Articles tagged: email links

An infected laptop.

Should I Back Up If My Machine Is Infected?

If you believe your machine is infected, first protect and preserve your data.

No Spam

Why Shouldn’t I Post My Email Address in a Public Forum?

Spammers and internet trolls harvest email addresses via a variety of means. One of the most common is to simply surf the web and look for anything that might look like one.


How Do I Determine a Shortlink’s Destination?

Link-shortening services make it hard to tell a link’s final destination. When you receive one in an email, you may want to do some detective work to see where it’s going before you click.

An example of hovering a mouse pointer

How to Hover Over a Link to Check its Validity

When it comes to links on webpages and HTML mail, what you see is not always where you go. Hovering over a link is an important technique to look before you leap.

Why Does Legitimate Email from PayPal Instruct Me to Click a Link?

Why Does Legitimate Email from PayPal Instruct Me to Click a Link?

The rule is, never click on links unless you are 100% certain that they are from who you think they are. The question is, how can you be certain?

Credit Card Swipe

Should I take the security protection offered after the most recent security breach?

Hackers are very good at sending emails that look like they come from legitimate companies. So, how do you tell the truth from a lie?

Giving a Thief Your Password?

Why Does this Email Message Ask Me to Enable HTML When It Already Is Enabled?

Viewing an email in HTML seems to be the default in the new There is no easy way to change it. So why are you seeing this message?

URL in the Status Line

Can I Rely on the URL Shown in the Browser’s Status Bar Being Accurate?

There are both legitimate and malicious reasons why a link author may send you to a place that is different from the link showing in the status bar. Let’s look at why that may happen.

You've Been Hacked!

Why Am I Getting (or Sending) Emails that Contain only a Link or Spam from My Contacts?

Email account hacking is on the rise. One of the signs is the amount of spam being sent to contacts from those hacked accounts.