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Let’s Chat – About Experiments and Fear

The power of just giving things a try…

Why ask and wait, when you could just experiment?

Experiments & Fear

In this video, I talk candidly about experimenting with technology and the fear that often holds us back. From trying out a new microphone to encouraging you to just “click and see what happens,” I share my own real-world mishaps and how they’re part of learning. Fear of breaking something or losing data is real, but with a good backup and a little confidence, you’ll be surprised how much you can do on your own. My goal is to help you feel more comfortable exploring, experimenting, and ultimately gaining confidence with your tech.

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2 comments on “Let’s Chat – About Experiments and Fear”

  1. I’ve been following Ask Leo! for over 10 years. I took to heart Leo’s preaching about backups and have become proficient in not only setting up a backup routine on all the household computers, but also in restoring backups.
    That has led to my willingness to experiment and see what I can do. I’ve modified Windows 11 on my computer to the point that if someone else were to sit down and use it, there would be a long pause while they tried to figure out why it doesn’t look like any other computer-beginning with the Start Menu. And it isn’t a third party add-on, just some Group Policy and registry tweaks.
    Have I broken Windows in the course of experimenting? Yep, that’s what backups are for. When Microsoft introduces some “improvement” that I find too irritating, I can usually find some way of changing it somewhere on the web. Either on Microsoft’s own websites or on a couple of other sites that I consider trustworthy.
    I go further than most people would, but hey, I’m retired and needed a hobby.

  2. I too am retired, and have been for over a decade. When I first started using a computer, some pundit of the time stated: “Experiment. You won’t break anything beyond repair, unless you get physically abusive with the hardware.” I was using MS-DOS 3.1 at the time, and I was an avid reader of BBS boards, on which hackers discussed their experiments (NOTE: hackers are NOT crackers! They experiment with their computers to see “What will happen if …”). Crackers is the correct term for those miscreants who inundate us with all that malware. Those animals aren’t hackers, they’re crackers, although they may do similar experiments. The difference is their intent.

    Back in my MS-DOS days, my experimentation was done mostly by creating batch files, or writing assembly scripts that I could compile with debug, and execute. Today, I experiment with bash in GNU/Linux, and Powershell in Windows, and by finding utilities I can use to make either Windows or GNU/Linux do things the way I want them to. For one example, I found a tool named ‘Starship’ that allows me to customize my bash prompt by creating and editing a configuration file named ‘starship.toml’, stored in the .config directory for my GNU/Linux user space. While at the developer’s website, I discovered that they produce a version for Windows, so I got it too, and now the command prompts for both my GNU/Linux terminal emulator and the Powershell terminal both look as similar as the two OSes allow. All I had to do in Windows was install starship, then create a .config folder under “C:\users\$USER”, and put a copy of my starship.toml file in it. Another experiment allows my Arch-based Garuda Linux installation to load with secure-boot enabled, and to automatically sign the new kernel image following an update. Garuda doesn’t support secure boot out-of-the-box, and it doesn’t sign the system kernel image, so, by default, secure boot must be disabled, or Garuda won’t load.

    The bottom line to all of this is, if you have a good backup regimen in place (periodic full system images accompanied by daily incremental/differential images), and you synchronize your important files (e.g.: those files you don’t want to risk losing) to a cloud service of your choice, you won’t break your computer, at least not badly enough that you can’t recover from anything you do ‘wrong’. It has been my experience that I learn as much, if not more, from the mistakes I’ve made than I learn from my successes. In fact, my successes are nearly always the result of an incremental progression of failures, until I learn enough to understand what works. I’ve come to call my experiments ‘adventures’, because they truly are. When I embark on a new adventure, I get excited, anticipating what’s to come, and when I find the solution to whatever I’m trying to learn to do, the satisfaction is greater than words can describe, because “I did that!” 🙂

    I hope that everyone who reads this learns to find as much adventure in experimenting as I have,



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