers!)I found the usual prob I faced each time was, I left the ” off each end…duhhh. It is now working beautifully..thanks to you I dont have to use Flockbucket again.

  35. follow carefully this and you can make it. 😀
    i already did it.. it works.. 😀
    1st put the URL without the name of the pic..snip it! and then add the name.. Example-> 12434.jpg
    and remember to put the codes
    Done.! 😀

  36. after snip it the url i think is still to long im am getting 4 periods when i put the new url in the myspace picture caption box. what should i do??

  37. For those of you that tried but it didn’t work.. try copying the LOCATION when you right click your desired photo and select “properties”. Use that instead of the other URL

  38. HI. OK. Mine is still too long, the second half that you insert along with the new short URL is the long part… and i cannot find a “location” anywhere when I right click, or in the properties?

  39. this is really annoying the crap out of me…i guess myspace has updated so much that it isnt possible to put an icon as your caption anymore because I’ve tried all of this bull crap they tell u to do online and NONE OF IT WORKS!

  40. well in my case it works perfect!
    And i didn’t separate the url.. i just copied the whole url into snipurl and it worked!!!
    maybe it was a bug which is now fixed?

    but anyway thx! 4 the hlp;D

  41. i didn’t take out the file name – I copied the url from my pic which was uploaded to myspace. I dumped the entire thing into snipurl and came out with a shorter link. When I cut the file name and added it at the end – I came up with a piture of a dog! LOL

  42. I’ve redone it over and over and over again! not working!!!!!! I keep getting a box with red x and no picture! The URL thing is throwing me off completely! HELP! I am not computer smart

  43. ya im jus getting a x and i used the exact url u gave as an example and it was a dog but when i do it…the x just comes up =[ plz help…

  44. It worked with one picture i put on, but now i am trying to out on a picture i made with Paint, and the picture won’t show. It will jst come up with an X.

  45. hayy….when i put the picture in and i get the pictre but the public view has the picture and thiss….. var captionID = “”; if (captionID.trim().length > 0) MySpace.Util.applyWBRToElement($get(captionID));

    how do i et rid of that?

  46. omg i’m not computer literate to say the least i’ve tried all of these short cuts but none are helping do you have mypace tidbits for dummies especially with picture comments

  47. worked for me, and I’m not good at this stuff at all. Just choose a size, and then once you’ve uploaded, use the HTML for Websites code in your comment on myspace. It starts like this

  48. alright, well i’ve tried all of this but now i get to the shortening step and it won’t let me but the url in the box so you can snip it. this is so frustrating. i’m not as good with computers as i thought i was. please helpy. thanks.

  49. wat i did is i used da other code [idk if its da same code] but yea i used dat code and instead of puttin da html code i put da direct link and it worked so u can try dat

  50. too bad so sad for everyone else bc I followed your instructions and came out successful. thank you so much for the site reference to snipurl also. it works great!

  51. Hi,
    i did exsactly what you told me to do and this red ‘X’ appears. I know you have lots of comments saying this but please help. Thanks.


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