Articles tagged: answercast 108
Why can’t I see the files on a CD I created?
When you can't see the files on a data disc you've created the causes can vary from exactly how you created that disc in the first place, to media quality, drive problems and even Windows Explorer settings.
Why Might an Update Take a Large Amount of Space?
An update can leave a large amount of temporary files, and even the old copy of the software still on the computer. After understanding what might be left, a cleanup tool might be called for.
If an IP address doesn’t do it, then how does Google know my location?
Google can find your location through multiple datapoints that you probably don't even realize you're sharing. There's a lively and important debate about how much data entities can and should collect and correlate.
Can I Use More than One Browser?
You can install as many browsers as you like. Personally, I usually install at least two, if not three. However, there can be only one default.
Are Records Better than CDs?
Since the dawn of the digital age the argument has raged: which is better - digital or analog? CDs or vinyl? I touch on some of the issues, but the bottom line is that if you can't hear the difference, which is more convenient?
How risky it is to run Ubuntu from a flash drive?
Having a bootable version of an operating system like Ubuntu on a USB flash drive can be very handy for a variety of reasons. Since flash memory can wear out, however, it's important that you back up.
Can an ISP tell me who’s reading my email?
It's typically impossible for the average computer user to determine who's reading your email, particularly since tracing through a an IP address is virtually impossible with legal assistance. The best option is securing your account from any prying eyes from the start.
What’s this obscure message on my monitor and why can’t I make it go away?
Computer monitors are smart devices these days but they too can fail. It’s not always your PC showing an error, and that message on your monitor might be from the monitor itself.
Why does my computer continually reboot?
There are many reasons a computer might get stuck continually rebooting. Fortunately there’s no need to lose data. You have several ways to get your data off there and with a little bit of luck you may get you a working system again as well.
How Do I Automatically Clean Out My Accumulation of Backups?
Many backup programs allow you to specify that old backups be deleted. It's not always obvious how, so I'll show you in Macrium Reflect.