Articles tagged: Wifi
How Do I Get Wireless Internet?
You hear a lot about wireless internet, but it's not something you can just connect to anywhere. It's more often something you purchase and set up.
Internet Safety: 7 Steps to Staying Safe Online
Online security is critical. Here are the key steps you can take to keep yourself safe on the internet.
If I Share Wi-Fi With My Neighbor, Can They See My Network Traffic?
Sharing Wi-Fi with your neighbor might seem like a friendly thing to do, but be aware you are potentially putting your own computers at risk.
How Do I Connect My Desktop to Open Wi-Fi Nearby?
Wi-Fi hotspots make for a convenient connection. To connect, you need proximity, a little hardware, and most important, permission.
Can Hotel Internet Traffic Be Sniffed?
Many hotels offer both wired and wireless internet, but with those hotel internet connections comes a security risk most folks don't consider.
Why Might Wi-Fi Be Faster than Ethernet?
It does sound strange that a wireless connection could be faster than ethernet. We'll start by looking at the obvious: the cable connection itself.
How Should I Set Up My Home Network?
A home network allows you to share a single internet connection, as well as data and devices, between multiple devices. I'll review the basics components of a home network and some steps to take as your network grows.
Keeping the Neighbors Out
A question I received reminded me of something important that everyone needs to do: secure their router.