Articles tagged: Basic Tips

Read The Friendly Manual!

Tip of the Day: Read What’s On the Screen

Page Down and Page Up

Tip of the Day: Page Up and Down

Tip of the Day: Protect Your Personal Information

Copy URL

Tip of the Day: Sharing URLs

Permanent Delete

Tip of the Day: The Difference Between Delete and Shift-Delete

Kaputt - It's Busted!

Tip of the Day: Remember, Hardware Can Break

Run as administrator

Tip of the Day: Run As Administrator

Mouse Selection Techniques

Tip of the Day: Mouse Selection Techniques

Clicking the icon to minimize and restore an app

Tip of the Day: Minimize and Restore Programs Quickly Using the Taskbar

File Extensions in Windows File Explorer

Tip of the Day: File Extensions

Lots 'o Letters

Tip of the Day: Use Stronger Passwords


Tip of the Day: Explore Help About

Don't pull the plug

Tip of the Day: Never Just Pull the Plug

Ads vs. Results

Tip of the Day: Know the Difference Between a Search Result and an Ad

Multi-file selection.

Tip of the Day: Multiple Item Selection

Ctrl+C In Action

Tip of the Day: Abort Command Prompt Programs with Ctrl+C

Icons or Thumbnails?

Tip of the Day: Icons Versus Thumbnails

Spacebar Push

Tip of the Day: Scroll a Webpage with a Space

Tip of the Day: Hit Refresh

Windows Magnifier

Tip of the Day: The Magnifier App

Copying a File

Tip of the Day: Move Versus Copy

Windows File Explorer

Tip of the Day: Windows File Explorer

The back side of a desktop computer with an extreme amount of dust and pet hair, making it appear as the dustiest computer ever seen. The dust should be extremely thick, forming a dense, almost solid layer that covers every part of the computer's back. It should be difficult to even distinguish the ports and cables due to the heavy accumulation of dust and pet hair. The image should convey an extreme level of neglect and lack of cleaning, with the dust and hair almost transforming the appearance of the computer.

Tip of the Day: Dust Is Your Enemy


Tip of the Day: Play with Properties

Search or address bar?

Tip of the Day: Address Bar or Search?

Windows 11 File Explorer

Tip of the Day: What Is File Explorer, Anyway?

Windows Desktop

Tip of the Day: Set a Desktop Background

Tip of the Day: ALT+Tab and Win+TAB

Three Desktops

Tip of the Day: The Three States of a Window

Zoom in Internet Explorer

Tip of the Day: Bigger and Smaller with CTRL+ and CTRL-

Double Click

Tip of the Day: Quickly Maximize with Double-click

Undo Delete Animation

Tip of the Day: Back Away from Mistakes with Undo

My Mother

Tip of the Day: Back Up

Ask Leo! Home page.

Tip of the Day: Click the Logo to Go Home

Drive space in Windows File Explorer

Tip of the Day: Watch Your Disk Space

Tip of the Day: Click Column Headers to Sort

Right-click context menu with "Open".

Tip of the Day: Opening a Program vs. Opening a Document

Disk Space

Tip of the Day: Checking a Disk’s Free Space

Five lines of text. Or is it?

Tip of the Day: A Line Isn’t Always a Line

Creating a shortcut to a folder.

Tip of the Day: Create a Shortcut to a Folder

Windows File Explorer

Tip of the Day: Use Windows File Explorer to Explore Files

Drag select

Tip of the Day: Select Multiple Items with the Mouse

Taskbar Icons

Tip of the Day: Large and Small Taskbar Icons

Save and Save-As

Tip of the Day: “Save” Versus “Save As”

JPG Graduation

Tip of the Day: JPG or PNG?


Tip of the Day: F5 for Refresh


Tip of the Day: Provide Enough Information When Asking for Help


Tip of the Day: Learn to Type

All Your Eggs in One Basket?

Tip of the Day: If You’re Concerned About Losing It, It’s Not Backed Up

A shortcut

Tip of the Day: Understanding Shortcuts